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Answer Key for Brain Test Answers Level 1 to Level 330

By knowing the Brain Test answer key, it will be easy for you to complete each level of this game.
Brain Test Answers
Brain Test Answers. Source: gamexran

Brain Test is one of the puzzle genre games that is widely played today. So, it is not surprising that many players are looking for the answer key from the Brain Test.

Brain Test itself is a game developed by Unico Studio. Games This aims to make players think creatively to be able to answer all the questions at each level.

Like most puzzle games that provide many challenges that seem tricky, making players sometimes give up at some levels.

Cheapest MLBB Diamonds!

If you also feel something like that, then here we will share especially with you the answer key to the Brain Test.

Come on, take a look at the following discussion!

Also read: 

Brain Test Answers Level 1 to Level 330

Brain Test Answers
Brain Test Answers. Source: JalanTikus

Brain Test Answer Key 1 – 10 

Level 1

Question: Which is the biggest?
Answer: Lion

Level 2

Question: How can this flower bloom?
Answer: Players can remove all clouds until the sun can be seen.

Level 3

Question: Put the elephant in the refrigerator.
Answer Click the refrigerator door, insert the elephant, and close the door.

Level 4

Question: Which is closest?
Answer: Moon

Level 5

Question: How many slices of pizza are there?
Answer: 9

Level 6

Question: The racer in 2nd place was successfully overtaken. What position am I in now?
Answer: 2

Level 7

Question: Swipe left to open.
Answer: Move the arrow left out of the box.

Level 8

Question: Poor hungry cat. Give me something to eat.
Answer: Point the food to the word "cat" in the question sentence.

Level 9

Question Where is the green ball?
Answer: Combine blue and yellow, it will become green.

Level 10

Question: What's wrong with this picture?
Answer: Click on the clown's hand which has 6 fingers on one hand.

Brain Test Answer Key 11 – 20 

Level 11

Question: Which is the longest?
Answer: February

Level 12

Question: Catch a falling apple.
Answer: Just click on the apple that comes out of the top.

Level 13

Question: The cat wants to jump across.
Answer: Take the mushroom on the other side and give it to the cat to make it big, then jump.

Level 14

Question: Turn it off, please! Danger!
Answer: Click the red button (on/off) on the kettle.

Level 15

Question: 4+5×5-2=
Answer: 27

Level 16

Question: Tap in order: 1, 49, 80, 5,7,11, 101
Answer: When we press the number, the question above will disappear. Always remember the order.

Level 17

Question: What number is hidden? 5 – 15 – 25 – – 100
Answer: Move the stone and you will find the answer, which is 40.

Level 18

Question: How many months have 28 days?
Answer: 12 months. because all months are longer than 28 days.

Level 19

Question: Save this child!
Answer: Slide the shovel into the mound and find the bone. Give the bone to the dog.

Level 20

Question: Where is the scapegoat?
Answer: Drag the word “black” from the question and give it to one of the goats.

Brain Test Answer Key 21 – 30 

Level 21

Question: What is the last letter of the alphabet?
Answer: letter "T"

Level 22

Question: There are uninvited guests!
Answer: There is a mouse among the cats.

Level 23

Question: Come on, help the girl!
Answer: Shift the clouds together until they produce lightning.

Level 24

Question: Catch the mouse!
Answer: Guide the cat through the outside of the maze to catch the mouse.

Level 25

Question: Mpus is hungry again. Is there any food?
Answer: Point the canned food over the stove, then turn on the stove until the mice come out.

Level 26

Question: Your job is to make them fall in love.
Answer: Click and hold the ring, then rub it on the balloon to make the balloon pop.

Level 27

Question: The dice numbers that come out are bad! Please help.
Answer: Shake your phone to change the dice.

Level 28

Question: Where are the calves?
Answer: Direct the brown cow to the white cow to have a family until she has 4 calves. Click all calves.

Level 29

Question: Where is the cat on the right?
Answer: Swipe the screen to the right and you will find 1 more cat.

Level 30

Question: Show the difference between the two.
Answer: The difference is 0

Brain Test Answer Key 31 – 40

Level 31

Question: How many holes are there in the shirt?
Answer: 8

Level 32

Questions: 2+3=6, 5+6=30, 2+1=2, 3+8=?
Answer: 11

Level 33

Question: Please help the car pass this bridge.
Answer: Place 1 finger on the bridge crack and hold. Then tap the car with your other finger to make it start.

Level 34

Question: He has to get to the car to escape, but zombies are blocking him.
Answer: Move the person so that the zombie starts chasing him and away from the car, then direct the person to the car.

Level 35

Question: The soda bottle is hard to open.
Answer: Shake your phone so the soda evaporates.

Level 36

Question: Where is the cat?
Answer: Drag the question and place it under the cat.

Level 37

Question: 9, 1?
Answer: 4

Level 38

Question: It's so dark my cat can't be seen!
Answer: Move the light image above to the center of the screen so that it is bright.

Level 39

Question: Let's finish before time runs out!
Answer: Tap the time clock several times until it breaks, then tap the car.

Level 40

Question: The guests are almost here! Get ready quickly!
Answer: Scrub dirty wine bottles until they are clean.

Brain Test Answer Key 41 – 50 

Level 41

Question: Where is my bunny?
Answer: Combine all the vegetables into a rabbit face shape like the picture below.

Level 42

Question: What is the biggest number?
Answer: 999

Level 43

Question: The baby sister is crying. Please calm down.
Answer: Shake your phone to win the baby.

Level 44

Question: Where are my chocolate eggs?
Answer: Shake the green egg until it breaks and releases the chocolate.

Level 45

Question: Budi is hungry. Budi Haris eats.
Answer: Pour ice and salt into the food to cool it. then give it to Budi.

Level 46

Question: Which monkey gets carsick when taken by car?
Answer: Shake your phone until 1 monkey gets dizzy.

