There are 5 heroes that are the most suitable for using Bloodlust Ax in ML Mobile Legends. So, who are the heroes who can use it? Check the details on this page.
As an offensive item in Mobile Legends, Bloodlust Ax ML is classified as one of the most frequently used items. This 1,970 gold item will provide 70 physical attacks, a 10 percent reduction in cooldown time, and 20 percent Spell Vamp.
Bloodlust Ax ML is suitable for physical damage-based heroes who rely on skill attacks rather than big attacks. In addition, this course is suitable for skills with low cooldown or for skills with high level damage.
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Right now there are lots of heroes in Mobile Legends who really need Bloodlust Ax ML. Often there are those who need this, Hero-core, who need rescue skills, as well as Offline Heroes, who need to be strong to keep the job. So, look at the following list of heroes, okay!
List of Heroes with Bloodlust Ax ML Items

Granger is an MM that is known to have very high explosive damage. Granger as a shooter does not focus on damage per second (DPS).
Granger, which is armed with long explosive damage, can deal great damage to enemies in a relatively short time. In fact, only armed with a combination of skills - Rhapsody and Rondo, Granger can instantly kill enemy HP.
As a skill-based MM, Granger is perfect for using Bloodlust Ax ML. Shortening the cooling time and increasing the physical attack of this item can increase Granger's damage output.
Apart from that, Granger can also rely on the Bloodlust Ax Spell Vamp effect, which is a skill that converts HP directly into attacks.

Hayabusa requires a short skill cooldown and a high level of physical attack to kill enemies quickly. It's no wonder that Hayabusa is one of the heroes that Bloodlust Ax ML really needs in battle.
By reducing cooldown time and increasing physical attacks, Hayabusa can increase enemy damage. In addition, the Spell Vamp effect on these items can also be combined with the Phantom Strike ability to instantly replenish a small amount of HP.
Hayabusa is a deadly ninja in the Land of Dawn. Hero Assassin relies on the level of damage per second (DPS) to kill enemies. In this case, Hayabusa relies heavily on the number of physical attacks it has.
More physical attacks this item becomes an important variable to increase DPS. In addition, shortening the cool-down time plays an important role in maintaining strength through the Hayabusa skill.

Lancelot is a very strong MM, as a melee fighter has good speed with a long combination of damage, this hero is quite dangerous, judging from the way he fights, of course the role of Bloodlust Ax ML really helps him survive.
The longer Lancelot survives, the more damage the money will do, the bigger it will be. This means that Lancelot fits perfectly with the list of heroes who need it.
Lancelot needs it to support the battle show. Because Lancelot requires high physical attacks and Spell Vamp abilities to survive in battle. The longer Lancelot lives, the more damage he can do.
Lancelot is classified as an Assassin with a deadly combination of skills. All the skills can synergize in a different order and attack the enemy in all conditions.
In retrospect, this item played an important role for Lancelot. Because this item can improve the performance of an aggressive fighting style which is Lancelot's main strength.

Khaleed as a prominent warrior has always been the main target. That this one hero must have a strong defense. Spell Vamp is what helps him survive the battle.
Khaleed's skill-based fighting style is the main reason he needs Bloodlust Ax ML. After completing her first skill, she gains HP and the Vampire Blood Bile spell, which keeps her alive throughout the game.
Attack skills, especially skill 1 which is the main source of damage, must be developed by Khaleed. Reducing the skill cooldown duration and increasing physical attack are the two main variables of this item for Khaleed.
As a frontline fighter, Khaleed is always the target of enemy attacks. These conditions forced Khaleed to have good defense skills. This item has a Spell Vamp effect which helps Khaleed live in battle.
Spell Vamp really helps Khaleed get HP through the first skill - Desert Tornado. By getting at least 20 percent Spell Vamp from this item, Khaleed can last a little longer in battle.
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X. Borg

In his 1st skill, X.Borg's damage is very large, when he reaches the highest level, he takes out quite a lot of pain damage from the enemy. With the help of a bloodthirsty axe, this ever-aggressive game hero can quickly get his blood back.
This item also serves to extend the duration of the fire, because it increases X.Borg's blood from the magic vampire effect. X.Borg requires Bloodlust Ax ML to reduce the cooldown time and Spell Vamp effect. As a hero who is always aggressive in the game, the Spell Vamp effect is very important for this cyborg hero.
And here X.Borg can maximize the Spell Vamp effect on this item. With a high and continuous level of skill 1 damage, X.Borg can get blood quickly.
Even if you use Ulti. Bloodlust Ax extends the duration of the fire, because the Spell Vamp effect also increases blood. Therefore, the enemy will take more damage before the explosion.
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Those are the 5 heroes who are most suitable for using the Bloodlust Ax ML item in the Land of Dawn. They would be so OP using it.