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Best Aulus Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Do It This Way!

Build Hero Aulus

Get Aulus's gameplay tips in this article so that Vicigers friends don't become a burden on the team. Aulus is the newest fighter in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang who has straightforward and unique skills.

Known as the original wielder of the War Axe, Aulus is a hero who excels in long fights, destroying slippery foes with insane basic attack damage.

Aulus has a frightening appearance that carries a hammer-like ax to fight enemies. Skills and abilities are focused on increasing his attack damage as he progresses through the game. Learn how to play Aulus MLBB gameplay in the post below.

Aulus Mobile Legends Gameplay Tips

Cheapest MLBB Diamonds!

Aulus's gameplay is a bit squishy in the early phases, so try playing in the lane or playing as a jungler. You can play it as a Fighter or Initiator on the Exp lane.

After obtaining the core item he will easily dominate the battlefield. Try to play in a 1-3-1 rotation. According to Aulus's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. 

Early Game

Aulus Gameplay

As a fighter, if you are playing Aulus, you have to go to the Exp lane and hold him and push him until the carry gets the core item to get the kill.

Don't leave your lane open to push enemies. Prioritize War Ax as the first item because it increases passive, physical attack damage, and reduces CD simultaneously.

Kill small crabs to retain gold. If you play as hyper, just follow the Assassin-Hyper guide to understand rotation. You can perform the following skill moves to gain an advantage in battle.

  • Basic Attack + Skill 2 + Skill 1

Mid Game

Aulus Gameplay

In the mid-phase, help your carry to get the turtle buff and do a quick rotation to the mid or bottom lane with your team. Try hiding in the bushes to gank enemy damage dealers and slow down their farming ratio. But don't forget to push lane.

Push turrets put pressure on the enemy to focus more on the lane than the team's carry. Create a continuous attack build so he can initiate team fights. And now build Brute Force Breastplate to deal with small gangs. Remember to follow the skill moves to get the best results with Aulus gameplay.

  • Skill 2 + Basic Attack + Skill 1

Late Game

Aulus Gameplay

In this phase, Aulus's gameplay shines the most because it gets a sustaining build. Meanwhile, try to attack as many enemy carries as possible. If you play as a fighter on a team, use max 2 sustain build and if you play as a hyper on a team, choose max 1 sustain build (Breastplate).

Before doing ganking, try to maximize the passive stack, this will help to kill enemies easily. You can also use combos like this:

  • Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Basic Attack + Skill 1 + Basic Attack
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Remember, Aulus's gameplay is very effective against any Mage and mm who doesn't have a lot of CC and stun, but he's not good against tank heroes as they can easily dodge his attacks. So use him efficiently in the battle for his strength.

No doubt Aulus is a good fighter but he is not as effective in the initial phase as other melee heroes, so instead of chasing enemies try to focus on builds and also remember if you hold skill 1 you can't do any other combos. So before attacking, always check the bush with skill 2.

Enemies can easily run away from your ultimate, so don't use it unnecessarily, wait for the right moment during a team fight, build up your attack stack and then perform a surprise attack.

You can easily rank up with Aulus if you understand his enhanced attack techniques. The Mobile Legends article here will help on how to maximize Aulus. 

Also read: Gusion Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Play Quietly!

That's all for today's Aulus Mobile Legends Gameplay. Would you prefer to use Aulus in some other way? Let us know in the comments section below!

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