Check this page to see what are the best Masha gameplay tips on Mobile Legends 2022 so you can use it properly. Don't be a noob bro!
Masha is one of the most popular fighter heroes in Mobile Legends, this hero is often used and fought against when playing rank. His fighting skills are very good, this hero can easily shoot opposing heroes and kill in one-on-one combat.
We already know that Masha's gameplay can be played as a tank or sidelaner because of its versatility. Even though he has high HP, he is still squishy in the early game and is very weak against CC heroes.
Masha's gameplay should be focused on taking down targets and targeting the enemy's backline. However, a player should need a good understanding of the map to bring out the best from any hero.
According to Masha's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Mobile Legends guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid and late game.
Gameplay Masha MLBB
Early Game

He wasn't very popular in high-level matches. After the final adjustment, Masha has the highest HP. Players can use this advantage to harass enemy laners. He can cut through waves of minions very quickly and spin around to help the team.
Wave cutting means clearing waves before they get close to allied minions. Doing this will allow for faster roaming and create pressure on enemies.
He can win 1 on 1 against most melee fighters. So there's no need to be afraid to swap HP with laners. Make sure not to stay too long in one lane when cutting waves, otherwise two or three enemies will be there to gang up on you.
If you take the Exp Lane route at the start of the game, it will give him many advantages, one of which is fast at level four and has a large farming area.
The focus of the game on this hero at the beginning of the game is to position yourself to upgrade, defend towers in the Exp Lane and destroy towers in the opponent's alley.
You don't need to wander around and lead open combat at this stage, it's because you're not dealing enough damage to kill the enemy.
Mid Game

Just remember that. Masha's gameplay must be adapted to her latest skill changes. Also, he could greatly benefit from item changes. He is not that good in team fights. Use every opportunity to push the turret. Arrival is the best spell for this job.
Arrival spells can be used to push lanes with minions or defend lanes. By doing this, enemies will be forced to defend their towers and teammates will have an easier time taking down targets with a numerical advantage.
You can kill the backline squishy easily. It's best not to start a teamfight alone as a player. Always try to backdoor slippery enemies like mage or marksman.
Your task is to prevent the tower from being attacked by enemies, thanks to the ability to rarely remember, because of this hero's ability, HP rains easily and you have 3 HP bars that can be filled continuously.
As for farming, you can steal your opponent's jungle, cut the track and attack hermit crabs if you can't get to the core hero. Play as much as possible so you don't fall into the lane you are watching.
Late Game

Masha's gameplay is very strong in the late game. Very difficult to kill 1 on 1 without good cc skills. He can destroy squishy heroes instantly while taking great damage due to his large HP. Even a tank will have a hard time enduring its damage.
Another benefit of playing him is that he can take down Lords very quickly on his own while his teammates keep the enemies busy. She can also do a backdoor to the enemy's base easily if the enemy is not careful in defending his base and doesn't care about Masha's split push ability.
You have to play barbarian on this stage and try to close the opponent's heroes. However, you still have to play the target by destroying the opponent's tower and also killing the Lord, don't focus on kill points.
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If in an emergency, try to do a split, just ignore the team fighter and leave the attacks to the tanks, support and shooters.
Your task is to clear two orders and create shards. The more you push, the better the chance to come back.
Recently, the developers made some useful tweaks to it. They wanted to play him more of a tank than a Fighter or Split-pusher.
With his recent transformation he has become a very versatile hero, he can have the most HP in the game, even more HP than the game's toughest tanks like Hylos and Belerick. At level 1, he has the most HP.
Even though you don't have team fighting skills, you can easily beat most of the melee heroes 1 on 1 in the early game. An excellent pick for ranked play, he's definitely a good pick for the current meta.
Masha's gameplay tips will definitely help guide easy wins with her in Mobile Legends.
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That's all for today's Masha Mobile Legends gameplay tips. Would you prefer to use it some other way? Let us know in the comments section below!