Check this page so you know the best Jawhead gameplay tips on Mobile Legends 2022. Don't skip it, bro!
Jawhead Bang Bang Mobile Legends is a very strong Fighter/Tank type hero with a good set of Stun, Area of Effect, Burst damage, and Knock up. You can play him like a very supportive fighter.
Basically, his passive skill increases his basic attack damage and when he activates his skill 2, he gains a thick shield. He can easily kill squishy heroes with the help of his ultimate. In the M2 event some time ago, the most banned and selected hero was Jawhead.
He is quite difficult to play as a hero type. You can play it as a Fighter, Initiator, or Tank too.
In this guide, we will take a look at Jawhead's best gameplay tips to pave his way to victory with him in Mobile Legends 2022.
Gameplay Jawhead MLBB
Jawhead is a sustain hero who can be used as a fighter or semi tank. You can play it as a fighter with a 1-2-2 rotation or you can also play it as a tank by playing it in the mid lane. When choosing him, you have to decide on his role as a Fighter or Semi Tank according to the team.
According to Jawhead's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Jawhead Mobile Legends gameplay guide covers the perfect game plan for early game, mid game and late game.
Early Game

As a fighter, if you play with him, you have to go to the Exp Lane and hold him and push him; until your carry gets the core item to get the kill.
Don't leave your lane open for enemy pushes. Prioritize Endless Battle as the first item, as it gives him mana, attack damage, and reduced CD simultaneously.
You need to play barbarian, use your dual skills to play barbarian and destroy everything that the enemy heroes do.
Help and protect the core heroes when farming or war, don't focus too much on push turrets or roaming. You must be willing to die to protect the core heroes, this is done so that the core heroes are safe and able to carry the team.
As a Tank, first buy a courage mask and help your carry to farm faster in the early game phase. Buy boots according to the enemy damage dealer. Combo as below;
- Skill 2+ Skill 1+ Skill 2+ Skill 4
Mid Game

In the mid-phase, help your carry to get the turtle buff and do a quick rotation to the mid or bottom lane with your team. Try hiding in the bushes to gank the enemy damage dealer and slow down his farming ratio. But don't forget to push lane.
Push turrets put pressure on the enemy to focus more on your lane than the team's carry. Create a continuous attack build so he can initiate team fights.
Always try to throw enemy heroes into your turret or throw minions at enemies to stun them. You can even use skill 2 to save the team.
Take advantage of your passive skills when fighting enemy heroes, keep using basic attacks to kill enemies, don't rely on skills. Use ultimate skills and two only for enemy core heroes, don't focus on Fighter heroes let alone Tanks.
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Late Game

In this phase, Jawhead's gameplay shines the most because it gets a continuous build. Meanwhile, try to attack as many enemy carries as possible.
If you play as a fighter on a team, use max 2 sustain build and if you play as a tank on a team, use max 4 sustain build. You can use combos like this;
- Skill 3+ Skill 1+ Skill 2
Jawhead hasn't received any major buffs or nerfs recently. But he is quite popular nowadays because of his unique playing style. Not only that, M2 Championship shows us how deadly he can be with the right skill casting techniques.
If you are not a tank lover but want to do some damage and see yourself on the MVP list; then feel free to take it and increase the rating in this season. He is a flexible hero and a popular choice too.
This hero is one of the deadliest Fighter heroes in ML, this hero has very good fighting skills. Even though he is a Fighter hero, he is more often used as a Tank hero.
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These Jawhead gameplay tips will definitely help you guide easy wins with him in Mobile Legends.