Towards the end chap One: act III: A New Star Approaches, Vicigers will be forced to fight with Boss Childe Genshin Impact, who is the eleventh member of Fatui Harbingers. This is the second sizable boss battle in the campaign and much like Stormterror this battle will take place in its own domain.
This time, VCGamers will provide information on how to beat Boss Childe in Genshin Impact. Childe is the first weekly boss who also appears as a character that Vicigers can acquire.
The Childe Genshin Impact Boss Battle will take place in Liyue in Golden House. This is where players will first fight him and where he will live after the Vicigers defeat him in the quest for the Archon.
How to Beat Childe

Keep in mind that Childe uses two elements during the game namely Hydro and Electro. With these two elements Childe can switch between long and close range in an instant. Therefore, the battle against Childe was a test endurance long and make Elemental RES potions and DEF food as a good thing for players to consider.
When doing battle, Vicigers can do evasion and mitigation in front of raw damage or the pamin will run out supplies. Don't forget to read his movements and wait for a gap to get damage sicker.
As for team building, inserts a hero of type healer is an absolute thing. Cryo heroes like Qiqi and Diona will be able to help the Vicigers team by providing Freeze during the Hydro phase as well as giving heals and shields to the team.
If you go this way, the Geo hero can do it damage which is quite a pain with Shatter, but it's time for Noelle's hero to shine with shields and healshis.
As for hero attackers, Pyro seems to be of good use. Using Xiangling and Bennett can give damage sustainable from Normal Attacks before, with Bennett able to provide ultimateher as heal backup and excellent ATK Boost.
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Phase One: Hydro

When the battle first starts, Childe will focus on using Hydro attacks. He would start using ranged moves with his arrows before splitting them into two daggers for close range if the Vicigers were close enough.
Vicigers had to keep a close eye on the shape of the weapon to know what to look out for. If Childe covered herself with Hydro's veil for a moment, that would be an impending attack. At that point Vicigers can deliver damage enough to crack it and lock up Childe.
When his HP reaches 1% or more, Vicigers should stay away from him. He will trigger a Hydro wave and can deal damage and then unlock veilits for hits another, reveals the shape of the electron.
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Phase Two: Electro, Delusion Unleashed

In Electro form, Childe would wield a polearm and even a longer twin dagger.
When the polearm came out, Childe would spin it like a stick and perform a long-reaching 180-degree frontal arc. Just like any other melee attack, Vicigers will surely run backwards to avoid it.
Then Childe will likely make a similar move with the weapon, at this point give it damage and dodge again. Then there would be a similar move where he would perform a few quick dagger slashes before ending with the same heavy swing, so if there wasn't a second long interval before the strike.
Vicigers have to deliver damage again to trigger it one more time, a lengthy cutscene will result in Childe becoming angry. In his final form, Vicigers must feel the pain damage AoEnya. If Vicigers crashes here, Vicigers will have to replay the entire cutscene again to get another chance.
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Third Phase: Harbingers

Now in Childe's angry phase, Childe will be in his true Harbinger form and unleash Hydro and Electro attacks at a moment's notice. He'll still be using his polearm/dagger combo (the type of weapon won't dictate which element he'll use), but things just get bigger like reach, acts, and damage.
In fact, the dagger had become so large that it could be classified as a sword. Like her character's playable form, her attacks leave an Elemental mark on the Vicigers hero, which can then be triggered by her many Elemental Bursts from opposing elements to massivedamage.
With the polearms in place, the cleave attack had to become a major concern again. Vicigers had to watch as the guns started to fire. When Childe held him by his side and leaned back, his gun would fire.
When lit this is the signal for the new and improved dash. It begins with linear attacks firing forward from guns, with Childe then teleporting to the end of the path and rushing back at the player several times, culminating in a gyser-style attack that erupts along the final path.
Ultimate Attacks

Once Childe's HP begins to decrease towards 50% HP, he will introduce Vicigers to attacks ultimateits very fast. Each ultimateit will bring up the existing sign of the opposite element that was already present when the players performed damage and usually leads to one shot.
He will deliver damage of the opposite type to the next ultimate as a means of applying the death mark against you.
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Rewards After Beating Childe

- Tusk of Monoceros Caeli
- Shard of a Foul Legacy
- Shadow of the Warrior
- Varunada Lazurite Ascension Crytals (depending on world level which ranges from fragments to gemstones)
- Vajrada Amethyst Ascension Crytals (depending on world level which ranges from fragments to gemstones)
- Shivada Jade Ascension Crystals (depending on world level which ranges from fragments to gemstones)
- Berserker Artifacts
- Artifacts Instructor
- The Exile Artifacts
- Gladiator's Finale Artifacts
- Wanderer's Troupe Artifacts