Mia Mobile Legends is the most basic marksman character. Recently he got an update from Moonton and is now completely transformed with new skills and cool passive skills.
Miya Mobile Legends is one of the easiest characters to use, only if you know the position and how to use it. To help you master it easily, we will provide some Miya Mobile Legends guides regarding easy tricks and tips to master it easily.
In the Miya Mobile Legends guide, we will see the best emblems, builds, including tips and tricks to get to victory with Miya Mobile Legends.
Miya Mobile Legends Guide for the Best Build

The newly revamped Miya Mobile Legends has mid-late game skills and she is the best in her late game. At the beginning of the game, you have to play a bit safe and pick up the necessary buffs and clear the path.
In the Mid Game, you can gank easily but you always have to be behind the tank. During the late game, you can easily engage and kill any opponent. Miya's endgame damage is OP. Here is the Miya Mobile Legends guide for the best builds.
Damage Build
You can play this build only if you have good tank support at all times. Don't play if the enemy has heroes like Selena, Helcurt, or Gusion.
The build started with the Swift as a regular sniper boot. Then Demon hunter to increase attack speed and lifesteal.
Early Game build
Grab this build if you want to get started on Miya's early game easily. But for this build, you need the Retribution spell. Don't use this if the enemy has heroes with high CC skills like Tigreal, Cecilion, and Atlas.
Build started with Raptor Machete and speed boots as Marksman boot.
Miya Mobile Legends Guide for the Best Emblem Sets

Emblem Sets
You can use Assassin Emblem and Marksman Emblem for Miya. For Assassin Emblem, set +3 Agility for maximum movement speed.
Second set, +3 Invasion for maximum Physical Penetration. Set three, Killing Spree to get a 15 percent increase in HP every time you get a kill.
For Emblem Marksman, you can set +3 Fatal for maximum Critical damage. Second set, +3 Swift for max attack speed. The third set, Look for weaknesses to slow down evasive enemies.
Miya Mobile Legends Gameplay Tips

Miya is best played on the gold lane or the bottom lane. So tell teammates to rotate down in the middle if the enemy marks you from the start. According to the gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Check out the Miya Mobile Legends guide so that the gameplay is good below.
Early Game
If you use retribution, start the match by taking the red buff first. This will give you an increase in initial damage.
After picking up the red buff, turn down to the lower path to clear the minions. Don't try to push the turret guard there alone.
If you want to gank, wait for teammates, especially tanks. After clearing the minions, kill the golden crabs and the camp. Wait for the minions to come and clean it up. Because Miya doesn't have dodge skills without her ult, so try not to push alone.
Also read: The Best Mage Mobile Legends for New Beginners
Mid Game
In the mid game try playing in the mid lane with your tank and mage to drop the turret and ambush the enemy. After you finish the initial core build, Miya will easily deal heavy damage now just use her passive well.
Miya's secret to heavy damage lies there. Miya is a basic attack-based marksman so she doesn't have a specific skill combo.
Late Game
In the late game, if Miya is fed, she can easily melt tanks like Uranus and Hylos in a second or two. But you should always gank with the team even if you are fed.
Being a sniper, you should always be focused on killing but don't need to get too involved. When you see the tanks retreating, you should also back off to give them initial support. Defeat Lord whenever possible and achieve victory.
Also read: The Top 5 Most Difficult Heroes to Master in the Mobile Legends Game, Is there a Hero you can rely on?
Miya is now a very strong marksman and you can easily compare her to other meta mms like Karrie and Moskov. This Miya Mobile Legends guide is for reference only.
He didn't have a special dash skill but an ultimate skill and the two made up for it. If Miya is played patiently, she can definitely become the best late game hard carry in the rank match. The Miya Mobile Legends guide above cannot be used as the main reference. That's all the Miya Mobile Legends guide that we can convey.