Level 47

Question: Anyway, blue must win.
Answer: Give the NOS behind the right bleachers to the blue car and click Start.

Level 48

Question: Help this poor turtle.
Answer: Turn your phone face down.

Level 49

Question: This time red must win.
Answer: Move the word “red” from the question to the finish line.

Level 50

Question: Burn everything!
Answer: Burn the word “all” of the question with fire.

Brain Test Answer Key 51 – 50 

Level 51

Question: Adi doesn't study, even though he has to pass the National Examination.
Answer: Pull Adi's head towards his friend.

Level 52

Question: Which building is the strongest?
Answer: Shake your phone until there is only one building left.

Level 53

Question: We need 9 apples
Answer: Turn the 9 in the question into a 6.

Level 54

Question: Choose a color
Answer: Choose red, then yellow and circle with the word red.

Level 55

Question: How the bus wants to pass.
Answer: Shrink the bus and pass it through the gap.

Level 56

Question: How many eggs are there?
Answer: 7, because one of them is the head of a small child.

Level 57

Question: Scissors must win.
Answer: Point all the rocks at the paper, then point the scissors at the paper.

Level 58

Question: Stop the alien invasion!
Answer: Tap the alien and don't hit the cat.

Level 59

Question: I'm dying but the toilet is broken? HELP!
Answer: Move the image of the woman's skirt on the undamaged door to the damaged door.

Level 60

Question: Equation 15 x 15 x 15 = 45
Answer: Tap the tip of the cannon to change its position, and tap the tip of the cannon to fire. Aim the cannon at the two X symbols and when fired the cannon will change to + .

Brain Test Answer Key 61 – 70 

Level 61

Question: It appears twice on Monday, appears once on Sunday, but does not appear on other days.
Answer: N

Level 62

Question: How will the frog fly?
Answer: Close the frog's nose.

Level 63

Question: The cat is still hungry.
Answer: Take out the match stick then swipe it so that the fire lights up, directing it to the cannon that the mice will come out of.

Level 64

Question: Ask for 9 pieces of candy.
Answer: Open the candy cover, then turn your cell phone over and 3 pieces will fall. Repeat turning the cell phone over again until a total of 9 pieces of candy fall out.

Level 65

Question: Click from the lowest.
Answer: Press the bottom number starting from 578, 66,-5, 1008, 522. -459.

Level 66

Question: Don't tell me you forgot to buy a gift for him!
Answer: Give a gift to the child.

Level 67

Question: Tap all the animals, from smallest to largest.
Answer: Press sequentially starting from mouse, lion, elephant.

Level 68

Question: How does this equation hold? 1000 + 5 = 7850
Answer: Slide the number 68 in the level 68 description above. then put it behind the number 50, it will produce 1000 + 6850 = 7850

Level 69

Question: Mother Lion needs rest.
Answer: Take the father lion's fur and give it to the mother lion.

Level 70

Question: How many squares are there?
Answer: 0

Brain Test Answer Key 71 – 80 

Level 71

Question: Press the button 100 times
Answer: Slide the number 00 in the question to the button. Then press the button.

Level 72

Question: Haven't caught any fish all day.
Answer: Cut all the apples and find the worms inside. Put the worm on the fishing hook.

Level 73

Question: Cheer the person for frying the egg until it burns.
Answer: Turn back time by turning the clock hands.

Level 74

Question: How many rectangles are there?
Answer: 4

Level 75

Question: How many balls are there in it?
Answer: Turn the phone over so that 10 balls come out of the basket.

Level 76

Question: How many cubes are there?
Answer: 10

Level 77

Question: Please turn on the TV.
Answer: Press both ends of the cable with 2 fingers.

Level 78

Question: Happy 2nd birthday, Eka. Come on, light a candle.
Answer: Put a match to one of the candles, then take the lit candle to the other candle.

Level 79

Question: The boxer on the left must win.
Answer: Take the iron ball at the end of the ring and insert it into the left boxer's glove, then press 'fight'.

Level 80

Question: Stop this bickering!
Answer: Split the cake with two fingers and pull in opposite directions.

Brain Test Answer Key 81 – 90 

Level 81

Question: How many letters are there in the alphabet if E and T are missing?
Answer: 5 letters

Level 82

Question: Determine X and Y. X/Y=4
Answer: Drag the number 8 to position X and 2 to position Y, so it becomes 8/2=4.

Level 83

Question: Be patient.
Answer: Wait 30 seconds then level 83 will be completed.

Level 84

Question: The bird is still sleeping.
Answer: Press and hold the bird branch then shake your phone.

Level 85

Question: Spot the error here. (5 x 5 + 4 = 29, 4 / 2 + 15 = 17, (a/b) x 15 + 10 = x + y + z)
Answer: Press the letter i in the word error.

Level 86

Question: Who wins this battle?
Answer: shift the number 100 on the Knight and point it to 100 barbarian.

Level 87

Question: Can the cat come in?
Answer: Knock on the door several times then shake your phone. Next, enter the cat.

Level 88

Question: Please turn on all the lights.
Answer: Slide the rightmost light out of the screen then press all the switches.

Level 89

Question: Complete this Level
Answer: Slide the letter L in the text "LEVEL 89" to the word level in the question

Level 90

Question: Press the blue button 6 times
Answer: Tap the blue button 4 times, then when it changes to the red button. Slide the button and another blue button will appear. press 2 times.

Brain Test Answer Key 91 – 100 

Level 91

Question: 10 = 25, 35 = 75, 65 = 105, 25 = ?
Answer: 10

Level 92

Question: Didn't get ice cream
Answer: Twist the party hat then grab the brown hair over the party hat.

Level 93

Question: I want to pour mayonnaise.
Answer: Rotate your phone, and shake your phone to get the mayonnaise out.

Level 94

Question: Catch the rabbit
Answer: Place the trap near the rabbit then open the box containing the carrots.

