Hero Balmond, although not included in the list of superhero squads, he does image a good and fair hero though with an ordinary appearance. Even though they are both fighters, the heroes Alpha and Balmond have image the opposite.
Alpha forgot about the first hero that Moonton made the Supervillain skin and named "General Void". Having a dashing and handsome appearance with purple armor and long hair, he is a member of the supervillain squad.
In September this year Moonton presented various updates in the MLBB game, following the success of the superhero squad Moonton in creating a new squad named supervillain, even though it has just launched 1 supervillain skin, it is estimated that Moonton will add a new supervillain squad in the near future.
Cheapest MLBB Diamonds!

The superhero squad skin is a group of skins that includes superhero skins that are sold in shops with a price range of 899 to 1089 diamonds or with time-limited event, who are included in this superhero squad are Bruno Firebolt, Lancelot Swordmaster, Chous Thuderfist, Vale Blizzard Storm, and Esmeralda The Forrester.
Hero Balmond

The story of Hero Balmond
Hero Balmond is a fighter heroes who was born into the traditional Orc tribe in the Roaring Wilderness. Since childhood, his father always taught him to fight with all kinds of abilities.
His father also told him about the past about the ferocious fight against the elves and hoped that someday the Balmond hero would become the true leader of the Orcs and restore the glory of their race.
Moment abyss reawakened, demons appear from the south and threaten the dwindling population of orc peoples. The orcs were forced to split up and split into small clans under the persecution of the demons.
Orcs are a race that has a long history and is the easiest race to find in the Land of Dawn. They serve Lord of Abyss for a long time when fighting deep Endless War.
A series of defeats made this people who were originally united and strong became divided into Orcs, Minotaurs and Centaurs among other races.
Recommendation Items and Balmond Hero Prices
Bloodthrist is a passive skill that can restore a maximum of 5% HP after killing minions and 10% after killing enemies. Another skill that is owned is Soul Lock, Cylicon Sweep, and lethal counter.
To maximize the passive ability of the Balmond hero, players can use build items which has power lifesteal and truedamage.
Among the most painful build items that can be used by the Balmond hero Warrior Boots, Malefic Roar, Bloodlust Ax, Berserker's Fury, Hunter Strike, and Immortality.
The best lane that this hero can use is Exp Lane because if he is on that lane it will be easy to level up and help other players in war such as protecting turrets, destroying opponent turrets, and killing turtles.
We can buy Hero Balmond for 6,500 coins or 299 diamonds. The way to buy it is to enter the shop/store then the hero menu then select Balmond. You can also buy skins that are sold separately so that they look even cooler.
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Hero Alpha story
Alpha is a creature created in the 1718 laboratory by an evil and crazy scientist who was inspired by a movie he watched. Created from a human body but armor made from meteorites. Alpha and beta are the two creations known as Flash Weapon.
Alpha is a robot created with the aim of hunting sabers. Beta who is his twin is essentially destroyed and he only takes half of his metal arm. Alpha is accompanied by Beta in the form of Aerochart.
Recommendation Items and Alpha Hero Prices
Alpha has a passive skill Advanced Beta where every time he uses a skill, beta will launch three lasers after getting 2 marks. Beta's first two laser attacks deal 50 (+70% Extra Physical ATK) TrueDamage as well as reducing the movement speed of the mark briefly.
Another skill that is owned is Skill 1 Impact royalties, skill two exists Force Swings, and Skill three owned by Alpha namely Spear of Alpha.
In order to maximize the passive ability of Balmond, it is necessary build items which has power lifesteal tall and durability stable.
The recommended item or Alpha build is sick, namely using items Warrior Boots, Bloodlust ax, Endless Battle, Queen Swing, Oracle and Immortality. As for the emblems that Alpha must use after the revamp, namely festival of blood. With this emblem you will get an additional 8% effect lifesteal.
The best lane for alpha is the exp lane, when early game he must take the lane in order to get many advantages such as having space farming area and get to level four more quickly.
You can buy this Alpha hero with 32,000 coins or you can also with 599 diamonds, how to buy it you can go to the shop then the hero menu and select alpha. There are various skins that you can also buy or skins that you can get from certain events.
After seeing the explanation about the two of them, I want to choose Alpha, who is handsome but is an asshole supervillain the evil or the just Balmond?
Whoever you choose, make sure to use the hero according to their capacity, so you can work with the team and win in the game. Good luck!
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