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Blue Specter, The Most Expensive Layla Skin That Can Drain Your Wallet

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The polemic about Layla's most expensive skin, which was viral at that time, is still being hunted by collectors, especially for players who have just joined the game. Mobile Legends in the following years.

Of the 8 Layla skins released by Moonton (9 if you include the default skin), there is one most expensive Layla skin whose presence is often used as a bone of contention for sultans and collectors.

Yes, that's right, the Layla Blue Specter skin is the only skin that cannot be obtained even by spending a lot of money. The reason is, this skin was only released once in an event held in several regions.

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Then, what are the reasons and other details for this Blue Specter skin to have an exorbitant price? Check it out by reading the reviews below.

3 Reasons Blue Specter Is Layla's Most Expensive Skin

Blue Specter Skin Released During Limited Event Only

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Blue Specter Default's Most Expensive Layla Skin Display

Blue Specter's most expensive Layla skin, which was released by Moonton around 2017, can only be obtained when players have a redeem code to exchange through an event held by Moonton.

The event can only be attended by players from the Philippines and Thailand. So, players are required to attend the event to get a redeem code that can be exchanged through each Mobile Legends account.

From how to get the most expensive Layla skin, it's actually quite simple. However, because this event only exists in these two countries, players who live in other countries will not get this skin.

As a result, many players have been trying to at least "try on" the most expensive and rarest Layla skin. Some of them are even willing to spend millions for this skin.

Blue Specter Skin Becomes One of Layla's Rare Skins

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Blue Specter's Most Expensive Layla Skin on the Hero Selection Screen

The Blue Specter skin has been named the most expensive Layla skin because of its rarity. This is definitely not about how much money is needed to buy the skin, but the pride and satisfaction for the players who own it.

In fact, if you compare the design of this most expensive Rare Layla skin with other skins, it's actually not that flashy.

However, in 2017 in particular, the effects and design of the most expensive and rare Layla skin are among the most modern of the other skins released in the same year. In addition, in that year Layla was still a meta hero in Mobile Legends.

Until now, players who still want to have the most expensive and rare Layla skin may still be haunted by their curiosity to try the skin which is said to be the most expensive and money can't even buy it.

Also read: Counter Layla On Gold Lane? Use These 12 Heroes!

Blue Specter Skin Has A Cool And Futuristic Design

The Blue Specter skin besides being the rare most expensive Layla skin, is of course a skin that has a futuristic design. This is also a milestone in the emergence of other futuristic-themed skins such as the SABER and VENOM squad skins along with the Starlight skin.

You can see that Moonton has provided a very exclusive design for Blue Specter's most expensive Layla skin. The most striking thing is Layla's appearance which resembles a cyborg.

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Blue Specter's Most Expensive Layla Skin and Her Hero Portrait

You can see Layla's face which is covered by a cyborg-style mask, which is combined with Layla's two braided hair style with light green color and purple gradations.

In terms of clothing, Layla wore a light blue, gray and black tightsuit uniform with her stomach showing.

The pants he is wearing are also now decorated with an ammunition holder for his Malefic Gun (Layla's weapon) which is also shown with a combination of purple and blue in a robotic style.

The most expensive Layla skin design is of course combined with Malefic Gun Layla which resembles a bazooka with a cyborg theme. Of course, this can be seen from the color scheme of the bazooka, which is a combination of light and dark blue and purple, black and gray.

layla's most expensive skin in the arena
Blue Specter's Most Expensive Layla Skin Appears in the Arena

The appearance of Layla's most expensive skin in the arena was also quite striking and quite luxurious for its time, but there were several visual effects that were changed from the usual skins.

First, the most expensive Layla skin gradation color when used is more dominant in light blue with purple gradations that can be seen directly from her hair. In fact, the bazooka is also exposed to this dominant color.

Meanwhile, for changes to the visual effect of the skill, only skill 2 offers a change in effect. There is an effect like a ball of electricity above the target affected by the skill.

Even though only with these two effect changes, Layla's most expensive skin, Blue Specter, is still crowned as one of Layla's most expensive and rarest skins.

Also read: 5 Mistakes You May Often Make When Playing Layla Mobile Legends

How to Get Layla's Blue Specter Skin

There aren't many ways you can get Layla's most expensive skin, because apart from being expensive, this skin is also very rare.

However, if you still want to get it, then you can do the two ways below, Vicigers.

Buying a Mobile Legends Account With Blue Specter Skin

This is quite a risky method because not everyone will want to sell their account with Blue Specter's most expensive Layla skin.

Besides that, if they are willing to sell their account, you will definitely be asked to redeem it at an exorbitant price, maybe enough to buy the anime skin 5 times.

Therefore, if you are ready physically, mentally and most importantly, fill your wallet, then you can only get the most expensive and rarest Layla skin.

Borrow a friend's account with the Blue Specter Skin

This method is the most economical, easy and no bother. You will be very lucky if one of Layla's most expensive skins, Blue Specter, is owned by your friend.

All you have to do is ask your friend to lend your account for a while so you can try this skin, which is said to be the most expensive and rare.

But, of course, don't prank your friends so they rank down, Vicigers. You might not be loaned again to play this Blue Specter skin.

Also read: Layla's Painful Build Items 2022

Apart from the latest update on Layla's skin and with her Miss Hikari skin, the most expensive and rarest Layla skin still falls on the Blue Specter skin. If you are curious, please do the two methods above and feel the sensation, Vicigers!

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  1. Justin Astronomo

    The rarest skin was first released around 2017 through an event.

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