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Best Ruby Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

The best Ruby gameplay is to focus on open wars and giving the team the opportunity to kill enemies who are being ganked.
Game Ruby

Ruby is a very popular Fighter and Tank hero in the game Mobile Legends. This hero has the specialty of having a very high physical lifesteal. When playing this hero can be used as a Fighter hero guarding offlaners or as a Tank hero guarding core heroes.

This is because he has great damage and also a very deadly crowd control skill. You won't lose using this hero, he's still OP in Mobile Legends.

Gameplay Ruby MLBB

This segment of our Mobile Legends Guide will be divided into three parts, talking about the specifics of playing Ruby's gameplay as an Offlaner at the beginning, middle, and end of the game.

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These tips alone are not enough to help you master the Ruby gameplay, because you still need a good understanding of maps and setting up heroes to help you win rank games.

Early Game

Game Ruby
Early Game

With the latest update for this hero, his HP growth has been nerfed, and has a reduced base HP.

That is, he is quite squishy early game, and without items, Spell Vamp will be very little to sustain health on the lane. Because of this, it's best to farm safely and make sure to get the final hit on the minions in each minion.

Especially in battles with strong early game offlaners like Thamuz, Yu Zhong, and Jawhead. You have to play close to the turret and ask the gank to snowball into the mid-game.

Use Skill 1 to clean minions and regenerate some HP so you don't waste time remembering and risk losing gold and exp from minion waves.

You have to farm to enrich yourself, help the team that is in war, protect the turret and destroy the opponent's turret. At this stage you can't be too barbaric.

Mid Game

Game Ruby

At 8 or 10 minutes of play, you should already have 1 or 2 core items and be able to defend yourself in the lane very well. At this point, you should prioritize quickly clearing waves of minions, and waiting in the enemy's jungle to clear the next wave.

When idling or waiting for the minion wave to come, you can gank in the middle lane and force a teamfight with the enemy, because he is a strong hero with very good CC, can easily help his allies win the battle.

Pushing enemy turrets is the second priority here, as Ruby still needs to complete a few more items before she can easily win a fight where she is outnumbered, therefore, it's better to take chances in a fight with the same number of heroes.

Late Game

Game Ruby
Late Game

With all or almost all items, you should prioritize the push lane. Because he is such a strong regen hero, you can easily take on 2-3 enemy heroes, giving the team space to catch up with farming, push other lanes, take Lords, or join a team and finish off enemies.

Waiting in the bushes around the enemy jungle will work really well, as you can kill the enemy jungler with a good ambush, force a 4v5 situation against the enemy, and win the game.

In addition, you can perform the following skill combos with Ruby gameplay to gain an advantage on the battlefield.

  • Ultimate + Skill 2 + Skill 1 + Basic Attack 
  • Skill 1 + Skill 2 + Basic Attack

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The focus of your game is to help the team that is in war, open maps and don't forget to keep playing the objective, namely destroying the opponent's turret and killing the Lord. Don't prioritize kills, because in the game anything can happen.

Overall, Ruby's gameplay is a strong hero who thrives in the late game, especially against multiple enemies.

He has a relatively weak early game and is prone to CC and exploding, which can seriously affect his gameplay if not given the chance to farm properly early on.

To play it well, be sure to play it safe early, ask for a gank, and clear waves of minions.

With the right emblems, spells, and items, he can be a very fearsome Fighter with the potential to steal back almost his entire HP bar before you can kill him. These tips will surely help you to win easily with it in Mobile Legends. 

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So, those are 5 tips for using Ruby gameplay. This hero is still really recommended for use when pushing rank, you have nothing to lose by learning it.

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