Level 95

Question: The baby sister is crying again. His stomach was bloated.
Answer: Rub the child's stomach for 5 seconds until the baby farts.

Level 96

Question: My grandmother is a widow with three children. all of his children are married and they have at least 1 child. My aunt also has 3 nephews. What is the minimum number of seats required for dinner?
Answer: 11

Level 97

Question: What are kittens called?
Answer: click on the word cat.

Level 98

Question: Give them an apple without emptying the plate.
Answer: Tap on both apples. then when there is 1 apple left, slide the plate and the remaining apple to the child who hasn't gotten it yet.

Level 99

Question: Where do I put my socks?
Answer: Zoom out the screen with 2 fingers and you will see socks

Level 100

Question: The cat wants to fly.
Answer: Place the cat on the right seesaw, then drop the iron onto the left seesaw from above.

Brain Test Answer Key 101 – 110 

Level 101

Everyone has to eat.

Give the leaves to the grasshopper, then give the grasshopper to the mouse, then give the mouse to the cat.

Level 102

All male brothers have one sister. How many siblings are there in all?

Each brother has a sister. They are all brothers, therefore there is only one sister. That means there are six siblings.

Level 103

He doesn't want to eat mother's soup.

Note the loose screw on the right side of the coffee cup holder shelf. Click the screw to loosen it and drop the coffee cup at his feet. Then take the bowl and put it to his mouth as he screams in pain.

Level 104

What is the total price?

What is the total cost? To figure this out, look for and ignore the extra 0. .01 + .02 + .02 + .55 + .40 + .50 = $ 1.50. Add another $10.50 to that and the total cost is $12.

Level 105

Ahh! Catch it quickly before it gives mom a heart attack!

Click both empty pipe valves/knobs to close them. Then click on the mouse to make it go back into the pipe. Close the third valve quickly to trap and catch it.

Level 106

The teacher asked for a rectangle.

To make a rectangle, move the trapezoid shape with one pointy side to the top of the paper cutter. The cutter will cut the trapezoid into a rectangle.

Level 107

Afraid! Please get me the wallet.

First, hold the crocodile's mouth with two fingers. Then, use another finger to move the man's hand so he can grab the wallet.

Level 108

How does a car cross a river?

Drag the cloud behind the tree to cover the sun so the river will freeze. Then click on the car to cross.

Level 109

Love these fish. One by one, yes.

Give each fish 1 donut.

Level 110

Want to watch a video but can't play it.

To help them start the video, grab the purple “video” button on the bottom menu and drag it to the laptop to start the video.

Brain Test Answer Key 111 – 120 

Level 111

The coffee is cold.

Aim the two mirrors diagonally (the top one facing the coffee and the bottom mirror, and the bottom one facing the flashlight and the top mirror), then click on the flashlight to turn it on and the light will reflect through the mirror to warm the coffee.

Level 112

Which frame is best placed in?

Place the red square into a suitable frame, then also place the green and blue triangles there. All three can fit in the same frame.

Level 113

Correct this.

There are several answers to this. You can move one match from the + sign to make it 8 – 3 = 5. You can also move one match from the number 9 to make it 3 + 3 = 6. You can also move one match from the + sign to change it to 9 – 3 = 6.

Level 114

Tap these fruits in order.

Click according to the number of fruits from least to most. There was one apple, two cherries, three bananas, and a bunch of grapes. So, click on the apple, then the cherry, then the banana, then the grape, and press 'Answer'.

Level 115

Happy birthday! How old are you?

Drag the candles up to reveal the hidden birthday cake. Only five candles are in the cake, so change the number to five and press OK.

Level 116

Please help him aim at the target.

Zoom in on the target using two fingers, then click on the archer so he shoots an arrow and hits the target.

Level 117

Let's help the mouse find cheese!

Click the four red gates from top to bottom (which are in the middle of the maze), so that the cat cannot reach the mouse. Then click 'Start' and the mouse will run to the cheese.

Level 118

What would be most appropriate to put in place of the question mark?

The diagram should look like a car shifter with a manual transmission. Usually reverse gear is on the bottom right side, so type R.

Level 119

Which car is the slowest?

The answer is the word “car” in the question. It's the slowest because it doesn't move at all.

Level 120

How does this equation apply?

To make the 7 + 6 + 5 = 5 equation work, take the 7 + 6 + part of the equation and drag it off the screen to change the equation to 5 = 5.

Brain Test Answer Key 121 – 130 

Level 121

Question: Auditions are currently open for 5 models for a new shampoo advertisement. Who didn't pass the audition.

Answer: Pull all the models' hair until you find one wearing a wig.

Level 122

Question: Kapok keeps losing, the child on the right needs help fighting in the snow.

Answer: Direct all the snowballs on the ground to the child's right hand to make a big snowball.

Level 123

Question: Oh, where should I turn?

Answer: Turn your cellphone to the left until the right direction is correct.

Level 124

Question: Which one is the longest?

Answer: Point the child at the 3 trumpets and you will find the longest one.

Level 125

Question: Where does bee honey come from?

Answer: Tap the word bee in the question.

Level 126

Question: Can I ask for 1000 rupiah?

Answer: Swipe up the wallet in his pocket 3 times. then press the wallet to open it.

Level 127

Question: It takes 5 minutes to cook 1 chicken. How long does it take to cook 5 chickens?

Answer: 5

Level 128

Question : Find gravity.

Answer: Shake your phone to drop the apple.

Level 129

Question : The poor guy needs help.

Answer: Slide the spider on your arm into the radioactive barrel. Then give the spider to a child who needs it and he will become Spiderman.

Level 130

Question: What is the most appropriate place to replace the question mark? SDTELETD-?

Answer: S

Brain Test Answer Key 131 – 140 

Level 131

Question: I have 10 fish in the aquarium. When I came home I saw that 6 fish had died. How many fish are left in the aquarium.

Answer: 10

Level 132

Question: Where did they hide the stolen diamonds?

