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6 Best Free Fire Drop Locations For Easy Battles in the Early Game

Vantage is one of the friendliest Free Fire drop locations that has very few players. You can get off here without any enemies.
Map of Kalahari FF

Do you want to have an easy fight in the early game? The following are recommendations for the 6 best Free Fire drop locations. Drop location Free Fire it is guaranteed safe.

Choosing a Free Fire drop location is the most important thing for you to do. Depending on where the player lands, they will either have an easy time early in the game or struggle to establish a foothold.

Although there are many strategic places to choose from for landing, only a few are truly safe. Landing in this region will ensure that players get a fair chance at survival and possibly even Booyah.

List of the Safest Free Fire Drop Locations

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You have to defeat others to survive and win battles, but not all players have the same mindset. Of course, everyone wants to win, but someone may have a different approach to achieving the goal.

Passive and aggressive are the two most commonly observed play styles, particularly in the Free Fire community. Aggressive to kill enemies can be found in most players, while the passive approach is less.

Playing passively means moving forward peacefully to avoid confrontation and comfortably win battles.

But Free Fire is a game of uncertainty. One cannot ensure certain things happen. The Bermuda map on Free Fire has a total of 20 Free Fire drop locations and it is impossible to determine the actual enemy spread across the map during the expulsion of survivors from the plane's path.


Free Fire Drop Locations

Located in the Purgatory map, Moathouse is one of the best safe drop locations in Free Fire. Despite its isolation from the main island, the advantages outweigh the cons.

However, players must remember to spin as soon as possible to avoid getting stuck outside the safe zone. The quickest way to go around is by using the ziplines.

Stone Ridge

Free Fire Drop Locations

In Free Fire, Stone Ridge doesn't get enough credit for being a safe Free Fire drop location. Located on the map Kalahari, this area has many buildings for protection from potential attackers.

Also, given its strategic location, players can easily rotate from the area without much difficulty. However, be careful to avoid turning towards the Command Post as things can get messy if enemies are nearby.


the best looting place for free fire sentosa

Sentosa is one of the safest Free Fire drop locations which is highly recommended. Located on the map Bermudas, these mini-islands offer players an escape and allow them to loot in peace. Speaking of loot, there's enough of it on this island for a whole team.

Also, with lots of buildings to take shelter in and lots of empty space, players can easily rotate even if their opponents are involved in the battle. This is by far the best landing spot for beginners.

Sentosa is an island located in the southern part of the map which is connected to the main body by means of two bridges and four ziplines. Gamers never feel a shortage of loading because the location is occupied by many multi-storey houses where they can choose enough equipment.

It has a very large area and the edges tend to be the best position for impatient players. Four ziplines allow for quick migration to Mars Electric, Old Town and Cape Town in an unsafe situation.


Free Fire Drop Locations

The hangar is located on the west side of the map between the Clock Tower and the Observatory. Usually, players prefer to move to hot drop locations such as Clock Tower and Observatory rather than landing in Hangar because hots have high level loot. This is what passive players should take advantage of.

Players can position themselves in longer Hangars by the river and at home. However, the density of houses is slightly lower on site. They may not run openly on the Hangar runway because it is one of the most shelter-free areas in Free Fire battles.


Free Fire Drop Locations

Just like Sentosa, Vantage is another mini island located in the Alpine map. While much smaller than its Bermuda counterpart, it's a location that can provide players with a lot of loot for the early game.

With two bridges and a zipline connecting the island to the mainland, turning around shouldn't be a problem. However, for safety purposes, using a zipline to detour is the most strategic choice.

Also read: 6 Hot Drop Locations To Push Rank Free Fire OB33

Rim Nam Village

Free Fire Drop Locations

Rim Nam Village is the safest location on the Bermuda map. There are many buildings where players can obtain loot and a thick line of trees that provide natural shelter.

However, players must be careful when turning outside because the location is surrounded by a hot-drop area. Instead of moving into an open area, players must hug tree lines and move from one place to another. This will ensure that the sniper doesn't get a chance to take a clean shot.

The ground part is best for passive players to last longer. Carrying distinctive ranged weapons helps them in spying on their enemies. Taking the first step towards the safe zone is important in Free Fire.

Also read: How to Loot Fast in Free Fire, Do This To Be More Efficient!

So, those were the 6 safest Free Fire drop locations and you can go down without having to fight first. Looting is also available and you will be better prepared to face enemies. Do you have the safest Free Fire drop location? Write your answer in the comments column.

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