Best PS1 Games Recommendations of All Time
Have you ever felt the sensation of playing games on PS1? If you have, of course it will be very exciting. This legendary console really provides a lot of memories for 90s generation gamers.
The graphics, which may look ordinary now, were already very sophisticated! Moreover, the game is really fun.
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Nah, buat kamu yang pengen nostalgia atau penasaran sama games PS1 terbaik, yuk kita simak ulasannya!
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Metal Gear Solid

Wah, jarang ada game PlayStation jaman dulu yang punya dunia 3D secanggih ini, kayak nonton film aja! Banyak game lain yang ngikutin gaya Metal Gear Solid yang simpel tapi jago soal mengendap-endap.
What's most interesting, until now, is how creative this game is. Just imagine, important information is hidden in the original game packaging, or given ketchup so you can pretend to be injured.
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night

Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night really goes against the grain! When all games are pursuing 3D, this 2D game actually reminds us that cool graphics are not always more important than cool gameplay.
Different from the previous Castlevania, Symphony of the Night will give you the freedom to explore a large castle that opens when Alucard gains new powers.
The RPG elements of this game are also very good. The graphics are still nice to look at even though it's been a while, and the music is top notch!
Because this game is so cool, the exploration platformer game genre like this is now nicknamed "Metroidvania".
Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7 is a winner in terms of quality! Naturally, it's legendary. The background is really cool because it uses images that were created first. Apart from that, the magic animations in this game are also very cool and the music is among the best of all time.
But actually, the story of Cloud, Sephiroth, and saving the planet is cool not only because it's grand. The story can also be touching because there are always moments that make us feel close to the characters.
With an epic story but moments like this, it's really easy for us to feel what they're doing!
Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 This is like "Aliens" from Resident Evil, right? What does that mean? Try to remember how tense the first game was, then suddenly you were bored! The first zombie appears.
Well, Resident Evil 2 is different. From the start screen alone, you can feel excited. The budget is bigger, the story is more action-packed, like an upgraded sequel.
But don't worry, even though you were attacked by zombies and monsters from the start, there were still scary moments. When Leon or Claire wander through a dark weapons shop, or when you catch a glimpse of that disgusting licker creature, you're guaranteed to get goosebumps!
Oh yes, the cool thing is, the decisions you make when you play for the first time can have an effect on the storyline when you play again later. Very exciting, right?
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

The first Tony Hawk's Pro Skater was really popular because of its extreme skateboarding style combined with a platform game concept. It's no surprise that the sequel is eagerly awaited.
Neversoft really champions this game. The levels are really cool, to this day they are still among the best in this series. What's even more exciting is that the goals you have to achieve at each level are doubled!
Apart from that, the new manual movements make the skateboard combos you can do even more varied and cool.
Bored? Just make your own skateboard park!
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Bisa dikatakan jika game ini merupakan mahakarya di konsol PS1. Judul yang mempopulerkan genre farming simulation ini akan selalu menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kenangan indah yang lekat akan nuansa nostalgia.
Meski game ini termasuk ke dalam RPGs dengan kualitas grafis 3D (masa itu sudah salah satu yang terbagus), namun versi Bahasa Indonesia-nya sendiri tidak memerlukan space yang terlalu besar loh! Cocok buat pecinta size minim.
King’s Field

Kalau kamu suka tantangan yang lebih besar dengan ukuran game yang sangat kecil, kamu bisa coba game King’s Field.
With a size of only 5.5MB, this game offers an RPG experience with dark and challenging underground world exploration. Although simple, this game still provides a unique experience.
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