Answer: Pull the hat and wig on the person in the middle and you will find the stolen diamonds.

Level 133

Question: Where is the ball?

Answer: Press on the clown's nose and open all the glasses.

Level 134

Question : Match the objects with the correct countries.

Answer: Draw a line from France to all objects.

Level 135

Question: How do you build a tower?

Answer: Stack all the blocks together.

Level 136

Question: Oh, I'm crying again. Please, please

Answer: Take the wheel of the toy car to the father's eyes.

Level 137

Question: Rat + Cat = 10, Rat = 4, Best cat + Rat + Rat = ? Answer: Cat = 6 then cat is reversed 9. 9 + 4+ 4 = 17

Level 138

Question : The bodybuilder seems to be struggling!

Answer: Slide all the barbell plates aside to remove them all.

Level 139

Question: What is the answer to this question? Have you been stuck for a while now?

Answer: Shake the cellphone up and down to pump blood to the girl's head and make her think clearly.

Level 140

Question: Budi needs healthy food.

Answer: Point the burger towards his mouth. When your mouth is open, quickly put the broccoli into your mouth.

Brain Test Answer Key 141 – 150 

Level 141

Question: How to defeat the witch?

Answer: Arrange your cards water against leaf, fire against water, leaf against fire and click Fight.

Level 142

Question: Aliens are already among us, Find them!

Answer: Find 9 aliens. To make it easier, see the picture below.

Level 143

Question: What is in the middle of Indonesia?

Answer: N

Level 144

Question: Why is it so cheap? Come on, have fun.

Answer: Pull the corners of his mouth upwards so that he smiles.

Level 145

Question : Help! Help! There are vampires!

Answer: Move the window curtains so that the sun comes in and burns them.

Level 146

Question: How many triangles are there?

Answer: Move the square to break it. There are a total of 5 triangles.

Level 147

Question: Feed the cat from left to right.

Answer: Swipe the cat to the right outside the screen and the cat will appear on the left and can eat from left to right.

Level 148

Question: Share fairly, please!

Answer: Pull the child's ice cream on the left 2 times to the ice cream box and pull the child's ice cream on the right 4 times to the ice cream box.

Level 149

Question: Where else is the green ball?

Answer: Press and hold the yellow or green ball and let it be overwritten by another yellow or green ball.

Level 150

Question: Break the window using a rock.

Answer: Press and point to the word stone from the question and point to the word window in the question.

Brain Test Answer Key 151 – 160 

Level 151

Question: Ouch! Why is your neighbor's party in the middle of the night? Can't sleep!

Answer: Press the telephone on the table, and enter the number 911 to call the police.

Level 152

Question: Try to correct this inequality. 1>100

Answer: Slide the number 1 until it comes out and the total is three. line it up and make the inequality 111>100 .

Level 153

Question : Blue must win!

Answer: Move the finish line down and click start.

Level 154

Question: Dive together, land safely together!

Answer: Slide all the parachutists so they join hands, and press the third parachute to open the parachute.

Level 155

Question: Is the watch broken?

Answer: Move the long hour hand to 12.

Level 156

Question: Let's make him laugh again!

Answer: Rub his legs together until he laughs.

Level 157

Question: The horse wishes he were a unicorn.

Answer: Drop a star.

Level 158

Question: Please open the door. I'm locked out!

Answer: Move the doormat and take the key and insert it into the door hole.

Level 159

Question: The turtle must win!

Answer: Open the turtle's shell and press the rocket which makes it go fast.

Level 160

Question: What number is on the bottom of the dice?

Answer: Slide the dice and you will see the number 15.

Answer Key 161 – 170 

Level 161

Question: I'm so obsessed with horror films, do you know what my friend wants to name his child?

Answer: Shift the child's word in the question to the kuntil. Then it will become Kuntilanak.

Level 162

Question: Hey, baby sister is crying again! why this time?!

Answer: Drag the spider from the baby's head and slide it off the screen.

Level 163

Question: Pick 3 apples!

Answer: Slide the basket to the right and shake the phone to drop the apple, then slide the basket to the middle and shake the phone to drop the apple, and finally slide the basket to the left and shake your phone.

Level 164

Question: Please go up to floor 6.

Answer: Increase to number 9 and turn the phone over.

Level 165

Question : Find all the animals in the picture.

Answer: Click all the rabbits, cats, horses and snakes in the right tree. Then point the snake at the horse to get the rat out. click on the mouse.

Level 166

Question: Mpus wants to eat fish.

Answer: Click on the dog's head to change its view to the left, slide the cat over the dog's head. then click on the dog's head to change its view back to the right. And redirect the cat to the fish.

Level 167

Question: Let's go to Jakarta!

Answer: Slide the car door handle to the right and click Start!

Level 168

Question: Due to difficulties in peeling walnuts, the crow was forced to fast for a long time.

Answer: Slide the walnut over the rock (somewhat high) and release. Give the walnut filling to the crow.

Level 169

Question: Would you like to make a snowman?

Answer: Put a rather large snowball into the largest snowball. then take the moon behind the clouds and put it in the third pile. slide twigs to become hands, rocks to become eyes and carrots to become a nose.

Level 170

Question: Form a complete picture from this puzzle.

Answer: Slide the lion below into the puzzle box

Answer Key 171 – 180 

Level 171

Question: Do you like it, don't like it, which one do you like or not?

Answer: Pull off all the flower petals, including the ones above the girl's head.

Level 172

Question: The blue car is in a hurry!

Answer: Take a blue car taillight and place it on the hood of the car to make it a siren light

Level 173

Question: Help spread ghost traps. They're on the loose!

Answer: Press the witch's head and you will see where the ghost is. Press the witch's head back and place the ghost trap at the position of the previous ghost you saw. And press the witch's head to catch.

Level 174

Question: What is the opposite of dull?

Answer: ENTER

Level 175

Question: What did he see?

