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The Area of All Free Fire Maps You Should Know

As an FF player, have you ever thought about how wide each Free Fire map is? To find out, let's see this article!
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As an FF game player, have you ever thought about how wide each map is Free Fire?

Maybe most of them want to know about the area of each map.

To overcome your curiosity, then you need to listen to this article to the end.

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Because this time we will discuss the area of the map Free Fire special for you. 

Without further ado, let's look at the following explanation!

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Free Fire maps

Map Free Fire is an island where later the survivors will descend on the island to survive and become the winner of the game.

Usually each island will accommodate a maximum of 50 survivors who will later kill each other to become the winner.

By mastering the map on the island, survivors will be able to find good loot spots. So the chance to win the game is even higher.

Also read: 4 Ways to Become a FF Pro Player, Accurate, Beginner Check Here!

The size of the Free Fire Map

Free Fire has 5 islands that can be used to play, and each island has a different area.

To find out each area of the Free Fire map, here is the review


Free Fire maps
Bermuda maps. Source: Free Fire

Bermuda is the first FF Map released by Garena, as the FF developer. 

This map can accommodate 50 players in it per game. In addition, this map is a map that is immediately available by default without you needing to download it first.

In Bermuda itself there are 20 locations that you can use to loot weapons and other equipment.

The 20 locations consist of Shipyard, Bullseye, Graveyard, Plantation, Observatory, Equator, Hangar, Rim Nam Village, Bimasakti Strip, Clock Tower, Riverside, Mill, Keraton, Peak, Factory, Pochinok, Kota Tua, Cape Town, Mars Electric, and Sentosa.

When you look closely, this map consists of 8×8 pieces. Where one piece is assumed to have an area of 1 square km.

If converted to kilometers, the area of the Bermuda map is 64 square kilometers.


Free Fire maps
Purgatory Map. Source: Free Fire

Purgatory is the second map owned by FF. At the beginning of its release, Purgatory could only be played by players who had reached level 5.

However, because there were many complaints, finally Garena made this map usable by all players.

In this map there are 14 areas for looting consisting of Crossroads, Moathouse, Marbleworks, Fields, Ski Lodge, Quarry, Golf Course, Brasilia, Forge, Mt. Villa, Campsite, Central, Fire Brigade and Lumber Mill.

Don't get me wrong, even though the Purgatory map only has 14 locations. However, Purgatory is the biggest map in FF. 

This is because the sea area in this map is quite large, and there are also mountains in it. 

This map consists of 11×11 pieces. And if converted to kilometers, then Purgatory has an area of 121 square kilometers.

Bermuda Remastered

Free Fire maps
Map of Bermuda Remastered. Source: Free Fire

Usually when there is a patch update, Free Fire will make adjustments to the map that has been released. 

And Bermuda Remastered is an evolution of the usual version of the Bermuda map. In terms of the number of areas this map is still the same, however there are several areas that have received new construction.

Because the looting area is still the same, this map area also still consists of 8×8 pieces. So, the area of the Bermuda Remastered map is also fixed at 64 square km.


Free Fire maps
Kalahari maps. Source: Free Fire

Kalahari is the third map released in the Free Fire game. Compared to other maps, Kalahari does look smaller. 

Kalahari is designed for melee combat, so the looting process is also made faster.

This map consists of 13 loot locations, namely Old Hampton, Shrines, Confinement, Santa Catarina, Council House, Bayfront, Mammoth, The Sub, Command Post, Foundation, The Maze, Refinery, and Stone Ridge.

The Kalahari map consists of 8x8 pieces. So if converted to kilometers, the area of this map is 64 square km.


Free Fire maps
Alpine maps. Source: Free Fire

Alpine is the newest map of the Free Fire game. This map is quite different from the other maps, because the Alpine region is covered in snow.

Alpine consists of 16 loot locations, namely Snowfall, Militia, Sunside Garrison, Railroad, Basecamp, Carousel, Dock, Forest Red, Ocean View, Fusion, Stadium, Rye, River Mouth, Blue Ville and Vantage.

For its own area, Alpine also consists of 8 × 8 pieces, so the area of this map is 64 square km.

Also read: List of 25 Cool and Latest FF Nicks for 2023, Hurry Up!

So, that's our discussion about the size of the Free Fire map. Don't forget to stay up to date with the latest news about games, gadgets and technology only at VCGamers News.

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