Recommended Best Paquito Combo, Auto Pro!

Combo Paquito

Use combos on every hero in the game Mobile Legends Of course you need your own skills. Likewise with the combo for Paquito.

This hero's ability can lock the opponent and deliver burstdamage Its height makes it a deadly choice in a variety of situations.

However, to maximize its potential, you need to understand the skill combo well. The following are some recommendations for the best Paquito combos that you can try.

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Recommended Best Paquito Combo

In this article we will discuss it in three parts (early game, mid game and late game). Therefore you can use it in these three conditions.

Early Game

paquito combo
Hero Paquito. Source OzaRess YouTube Channel.

Paquito is famous for his strength in the early game, thanks to his burst damage and crowd control. Here are two Paquito combos that you can use to dominate the early game:


This combo is suitable for trading damage with opposing heroes in the early game.

  • Skill 1: Use Skill 1 to attract your opponent towards you.
  • Basic Attack: Perform a basic attack to slow down the opponent.
  • Skill 2: Use Skill 2 to lift your opponent into the air.
  • Basic Attack: Perform another basic attack to maximize damage.
  • Skill 1: Use Skill 1 again to push your opponent towards the wall.
  • Skill 3: Immediately use Skill 3 to deal large damage and knock the opponent into the wall.
Also read: 5 Sickest Paquito Combo Variations, You Must Take Note!

Clear Minions Fast

This combo is suitable for cleaning minions quickly and efficiently, so you can get levels and gold faster.

  • Skill 1: Use Skill 1 to attract all minions towards you.
  • Skill 2: Use Skill 2 to lift all minions into the air.
  • Skill 3: Immediately use Skill 3 to deal large AoE damage and clear all minions.

Mid Game

paquito combo
Combo Paquito. Source Mas Ber Gaming Channel.

Once you are ready with several items for this hero, you can use several combos below;

Burst Damage

This combo focuses on dealing large damage to one target in a short time. Suitable for finishing off core heroes fight or kill a lone squishy hero.

  • Use Skill 1 to attract your opponent towards you.
  • Use Basic Attacks to slow down your opponent.
  • Use Skill 2 to lift your opponent into the air.
  • Immediately use Skill 3 to deal massive damage and knock your opponent out.
  • Use Basic Attack and Skill 1 again to finish off your opponent.

Poke and Chase

This combo focuses on providing continuous damage to the opponent and chasing them. Suitable for draining your opponent's HP and forcing them to retreat.

  • Use Skill 1 to attract opponents towards you.
  • Use Skill 2 to push your opponent back.
  • Use Basic Attack to deal additional damage.
  • Use Skill 1 again to attract the opponent towards you and repeat steps 2-3.

Late Game

Late Game
Paquito's combo skills. Source YouTube Channel The Q Pal.

Entering the Late Game phase in Mobile Legends, Paquito transforms into an unstoppable fighting machine. With the right items and mastered combos, you can finish off the opposing team alone!

One-Shot Combo

This combo focuses on high burst damage to finish off one opponent's hero quickly.

  • Use Ultimate to attract targets towards you.
  • Immediately use Skill 1 to slow down the target.
  • Use Basic Attack to strengthen the effect of Skill 1.
  • Use Skill 2 to lift the target into the air.
  • Immediately use Skill 3 in the right direction to deal massive damage and finish off the target.

Teamfight Disruption

This combo focuses on crowd control and disruption to disrupt the opposing team's formation and open up opportunities for your team to attack.

  • Use Skill 2 to attract several enemy heroes towards you.
  • Use Skill 1 to push the opponent's hero towards the wall.
  • Use Ultimate to kick the opponent's hero in the opposite direction.
  • Use Basic Attack and Skill 3 to provide additional damage to scattered enemy heroes.
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What are Paquito's weaknesses?

Hero's Weakness
Paquito. Source: VCGamers.

Even though he is a strong hero with various advantages, he also has several weaknesses that you need to be aware of before you use him.

Low Mobility

It has low mobility compared to fighter heroes other. He doesn't have the skills to jump, run fast, or move places quickly. This makes him vulnerable to ganking and poke from long-range heroes.

Dependence on Skills

Paquito relies heavily on his skills to provide damage and crowd control. If he runs out of mana, he will become a weak hero and easy to beat.

Easy Counter

Paquito is easy to counter by heroes with strong crowd control, such as Franco, Khufra, and Minotaur. These heroes can easily stop Paquito's combo and make him helpless.

Less Effective in Late Game

In the late game, when other heroes have stronger items, Paquito's damage is not as strong as in the early game. He also becomes more vulnerable to burst damage from assassin and marksman heroes.

With practice and mastering the right combos, you can become a pro Paquito and dominate battles in the Land of Dawn!

Also read: Recommended Hero Counter Paquito ML

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