Answer: Make an arrangement in the box below as shown in the image below

Level 176

Question: The rocket will launch on a countdown basis.

Answer: Turn your phone to the left so that you see the rocket facing the sky. then press 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Level 177

Question: How many dots are there?

Answer: 6. three dots in the question and three dots in the level menu.

Level 178

Question: How much is 50% from 55?

Answer: 5

Level 179

Question: Stop this war!

Answer: Click and aim the cannon in the center facing each other. then click SHOOT!

Level 180

Question: Can you help lift this box onto the lorry?

Answer: Turn the phone to the right so that the box enters the lorry.

Brain Test Answer Key 181 – 190 

Level 181

Question: Don't do anything wrong! I'll fine you!!

Answer: Open the dashboard box, and give the police a donut cake.

Level 182

Question: There are mice! Coincidentally, Mpus was hungry.

Answer: Slide the right carpet up until it becomes slanted and the mouse falls onto the cat.

Level 183

Question: Happy birthday! Choose one gift!

Answer: Press the word Kado in the question.

Level 184

Question: Find the pair of each card.

Answer: Choose a pair of cards as usual. When there is one card left, namely a picture of 2 carrots, slide it down as if splitting the card in half.

Level 185

Question: I once read this riddle in Red Light. Where's the bull?

Answer: Drag the word Red in the question in front of the cow, and a bull will come out of the crowd of cows.

Level 186

Question: Correct this equation. 4+5=19

Answer: Rub the number 1 on the number 19, it will change to 9 and the result is 4+5=9.

Level 187

Question: Click green 3 times, blue 10 times, and red 5 times.

Answer: Click the button as instructed and calculate manually, ignoring the numbers next to the button because it is a redirect.

Level 188

Question: When I was 6 years old, my younger brother was 1/2 my age, while my older brother was twice my age. Five years later, what is the total age of the brother and sister?

Answer: 25

Level 189

Question: How many circles are there?

Answer: 7

Level 190

Question: All your pets drowned. Save which one first?

Answer: Click on the three animals together with 3 fingers

Brain Test Answer Key 191 – 200

Level 191

Question: Rainy weather makes me gloomy

Answer: Take a picture in a photo frame, then enlarge it with 2 fingers and place it in the window.

Level 192

Question: Complete the following equation.

Answer: 365 + 17

Level 193

Question: I'm sorry the dog is dirty.

Answer: Water the dog with a bucket then shake your phone.

Level 194

Question: Everything needs warmth.

Answer: Move the campfire to the middle like the picture below so that everyone feels warm.

Level 195

Question: What's under the tree?

Answer: Slide the word tree from the question and find the cat's head. Click on the cat.

Level 196

Question : Quickly tap these numbers in order!

Answer: Click the numbers sequentially, when pressing numbers 7 and 8 try to concentrate because the buttons change places.

Level 197

Question : Solve this puzzle.

Answer: Turn on the yellow ball pattern as shown in the image below.

Level 198

Question : We have to score goals.

Answer: Change the player pattern with the red circle by clicking on it and creating a pattern like the image below. if so, click Start.

Level 199

Question: The cat must be taught to hunt.

Answer: Cover the cat with cardboard, then take the cheese from the top shelf and put it in the hole. If the mouse has come out, remove the cardboard from the cat so the cat can catch it.

Level 200

Question : Find treasure.

Answer: Move the stone and you will find a red cross, take the shovel to take the treasure at the red cross.

Brain Test Answer Key 201 – 210 

Level 201

Question : Help! The brakes failed!

Answer: Take one of the clouds and place it in front of the car.

Level 202

Question: Where is the mother lion?

Answer: Press the 3 apples above the lion cub so that the apples fall and make the lion cub cry then the mother lion will appear.

Level 203

Question: Anyway, the turtle must win.

Answer: Take the banana from the monkey and aim it at the beginning of the rabbit's appearance so that the rabbit slips.

Level 204

Question : Help him!

Answer: Take the ninja's sword and give it to the child who is dreaming.

Level 205

Question : Choose one request!

Answer: Rub the request to divide yourself and it will change the request to GET RICH. Select the request.

Level 206

Question: What a nosy visitor! Must be sanctioned.

Answer: Move the cloud over the child's head until it rains, then click on the Llama animal.

Level 207

Question: How many teeth are there?

Answer: Tap the toothpaste. the answer is 12

Level 208

Question : We have to fill all the grids in this factory.

Answer: Click in the following order. Click the number 2 horizontally, 4 down, 1 up, 1 sideways, and finally 2 down.

Level 209

Question: Follow the right pattern.

Answer: Click in the order yellow 1 time, blue 1 time, red 2 times, green 1 time.

Level 210

Question: Now the horse wishes he had wings.

Answer: Take the star on the magician's wand and put it in the sky to become a shooting star.

Brain Test Answer Key 211 – 220 

Level 211

Question : Please separate each color.

Answer: Pour blue into tube 4, then pour yellow into tube 3 and finally pour red into tube 2. So that 1 tube has its own color.

Level 212

Question: Since you were told to stop, how come it's so hard to ask for forgiveness?

Answer: Slide the white foam to the middle, and then remove the trampoline from the middle.

Level 213

Question: Want candy!

Answer: Tilt the phone to move the pink candy in the direction the phone is tilted.

Level 214

Question: Mpus wanted to jump across again, but the mushrooms were gone.

Answer: Slide the left hill close to the right hill. then click Jump.

Level 215

Question: Please help the grandfather cross.

Answer: Move the white zebra crossing line to the middle of the road so grandpa can cross.

Level 216

Question: I want sunny side up eggs! Cook it, okay?

Answer: Slide the balloon onto the knife. then the chicken will lay the eggs. slide eggs into frying pan.

Level 217

Question: The baby sister's balloon came off! Please take it, please!

Answer: Swipe the screen down so that the flying balloon is visible, slide the balloon and give it to the baby sister.

Level 218

Question: How many dogs are there?

