Mythic rank push in Mobile Legends not easy to achieve, especially if you are a Tank user. However, there are some of the best jungler tank heroes that can be used.
You may have noticed that the jungle tank hero is on the rise in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. It all started with patch 1.6.08, when the battle spell Retribution was buffed to deal more damage based on the hero's max HP. When patch 1.6.66 was released, many tank heroes were buffed.
After a few hits and misses in competitive play, the meta jungle tank has suddenly become all the rage among the pro players this season. In fact, it was so popular that ranked players followed suit, to great success.
There are many heroes that can be played in this position. Here are the best jungle tank heroes to help Vicigers friends achieve mythic in the Land of Dawn. Use this jungle tank hero to control your Mobile Legends leaderboard.
List of MLBB Jungle Tank Heroes

One of the best jungle tank heroes in today's meta is Baxia. What makes this hero so effective is that he can instantly flip cards using his first skill, Baxia-Shield Unity. He also makes him a reliable ganker on the sidelines, because of his skills that can shock enemies who follow him.
His passive Baxia Mark also reduces enemy HP rain and shields by 30 percent, making him the right choice in the current meta jungle tank.
If you think Uranus is the "most complete" tank in the tank, then you don't understand Baxia's potential. Yes, this Hero Tank has everything suitable for a jungle, from strength, damage, mobility, ability to control the host to the ability to fight junglers.
It's called Hero Tank, sustainability has to be an advantage. But Baxia is even more special. Because he has a passive skill that can reduce enemy damage. The ability to reduce this damage can also be greater if the last skill is active.
In addition, Baxia has a natural ability to rain, which also comes from passive skills. As a result, he is stronger in battle than in field combat, when he faces heroes specializing in junglers, such as X. Borg, Ruby or Uranus.

Karina is officially registered as an assassin, but players have been building defense items on her for some time. Karina already has enough base damage from her skills, and building tank items on her makes her more lethal in teamfights.
He was so strong in ranked play that most players ended up banning him every game.
According to MLBB statistics, Shadow Blade is currently the most banned hero at 58.8 percent. If for some reason he isn't banned, lock him up immediately. Karina is definitely the best jungle tank hero at the moment.

The next best jungle tank hero is Akai. Akai was recently reworked in patch 1.6.62. He is now playable in EXP lanes, jungle, or roam, unlike before when he was only viable as a roamer primarily managing team fights.
All of his skills now mark enemy heroes, unlike his previous kit, where only his second skill, Blender, could be used to tag enemies. BOdy Slam was also tweaked, making it easier to throw and more effective at setting up his ultimate, Hurricane Dance.
Since most of his damage skills scale with HP, it is recommended to build pure defensive items on him. If you want a fun hero to play in the forest that will surely catch your opponent off guard, Akai is the master.

Uranus is one of the best choices for jungle tank heroes. The reason is simple. It is a perfect tank in defensive items like Attack, so it deserves to take the lead in battle.
From a defensive standpoint, Uranus is very difficult to kill if you have enough items. Because it has the power of HP Rain which is very "fast" every time it is hit. Therefore, he might end up being "immortal forever" later in the game if the enemy didn't have the chance to intervene.
In addition, his offensive capabilities are also undeniable. This is a tank with a lot of damage. That's why Uranus is always unexpectedly capable of killing enemies in battles and field battles.
His damage will also help him clear the forest quickly. Its excellent performance also complements the two previous capacities. Uranus has the ability to silence Skill 2 and also increases movement speed until the last skill.
Also read: Uranus Vs Baxia, Which Jungler is the Best in Mobile Legends?

Compared to Uranus or Baxia, Belerick doesn't have full abilities. However, there is one particular reason that makes this Hero Tank an attractive choice, namely its ability to see enemy damage. Thanks to its passive ability, Belerick functions like something Blade Armor.
If he takes a certain amount of damage, enemies around him will take visible damage. That's why he would be a terrible person in war. Apart from that, he also suffers great damage from his 2nd skill, so he can start farming right away.
Also read: 5 Weaknesses of Hero Belerick in Mobile Legends, It's Easy to Get Caught!
This skill can also make him move faster and restore Belerick's HP after his attack hits an enemy. Belerick also benefited from team priorities. Because it has the ability to get extra HP from 40 percent of HP obtained from items as emblems.