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Wasting Quota When Playing FF? Here's the Solution!

boros kuota main ff

Hola Vicigers! Many children and adolescents have played online game this one is FF (Free Fire). Games This can only be played if connected to the internet or using quota.

Even so, online game has more advantages than offline games where games This can be played with other players or our friends, the available features are also more complete online game compared offline games.

Owned player games this is relatively small when compared with games other popular ones like PUBGM or Rules of Survival the players consist of 100-120 people. Games FF (Free Fire) This can be played with only 50 players with a duration of about 10 minutes which is relatively short.

How much time is used for each time matches in games this will affect the quantity quota spent. Quota spent playing for 10 to 15 minutes which is about 1.6 MB.

If games it is played up to 10 times then quota in use is 16 MB in contrast to games PUGBM (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds Mobile) which of course drains quota more.

Maybe it will feel extravagant quota when games and the data isdownloads first time. Due to the size of the data from games it is quite large and can reach 600 MB and above. But if you compare with the size of the data games its competitor is PUBGM (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds Mobile), data size games FF (Free Fire) is still very small.

High Graphic Becomes a Wasteful Quota

There will be times where Graphics rendering required and will be better seen but will be wasteful quota if you do something like this. If graphic which is used continuously high then will spend quota which is quite a lot.

It won't be a problem for the users wifi, but different and quite complicated by using quota. Graphic that you use will continue ondownloads if rendering. Which of course will slowly be consumed and become more wasteful of quotas.

How to order Quota Economical

We have to pay attention to a few things in order quota what we use is not wasteful when playing online game especially FF. savings quota on games FF (Free Fire) this can indeed be done by taking advantage of the situation.

A number of games others can also apply this method or it can be said that this method does not only apply to games FF but also applies to games other.

Quota what is spent will not be excessive and will be more efficient if tips you use this on games FF. Ways to do to minimize wasteful quota when playing include:

  1. Enter the FF game (Free Fire), settings or settings you open
  2. If you can, setting Graphic games changed into low. But it can make an appearance games to be not as good as before.
  3. Then updates auto on games FF (Free Fire) is turned off, this is done so that no files are tarreddownloads without our knowledge.
  4. If it's finished games FF (Free Fire) immediately in restart.

That's how you can do to get around the wasteful problem quota while playing games on line including FF. There are several other ways as well that can be done to save quota, among others:

  1. Data usage is restricted

This is the simplest way that players can do. The trick is to enter the settings feature then type data usage, billing cycle, data limit and billing cycle. In that section, the maximum data usage to be used can be set.

  1. Choose games small to play

Not a little games which is currently downloaded or committed updates not suck quota which is too much. games this is also no less exciting and also not extravagant quota

  1. Feature auto update games turn off

This feature must have been included by the developers games on line especially games mobile. Of course, this will also drain quota.

  1. Play games along with social media applications is avoided

Habit of playing games while opening social media is not good. This is because it can cause quota internet drains more and battery will waste more.

Also Read: These 4 Best Items You Must Have in PUBG!

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  1. Hirzi muhana