Answer: Move the answer area to see the other 3 hidden dogs. there are a total of 10 dogs.

Level 219

Question: Oh, gross! Quickly eradicate the microbes!

Answer: Rub the microbes with a white cloth, then throw the cloth into the fireplace.

Level 220

Question: How is this? I can't enter the house!

Answer: Zoom in on the house with 2 fingers, then point the key into the door hole.

Brain Test Answer Key 221 – 230 

Level 221

Question: The lizard needs to eat.

Answer: Open the food cover on the table, then open the window so that flies can come to the food. and the flies will be eaten by lizards.

Level 222

Question: Why did you put it in such a mess?

Answer: Move the ball slowly and make each bowl have 1 ball color.

Level 223

Question : Well, Mpus met the hill again!

Answer: Slide the cloud in the middle down as Mpus's foothold. then click JUMP.

Level 224

Question : Find all the animals.

Answer: There are 5 rabbits and 1 mouse under the tree, and there are 2 snakes on the tree. Then take the walnut on the tree on the far left and place it near the tree hole in the middle. The squirrel will come out to get the walnut. Click on the squirrel and all the animals are found.

Level 225

Question: Determine X! X+15=15

Answer: Combine answer choices A and D to get answer 0. Choose this answer and the result is 0 + 15 = 15.

Level 226

Question: I want 5 glasses of milk and 3 biscuits!

Answer: Swap the numbers 5 and 3 in the question and it will become I want 3 glasses of milk and 5 biscuits!

Level 227

Question: Kabuuurrrr!!!

Answer: Zombies will follow your movements, so lure the zombies to the red cage so that they can't move freely. Then direct your people to the car.

Level 228

Question : Our hero is in trouble!

Answer: Turn your cell phone over. Spiderman won't fall.

Level 229

Question: There's something dirty on the corner of your lips, honey.

Answer: Take a handkerchief from the man's pocket and wipe it on the woman's lips.

Level 230

Question: Poor guy, he's tired from working all day. Come on, help!

Answer: Open the dishwasher and upper cabinets. Move the 3 clean plates in the dishwasher into the cabinet cupboard, and put the 3 dirty plates on the right into the dishwasher.

Brain Test Answer Key 231 – 240 

Level 231

Question : Please help him aim at the target.

Answer: Move the target closer to the child then click on the child's hand when the arrow targets the target.

Level 232

Question: The blue boxer must maintain a winning record.

Answer: Click on the red boxer's face to look behind him and then click Fight.

Level 233

Question: How did Mpus jump this time?

Answer: Slide the cat to the right to the edge of the cliff then click JUMP.

Level 234

Question: The monster is rampaging!

Answer: Slide the green paint onto the monster's red blood bar.

Level 235

Question: After the wings, the horse wants a princess too.

Answer: Take a hammer behind the grass and hit it on the witch's head and stars will come out. Slide the stars into the sky.

Level 236

Question: Upvoted! The apples are selected!

Answer: Click on all the apples in image 1 and image 2, when image 3 appears there is 1 tomato that resembles an apple. Click on the apple, don't click on the tomato.

Level 237

Question : We need to light a fire.

Answer: Slide the cloud and hat on the child, the sunlight will reflect on the child's head and burn the wood.

Level 238

Question: Try drawing a triangle.

Answer: Slide the ball in the middle towards the bottom. Then draw lines from the ball on the edge making a triangle pattern.

Level 239

Question: What's wrong with this picture?

Answer: Click the crab, puffer fish and green fish in the middle.

Level 240

Question: Help this child!

Answer: Drag the word Help in the question onto the child's bubble.

Brain Test Answer Key 241 – 250

Level 241

Question : Correct this equation! 8+8=91

Answer: Turn your phone around and it will be 16=8+8

Level 242

Question: Which one has the longest tail?

Answer: Drag the monkey up and you will see the longest tail.

Level 243

Question: Would you like the same burger too!

Answer: Make a burger from the ingredients on the table except using red meat, eggs and onions. Make them in the order of bread, cheese, meat, vegetables and bread.

Level 244

Question: A slow computer hinders work. What's the solution? Answer: Remove dirt from the computer fan so it can spin again.

Level 245

Question: Oh my! I'm late for the office!

Answer: Pull the calendar up to change to Saturday.

Level 246

Question: Help him go home.

Answer: Pull the red road up so the child can cross the first gap, then pull the red road down to cross the second gap.

Level 247

Question: Where is the dog hiding?

Answer: The dog is next to the cupboard, for more details see the following picture.

Level 248

Question: Please explain this bottleneck!

Answer: Tilt the phone to the right so that the car is facing down so it can move.

Level 249

Question: Finish practicing your sword moves.

Answer: Slide his hand down three times until it moves twice.

Level 250

Question: Help the ghost escape, but don't get trapped.

Answer: When you move the ghost you can't see it, so you have to imagine the ghost's position while moving it.

Brain Test Answer Key 251 – 260 

Level 251

Question: Ouch! The flowers are wilting!

Answer: Take a bucket and take water from a puddle and pour it on the flowers, then take grass and feed it to the cow. take the dirt and give it to the flowers.

Level 252

Question: Please, my car needs repair.

Answer: Move the word repair from the question towards the car.

Level 253

Question : Save the city from meteors!

Answer: Pull up the leftmost mountain so that the meteor hits the mountain.

Level 254

Question: Snake, don't come near my children!

Answer: Press the mother turtle's head and direct the mother turtle's shell towards the snake.

Level 255

Question: Why is my face half-faced? Please connect again.

Answer: Shift the center line to stick with the lower left side of the face.

Level 256

Question : Anyway, you have to win, somehow!

Answer: Swipe the circle at the top right corner, then click on the left side so you win.

Level 257

Question: The red car must win! 1/2 turn

Answer: Shift number 2 to position 1, it will be 2/2 turns. Click START!

Level 258

Question: The cat wants to eat fish again.

