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Following! 7 Best PUBG Mobile Rushers in 2022

Rusher PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile is a mobile FPS (First Point Shooter) Game which is certainly played by many people all over the World. Those of you who play PUBG certainly know a lot about the roles presented in this game. Rusher is one of the most favorite pubg mobile roles. Now to get to know more about rusher. Here are the best PUBG Mobile Rushers in the World.

These 7 PUBG Mobile Rushers can be used as a reference for you in playing the PUBG Mobile game. Surely you will know more about some of the tips and tricks contained in the game. So, take a quick peek at the best pubg mobile rusher in the world on this one.

BTR Ryzen

rusher pubg mobile

The first PUBG Mobile rusher is Ryzen. It is undeniable that the trophies that have been brought directly by Ryzen are complete. Muhammad Albi “Ryzen” is one of the prides of Indonesia and has always been one of the rushers who is predicted to be the MVP.

One of Ryzen's biggest achievements with the BTR team is PUBG Mobile Global Champion 2019, PUBG Mobile Indonesia Season 1, PUBG Mobile South East Asian Season 2, PUBG Mobile World League Season Zero. Of course, this acquisition can make your opponent nervous.

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NV Paraboy

rusher pubg mobile

One of the best pubg mobile rushers in the world and will always be in the spotlight in the public is NV Paraboy. The game is tactical and quite good, making the players and the audience stunned by the presence of the gameplay from the NOVA XQF player.

Asking about achievements, NV.Paraboy doesn't play games, they managed to win several prestigious trophies such as PUBG Mobile Global Championship 2019 & 2020, Peacekeeper Elite Championship 2019, and PUBG Invitational Championship 2019.

Paraboy is very feared by several players in the world because the reflexes and aggressiveness of a NOVA XQF player are not playing games. In fact, he is nicknamed the God of PUBG.

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NV Order

rusher pubg mobile

Want to be a tactical rusher? Watch a video from NV Order. One team with NV Paraboy, of course, makes the enemy teams also afraid of the strength of the Chinese team. NV Order also obtained pretty good and satisfying results.

Recently he became one of the MVPs at PMGC 2021 and is definitely one of the best players in terms of gameplay. Before joining the PMGC, just imagine NV Order playing 2000 Matches to practice his own hand movements. No wonder this best pubg mobile rusher can become an MVP on the international scene.

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4AM 33Svan

rusher pubg mobile

Want to see the monsters from the Chinese team again? You can see 33Svan from 4AM. Of course, Svan's skills are on par with Paraboy and Ryzen. He has a pretty brilliant concept and game sense. Therefore, various championships have been won by Svan.

PMGC 2020, PEL S1 2021 is a form of hard work from 33Svan. You prefer an elegant and well-conceived playstyle, one of which you should take a look at is 33Svan. The PUBG Mobile rusher from China is always in the spotlight and makes a lot of improvisations compared to his own team.

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TSM Jonathan

rusher pubg mobile

Team India should be proud because Jonathan is one of the best rushers in the world. Unfortunately, Jonathan's performance can be said to have been interrupted because India itself blocked the PUBG game.

However, after being followed up, Jonathan continued to improve and also proved that he can still be one of the best rushers at the moment.


rusher pubg mobile

The team up that has always been built by the Latin American team which is quite consistent is Marco's control. One of the rushers that definitely makes you want to play pubg mobile. Due to this tactical style of play, the Queso team managed to win PUBG LATAM 2019 & 2020.

Because apart from Marco being a shoutcaller, of course the rusher has a style of play that breaks the enemy team. So that Marco can be a threat to other teams.

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rusher pubg mobile

Yasha is one of the best pubg mobile rushers in Europe. Playing with the Unique team, Yasha has won the World Cup in Riyadh and many other international tournaments.

Team Unique and Yan 'Yasha' Shaban are a team to be reckoned with. Together with Team Unique, Yasha won the PMSC World Cup tournament and placed ninth in PMCO Fall.

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