Bermuda is the most popular map of Garena Free Fire. Here we will look at the 5 best landing spots on the Bermuda Free Fire map for beginners.
Garena Free Fire's battle royale mobile game is one of the most popular games in its respective genre. In this article, we will look at the 5 best landing spots on the Free Fire Bermuda Map for beginners.
Garena has amassed immense popularity of millions of active users in recent years. Free Fire offers four maps for players to choose from, namely Bermuda, Purgatory, Kalahari, Bermuda Remastered.
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The most common and popular map among them is Bermuda. Let's take a look at the 5 best landing spots on the Free Fire Bermuda Map for beginners.
The Best Landing Places on the Free Fire Bermuda Map
Bermuda being the most popular in this game. Even though everyone knows the location and terrain of Bermuda, the map is still difficult to beat. Forming a good strategy and implementing it in matches will definitely benefit any team.
Choosing a good landing spot is one of the important aspects players should keep in mind when strategizing for a map like Bermuda. Therefore players, especially beginners, must choose a place where they can start effectively. Just scroll below.
Mars Electric

Mars Electric is in fifth place in the list of the 5 best landing spots on the Bermuda Free Fire Map for beginners. Located on the edge of Bermuda, Mars Electric offers good loot and less enemy damage since it's in a corner of the map.
Here you can easily find top level loot like sniper rifles, vests and many more. However, it may take some time for you to explore the whole place.
There is a high probability of finding a good amount of loot on Mars Electric with a small chance of encountering a skilled opponent. Mars Electric is located at the southern end of the map and has a relatively small number of players.
Although beginners may encounter some enemies, there is a good chance of escaping. Consequently, you should choose Mars Electric, as long as it is located within reach of the flight path.

Hangar is one of the best places to land on the Free Fire Bermuda Map. This area is mostly open and most of the combat takes place at a good distance.
While this area offers good loot, the main advantage that makes it a great place to land is its placement in the middle of the map. You can land here most of the game and loot with troops.

Peak is the most popular place on the Bermuda Free Fire map. The location was placed in the center and surrounded a large area. Here you will be able to find excess buildings where you will be able to get good loot and items.

Mill is one of the best locations on the Free Fire Bermuda Map to find good loot. Even though the buildings are limited, the location has a lot for you and your team to prepare in the game.
That location is placed right on the top right side of the map and you can also find a Vending Machine there so you can pick up your choice of items by collecting FF coins.
Also read: 5 Best Looting Places in Free Fire in Bermuda

This location is located on the left side of the Bermuda map and is considered a good loot store here and good enough for several teams. Similar to other places, you can also have access to a vending machine here to help you out.
Since it's located on the left side of the map, you have to rush to the middle of the safe zone. There are vehicles appearing here for players to cut through the easy rotation to the safe zone.
Also read: Playing on Free Fire Bermuda Remastered? Here Are Top 5 Secret Tricks To Win
That's the list of the top 5 best landing spots on the Free Fire Bermuda map for those of you who are still novice players.