Answer: Take the bone behind the rock and spin it over the dog to make him dizzy. And cats can freely eat fish.

Level 259

Question: Are you still sleepy? I hate Monday mornings!

Answer: Open the shelf, put the coffee in a glass, then turn on the kettle/electric kettle by pressing the kettle. then point the teapot at the glass. After that point the glass at the person.

Level 260

Question: Bring them together.

Answer: Take the wooden block on the opposite side then enlarge it with two fingers and make it a bridge.

Brain Test Answer Key 261 – 270 

Level 261

Question: Ouch, baby sister is crying again!

Answer: Slide the doll and you will find the remote, click the remote twice to change the TV channel.

Level 262

Question : Take down the enemy's castle!

Answer: Take a torch and point it at the rock, then throw the slingshot.

Level 263

Question: The knight needs your help to defeat the dragon.

Answer: Take water from the lake and move it to the front of the dragon's mouth, then move the knight to the front of the dragon and click on the dragon.

Level 264

Question: What's on Jupiter?

Answer: Drag the question mark in the question to the planet Jupiter in the middle.

Level 265

Question : Oh my! There are people taking naps on the tracks!

Answer: Pull the horn string at the back of the train to make the person wake up.

Level 266

Question: He's angry, please calm him down.

Answer: Put your cell phone on your stomach so he can relax.

Level 267

Question: What is the combination of numbers on this safe?

Answer: Slide the book from the table and you will see a combination pattern, enter the combination of numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.

Level 268

Question : After the dragon, annoying trolls appeared.

Answer: Point the knight at the troll and step back when the troll is about to hit, so that the blow misses and hits the bridge. Repeat one more time and the bridge will collapse along with the troll.

Level 269

Question: Why isn't the car in front moving?

Answer: Move the front car to the right, then you will know if the driver is sleeping. Click on the driver to wake him up.

Level 270

Question: How much is the answer? 4 5=?

Answer: Combine Answers A and B to get 20. Click on the answer.

Brain Test Answer Key 271 – 280 

Level 271

Question: Come on, get up, you're going to be late for school.

Answer: Open the child's eyes with your fingers pointing upwards.

Level 272

Question: Please make this customer no longer annoyed.

Answer: Put all the food into the pan, then direct the pan to the customer.

Level 273

Question: What number best replaces the question mark?

Answer: 19

Level 274

Question: Arggh! How come there are so many mosquitoes here?!

Answer: Open the window then lower the temperature of the thermometer on the wall with the red mark down.

Level 275

Question: Choose the correct color on each screen.

Answer: Change the red board above to Yellow, Yellow, Blue from left to right.

Level 276

Question: Where is our house? Please show!

Answer: Swipe the screen to the left, then you will find the earth. Press the earth which is your home.

Level 277

Question: Want to catch the biggest fish, but which one?

Answer: Direct the red mackerel to the fishing hook.

Level 278

Question: What number is above 4?

Answer: 5

Level 279

Question: Don't let him get a police ticket.

Answer: Slide the light icon (help) in the upper right corner to the dead car light to replace it.

Level 280

Question: Match the side view with the top view.

Answer: Make exact precision starting from red, yellow, green and blue. Use a ruler to match the position of the side view and top view so that they are the same as in the image below.

Brain Test Answer Key 281 – 290 

Level 281

Question: Follow the pattern.

Answer: Make a black dot in the middle row as shown in the following image.

Level 282

Question: Jaki can't leave before his homework is finished!

Answer: Drag Jaki into the house, then slide the door so that it leaves the house.

Level 283

Question: Mpus wants to eat all the fish. Everything!

Answer: Move the Mpus to the smallest fish, then the slightly larger fish and so on until the largest.

Level 284

Question: It's time to eat and drink healthy.

Answer: Aim for fruit and drinks, avoid hamburgers and chocolate.

Level 285

Question: Don't let these three neighbors who hate each other run into each other when they return to the apartment.

Answer: Use rocks and barrels to block the path of two people, so that the third person can enter the apartment first. After that, remove one of the obstacles (stones/barrels) so that one of the people can enter again. Then release the barrier again to let in the last person.

Level 286

Question: One of these bears is fake, but which one?

Answer: Take a honey pot and give it to each bear. The one who is not happy when offered honey is the fake bear.

Level 287

Question: So dirty!! Must be cleaned!

Answer: Clean your face using a cloth/tissue, then slide it to the right so that the other cheek is visible. Then clean again with a cloth/tissue.

Level 288

Question: It's scary, there are ghosts here. Please help find it.

Answer: Spill the flour sack on the floor about 6-7 times, the footprints of a walking ghost will be visible.

Level 289

Question: What's wrong here?

Answer: Move 1st place slightly up, 2nd place down a little, and 3rd place down a lot to the bottom.

Level 290

Question: Where is the exit?

Answer: Drag the torch around the cave, when the torch gets bigger (because there is wind blowing).

Brain Test Answer Key 291 – 300

Level 291

Question: Who is the mother of this child?

Answer: Take the child's teddy bear to make him cry. The real mother of this child is the sad one when he cries.

Level 292

Question: Hm? Something seems wrong

Answer: Swap the three characters' weapons. The red elf holds a crossbow, the dwarf holds an ax for digging, and the wizard holds his magic wand.

Level 293

Question: Who did it?

Answer: Drag the alarm clock to the sleeping person to wake him up. There was no perpetrator there, he just fell asleep because he was full.

Level 294

Question: I want to eat!

Answer: Split the glasses with two fingers to turn them into Teflon, then drag the ghost and sun into the center to turn them into cow's-eye eggs.

Level 295

Question: Who finished my ice cream?!

Answer: Swipe right on the girl on the right, there is ice cream left in her mouth. That means he was the culprit.

Level 296

Question: Save him!

Answer: Click jump then hold on both sides of a restraining device (such as a trampoline) using two fingers.

