5 Alternative Games That Can Be Played Together Over Long Distances
Mabar (main bareng) sudah menjadi hal lumrah di kalangan para gamers. Yap, seiring teknologi jaringan yang sudah mumpuni, siapapun bisa “kopi darat” di game bersama teman-teman.
But there must be a lot Vicigers Here, those who are bored because the mabar games are always the same. Well, if you are also one of them, let's check out the alternative mabar game recommendations from VCGamers this time!
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Buat yang belum paham sejarahnya, sebenarnya ‘mabar’ merupakan sebuah istilah baru – khususnya di perbendaharaan kosa kata informal berkaitan dengan tren gaming tanah air.
This term only became popular in 2017: coinciding with the rise of the era of multiplayer online mobile games (COC, PUBG, MLBB, etc.), until it reached the peak of its popularity during the pandemic.
Ini tentu tidak terlepas dari kemajuan pada teknologi jaringan dan internet. Dengan hanya bermodalkan kuota yang “gak seberapa”, gamers bisa merasakan serunya main ramai-ramai.
Namun baik para gamers sadari atau tidak, sebagian besar game mabar bersifat kompetitif. Mereka bermain bersama dengan maksud untuk push rank dan “menimbun” kemenangan.
In fact, there are many other games that can still be played together without having to feel stressed! Struggling in a toxic environment (read: public) is often tiring.
Karenanya, sebagai parameter pada rekomendasi kali ini, VCGamers akan pilih beberapa judul yang jauh dari sifat kompetitif – cenderung ke konteks game santai dan cocok untuk relaksasi.
Now let's get into the main discussion regarding alternative game recommendations. mabar long distance. Please watch and try it yourself on your respective devices!
In the bottom entry there is Minecraft as the best-selling title of all time from Mojang (Microsoft). This sandbox RPG survival game is indeed worthy of being a recommendation for a mabar game.
To add to the excitement of the game, the developer also includes a multiplayer mode that gives gamers the opportunity to play on one map together!
Surely no one would have thought Stardew Valley bakal ada di posisi keempat kan? Yap, game farming sim yang lagi “naik daun” ini bisa banget loh kamu mainkan secara online multiplayer!
Mode ini memungkinkan kamu untuk saling membantu menggarap perkebunan masing-masing. Dengan begitu, players berkesempatan untuk “bertetangga” dengan kebun “sebelah”.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons often abbreviated as ACNH is the next title that is definitely worth considering. That's right, this game was the first to popularize the cozy genre!
In it, players can play multiplayer up to eight players on the same island. To be able to mabar, make sure you can visit Dodo Airlines first!
As for this one, any gamer will definitely understand. Among Us! This booming title in 2019 also contributed to echoing the social deduction genre in the modern gaming industry.
Indeed, Among Us is better known for its local multiplayer mode. However, the excitement of this game can increase drastically when playing with friends through the available online multiplayer feature!
Dan di posisi pertama ada game yang saat ini menjadi “rajanya” multiplayer yaitu OVERCOOKED! 2. Meski game ini sudah rilis hampir 5 tahun yang lalu, namun keseruannya masih bertahan.
OVERCOOKED! 2 not only offers a cooking game with a unique playstyle, but also introduces a new concept on how to work together between players to win the game.
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Well, that was the discussion about the recommendations for alternative games that can be played remotely. Trust all your gaming needs only at VCGamers Marketplace yes!
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