Hola Vicigers! Playing Mobile Legend during a pandemic like this is indeed the most suitable way to unwind at home while playing with the mic feature with your friends.
Presenting new heroes is one way for Mobile Legend to update its online game. Montoon as the developer of Mobile Legend presents a new line of heroes every month.
Even though during June 2021 there were no new heroes presented by Moonton, instead Moonton is reported to be presenting 1-2 new heroes at once in July or August 2021.
This one online game is the best game that is very popular among all circles. To attract more people, Mobile Legend always updates regularly so that this online game is even more interesting.
How will the new hero look and who else will leak the new hero that will be present later on Mobile Legends? Let's take a look at these new candidate heroes!

According to leaks circulating, this marksman role hero will be released on July 23, 2021. This handsome hero has a unique appearance like a professor.
Nathan has an ability known as time travel. Natan can create a clone from another world to attack his opponent.
This one hero is very interesting, you must buy it if it's released later. Will this hero be OP? Will the handsome Natan always be one of the heroes to be banned? We'll see, guys!

Next, there is Mr. Aulus, this hero looks like Popol, only he carries a large ax when fighting.
The leak of this hero is rumored to be released on August 16 2021. This one fighter role hero has abilities that are quite similar to Balmond, with the ability to attack high damage and strong.
Can be your best choice as an offlaner. Must have, guys!
Gusion's Brother

From the leaks circulating, this hero will be the 109th hero and has a weapon in the form of a two-way knife similar to Hanabi's hero.
The hero with the newest magic assassin role is said to be the brother of the hero Gusion. However, there is not much skill information about this one hero, for sure, his appearance is very unique, handsome and also quite scary as if he has enormous power.
The 110th Hero

This hero doesn't have a name yet, so let's call him 110. There isn't much information about his release date and skills yet. But what is certain is the 110th hero who has this beautiful appearance, fills the mage role.
Even so, we can see its great strength from its formidable appearance. Reportedly this one hero is a hero who was released as the leader of the Villain Squad. Which Villain Squad itself is a new skin series in Mobile Legends. Duh, I can't wait for it to be released soon!
The 111th Hero
Next, there is the 111th hero who will fill the mage/support role. This cute and beautiful hero has a fairy-like appearance. Reportedly this hero has natural abilities similar to Mathilda's hero. From the leaks circulating, this 111th hero will be released at the end of this year. Let's just wait for the release later guys!
112th Hero
Finally, there is a new hero who also doesn't have a name and description of this skill that is reportedly released in December 2021. This 112th hero has a very cool and fashionable appearance and is small in stature. Investigate, the 112th hero is the leader of the Superhero squad.
This hero will fill the mage role. Even though we don't know much about the description of the skills possessed by this small-sized hero, when seen from the appearance of this hero it is enough to give the impression that he seems to have great annoying strength. We'll see later, guys!
So, that's an overview of the new Mobile Legends heroes that will be coming in 2021. No matter how threatening they are to our fate on the battlefield, it is the unity in the push turret that will determine absolute victory.
Okay, that's it for now, anyway push rank, play wisely, get enough rest!
Also Read: Top 6 Voice Actors for Mobile Legend, One of them is Indonesian!