Level 297

Question: Who spilled the milk?

Answer: Swipe up on the blue box on the right, the cat is hiding behind it. Tap on the cat because he is the culprit.

Level 298

Question: Ugh! The monkey smells so bad!

Answer: Put the stones in the water container so that the water overflows and splashes the monkey.

Level 299

Question: Who is the real superhero?

Answer: Drop a kid on the edge and a real superhero will save him.

Brain Test Answer Key 300 -310

Level 300

Question: The blue wizard must win!

Answer: Point the blue wizard's wand at the chandelier so that it falls on the black wizard.

Level 301

Question: Oh my gosh, it's so loud!

Answer: Cover the end of the saxophone with your finger so that sound cannot come out of it.

Level 302

Question: Which eggs are still raw?

Answer: Drag up on each egg then release to drop. Eggs that are already cooked will only crack, while those that are still raw will break.

Level 303

Question: I want my hair to be purple.

Answer: Tap on the box on the left to find blue polish. Then, drag the red polish onto the blue polish to mix them together. The combination of the two will form a purple polish.

Level 304

Question: Tap in order: Boy-Rabbit-Bird-Ilama-Chicken-Cat

Answer: Slide the stone to find the chicken behind it, then tap the image as prompted or use the image guide below.

Level 305

Question: Which ice cream is real?

Answer: Drag each ice cream to the sun for a few seconds, the real ice cream will melt.

Level 306

Question: These two liquids must be mixed.

Answer: Hold the end of the tube with your finger and shake the phone.

Level 307

Question: Mother boiled one potato for 25 minutes. How long does it take to boil five potatoes?

Answer: Still 25 minutes.

Level 308

Question: Press all buttons.

Answer: Press the button (and the word button ) with two fingers together.

Level 309

Question: How much is the answer?

Answer: Apples equal 5, pears equal 2, and oranges equal 8; so apple + pear + orange = 5 + 2 + 8 = 15.

Level 310

Question: Open the door to this safe.

Answer: Look carefully at the cave wall (to the left of the safe) to find the clue. There are direction signs to the right, up, down and left. So, tap the right, top, bottom, and left sides of the safe in sequence to open it.

Brain Test Answer Key 311 – 320 

Level 311

Question: Dear detective, solve this murder case.

Answer: Tap on the red alarm clock on the shelf to ring it, then drag it to the man lying on the floor. Apparently, this is not a murder case.

Level 312

Question: The rat needs a bath.

Answer: Slide the two elbow-shaped pipes in the bottom right and top left corners so that they are connected like the picture below.

Level 313

Question: Which is this person's shadow?

Answer: Look at the front and back of his hair, as well as his left hand to find the right shade.

Level 314

Question: It's so hot today! He needs coolness.

Answer: The person was wearing too many socks, so he took off all his socks.

Level 315

Question: Please wake him up.

Answer: Draw a line from the headphones to the phone to create a cable.

Level 316

Question: Stop this bullying!

Answer: Tap on the soda bottle that the bully boy is carrying, then shake it up and down to shake it and make it explode.

Level 317

Question: Point the ball to the center of the circle

Answer: Tap anywhere to make the ball spin, then tap when the ball is in the red area. On the second circle, tap to make the ball spin, and tap again when the ball is in the blue area (you have to be quick at this).

Level 318

Question: Even though I have prepared a lot of candy. How come no one comes?

Answer: Drag the sword onto the pumpkin to turn it into a Halloween pumpkin, then drag the candle onto the pumpkin to complete it. Children will line up neatly to welcome the Halloween party.

Level 319

Question: How many real ghosts are there?

Answer: Drag up on all the ghost costumes to remove them, then tap the number 0 on one of the children's clothes because there is no real ghost there.

Level 320

Question: Collect the candy. Too many sweets are bad for your teeth!

Answer: Drag all the candy into the pumpkin container that mom brought. Drag up on the ghost costume to find other candies that the little girl has hidden behind her ears, in her shirt pockets, and also in her socks.

Brain Test Answer Key 321 – 330 

Level 321

Question: Make everyone happy.

Answer: Blue likes to be on the top row so put all the blue on top. Yellow likes to be on the bottom row so put all the yellows at the bottom. Red doesn't like yellow (because every time it is in a row with yellow it immediately becomes gloomy) so don't put it in a row with yellow.

Level 322

Question: Where is the rabbit?

Answer: Hold two fingers on the pink cat's ears, then drag upwards to turn it into a rabbit.

Level 323

Question: Where is the princess?

Answer: Drag the sword across the face coverings of the three soldiers to find the Princess.

Level 324

Question: Open the door to this safe.

Answer: Pay close attention to the wall on the right because that is where the clue is. On the wall, from top to bottom, were small lines of blue, red, yellow, and green. So, tap the buttons next to the safe in the same order: blue, red, yellow, green.

Level 325

Question: Stop the monster!

Answer: Take the screw from the dinosaur's tail and attach it to the shooting machine on the left to fix it.

Level 326

Question: What cat is supposed to be there?

Answer: The pattern of the cat pictures is Orange-Chocolate-Silver. So after the silver color is orange again. Drag the orange cat on the top row to the cat with the ? .

Level 327

Question: Help him finish his exam

Answer: Spin the hourglass to buy time and wait a while until he finishes the test.

Level 328

Question: Find the secret number 2285.

Answer: Rotate the red book using two fingers, then change the position of the book until it forms the number 2285.

Level 329

Question: He forced me to set a date. Even though I don't want to go with him!

Answer: Swipe left/right at the top of the calendar to tear it and go to the next month (June), then tap on the number 31 because June only has 30 days.

Level 330

Question: Please cure this patient, doc!

Answer: Drag the square scanner to the patient's right leg and left wrist. Then, use your fingers to correct the position of the patient's bones.

Also read: The most complete collection of answer keys for Guess the Picture 2023

So, that's our discussion this time regarding the Brain Test answer key.

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