
Best Pokémon ROM Hacks For A Nostalgic Refreshment

Published by
Artaz Gang

Best Pokémon ROM Hacks For A Nostalgic Refreshment

The use of ROMs has become a common practice among Pokémon fans. Typically, these are pirated versions of games that no longer receive official support.

Of the many available, some ROMs have been hacked so that it feels like modding. Now for Vicigers Those who need recommendations, just read this complete review!

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Emulator Culture And Pokémon ROM Hacks

Pokémon ROM Hacks. Source: Nintendo

Sebagai sebuah “alternatif”, emulator memberikan keleluasaan bagi gamers yang ingin menikmati banyak game lawas. Tujuan “konsumsinya”-pun terbilang cukup beragam.

Buat para gamers “senior”, ini cocok untuk bernostalgia; sedangkan bagi “junior”, ini memberi kesempatan mencicip game lawas: keduanya dapat memperkuat basis fanbase Pokémon.

Tak hanya itu, “tren” ini turut membuka kemungkinan beragam versi ROM yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif. Berbagai versi inilah yang dilabeli oleh komunitas Pokémon dengan istilah “hacks”.

Best Pokémon ROM Hacks Recommendations Version VCGamers

Pokemon Greninja. Source: Youtube

Now let's go straight to the main discussion, namely the best Pokémon ROM hacks recommendations. Generally, you can get them from various cyber communities on the internet.

Namun VCGamers mengingatkan untuk dapat berhati-hati ketika mengunduh file ROM hacks-nya. Pastikan sumbernya berasal dari thread para pengembang ‘asli’-nya.

That way, you can minimize the risk of downloading malware or other dangerous things from the internet. And without further ado, here is the complete list:

Pokémon NTEVO

Example of Pokémon NTEVO Emerald similar to the original. Source: Official Site

Di tempat pertama untuk ROM hacks Pokémon terbaik ada versi “No Trade Evolution” atau yang dikenal dengan “NTEVO”. Simpelnya, ROM ini cocok untuk para pengguna emulator.

As the name suggests, in this ROM hack, various Pokémon that need to be traded in order to evolve, can still do so without having to trade. Yep, that's all the changes.

This certainly makes things easier for emulator players (who generally don't have trading capabilities) and is suitable for those who like the original version of Pokémon without any significant changes.

Pokémon Crystal Clear (bynine)

Pokémon Crystal Clear (bynine). Source: Official Site

In the second entry there is Pokémon Crystal Clear for the Game Boy Color (GBC) emulator version. It is quite clear from the name, this ROM hacks is an adaptation of the second generation Pokémon Crystal version.

Dikembangkan oleh ‘bynine’ (ditulis dengan huruf kecil), user aktif komunitas Pokémon di jagat maya ini berinisiatif untuk mengembangkan update dari versi tersebut.

As a result, the development has typical retro graphics of GBC but with gameplay like the latest generation! Of course this can be an option for those who do not have Nintendo Switch.

Pokémon Crystal Clear (ShockSlayer)

Pokémon Crystal Clear (ShockSlayer). Source: Official Site

For the third entry, there is still a modding of Pokémon Crystal with a similar title. The difference is, this ROM hacks is a different development from a community user named ShockSlayer.

Unlike the owner of bynine, the main theme of this version is to maintain the originality of Pokémon Crystal. For example, you will not find Pokémon outside of the second generation.

Bisa dibilang, versi ShockSlayer hanya “meremajakan” Pokémon Crystal agar dapat seperti generasi terbaru, dan memiliki fitur unggulan sesuai keinginan komunitas Pokémon secara luas.

Pokémon Gaia

Pokémon Gaia. Source: Official Site

And finally, there is Pokémon Gaia. Unlike the three entries above, this ROM hack actually offers a Pokémon gameplay that is completely out of the original line-up.

Dikembangkan oleh anggota komunitas bernama Spherical Ice, Pokémon Gaia menggunakan basis versi Fire Red (Game Boy Advance – GBA) sebagai fondasi sprite-nya.

Namun alih-alih hanya stuck di “Kanto”, ROM hacks ini memberi kesempatan untuk berpetualang di region baru berjuluk Orbtus: pas buat kamu-kamu yang butuh variasi jalan cerita baru!

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Well, that was the discussion about the best Pokémon ROM hacks version VCGamers. Also make sure if you need gaming micro/macrotransactions, only at VCGamers Marketplace yes!

Artaz Gang