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Tragic! Miscellaneous Hero Vexana You Should Know!

hero vexana mlbb details

as you know, Heroes Vexana is one of them heroes mage Mobile Legends which has a dark history. Well, from the dark story, heroes Vexana has skill sets in the form of dark magic which is arguably good enough for needs CC or Burst, although you have to learn how to use it hero mage this.

This review will describe a tragic story heroes Vexana, starting from its story full of peace, to the story of the destruction where it came from.

Apart from that, you can also find stat heroes Vexana and its advantages and disadvantages hero mage from the Land of Dawn.

Heroes Vexana, From “Wise Queen” to “Dark Witch”

hero vexana story details

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Heroes Vexana is the Queen of Necrokeep who is loved and idolized by her people because of her friendly and caring nature towards her people. Well, this Necrokeep kingdom gets blessings and protection from God of Light so that you are always in a state of peace and serenity.

However, there is a dark force that is not happy with the peace.

The Dark Lords, the Dark King sent Alice (which is also one hero mage) to ravage the kingdom of Necrokeep, place heroes Vexana and the king stayed. With her wiles, Alice entices and seduces the king into abandoning his kingdom and Vexana, the Queen.

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hero vexana alice mlbb

The King then turned into a king who ignored and did not care about the Necrokeep kingdom. Soon, Vexana found out that the King was openly making out with Alice. This was the turning point for Vexana's character, who had always been a wise and kind queen, to become a cruel dark witch.

Her broken heart made Vexana look for a shortcut, which may also have been planned by The Dark Lords. She made a pact with the King of Darkness to attach a beauty "implant" to herself so that her husband would return to her.

However, as a reward for the agreement, Vexana must provide sacrifices in the form of beautiful girls to the leader of the nation of darkness.

dark witch vexana hero

What next? Of course, the King then abandoned the Necrokeep kingdom with Alice, while Vexana became disoriented by continuing to kill her people one by one, until the entire population was gone.

As a result of continuous sacrifices, Vexana's black magic is getting stronger.

However, something unexpected happened to Vexana. He turned into wrinkles and looks so scary. This is due to the fact that Vexana is no longer able to offer sacrifices to the people of darkness.

dark witch vexana hero

Even so, this strengthened Vexana's dark magic which he continuously practiced with the reason of wanting revenge on the party that destroyed his entire body and soul.

Gradually, the Necrokeep kingdom disappeared and was destroyed, leaving behind a dark and tragic tale that was passed down from one generation to the next.

Eventually, The Dark Lords succeeded in bringing down the kingdom of Necrokeep which was protected by God of Light by creating a dark witch named Vexana from a wise queen.

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Heroes Vexana Ready to Paralyze Your Opponent with Status and Skill Setshis

Statuses and skill sets heroes Vexana is touted as skill sets that can make heroes The opponent is paralyzed and interferes with their movements.

Besides that, a lot skills AoE which you can use to take down your opponent's power. Check out the details below!

The following is skills owned by heroes Vexana:

skills Passive (Necromancy Spells)

hero skills This Vexana can help marking heroes target opponent as skill buffs 1, 2 and ultimate Vexana so produce magic damage up to 500 points.

Skill 1 (Charmed Specters)

hero skills This Vexana will cast a Vexana shadow in the form of a hand towards the front, if the hand hits the opponent then skills this will give effect magic damage for a few seconds.

hero vexana skill 1

skills You can also use this to "confuse" heroes your opponent for a while so that your teammates can strategize ganking nor skill combos other.

Skill 2 (Nether Snares)

Nether Snare Skills owned by heroes This Vexana is a magic power from the world of darkness that will give damage at the point that has been targeted by Vexana.

hero vexana skill 2

skills it can create burstdamage strong enough as long as you target it at a crowd minions or heroes opponent.

Ultimate Skill (Cursed Oath)

skills this will give version curse heroes Vexana which lasts for 8 seconds. If the opponent affected by this curse dies, Vexana will create a clone of the opponent's dolls which are considered as one of the units in the team.

hero vexana skill 3

The doll will duplicate the enemy's attributes up to 90%.

You have to be careful using skills this is because if the doll is defeated by the opponent, there will be a reduction gold and EXP. It's quite a complicated mechanism skills-his.

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builds Heroes Producer Vexana damage Painful for You to Use

damage heroes Vexana will feel more painful when using it items right. The following items which must be purchased if you use heroes Vexana.

Arcane Boots

hero vexana arcane boots

Items it adds movement speed heroes Vexana by 40 points, will also give magical penetration of 10% for each magic attacks Vexana.

Enchanted Talisman

hero vexana enhanced talisman

Items it helps improve magic power heroes Vexana by 50 points magic power, then increase the amount MOBILE PHONE by 250%, as well as reducing the duration CD.

Glowing Wands

hero vexana glowing wand

Use items this is to add magical penetration heroes Your Vexana is 5 %. Vexana also gets an additional 75 points Magic Power which will improve magical damage against the opponent dramatically.

Holy Crystals

hero vexana holy crystal

Heroes Vexana gets an additional 100 points magic power to increase attack effectiveness magicagainst the opponent. Items this is one items which must be owned by the hero mage, so don't forget to enter items this inside list items-you before the match!

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Concentrated Energy

hero vexana concentrated energy

damage generated by heroes Vexana can be bigger (additional 70 pts magic power). Items this also adds MOBILE PHONE Vexana for 700 points and delivers Reg of 10% when Vexana successfully attacks his opponent.

Blood Wings

hero vexana blood wings

Items it adds HP heroes Vexana as much as 800 points and an additional 150 points magic power.

items above is an option build Vexana for use mage emblem because it focuses more on skills magical attacks and magical damagewhich is already good enough for hero mage.

Another variation is to give items adder movement speed or shields so that Vexana is not quickly killed in the match.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages Heroes What Vexana Should You Remember?

It is true, heroes Vexana is one of them mage with ability magic attacks and damage which is ok. But, will it always be like that in every game? Here's the review.

Come on stage OP moment Early Game, fizzled out at Late Game

If you use heroes Vexana to master early game, then you choose mage right. Just look at the effect of skills 1 and 2 which have frills AoE.

Of course you want to help offlaner heroes you or do a lot kill right? Well, use Vexana to become queen in early game.

However, if the match drags on and each team is balanced, there is a possibility that Vexana is not the right choice for you to use.

vexana early game heroes

The proof, Vexana must bring items adder movement speed and producer magic penetration.

You must remember that mid and late game will turn into hell that is difficult for you to extinguish with an unbalanced team composition and interpersonal communication player which is not good.

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Skill Sets the Friendly, Boomerang on Lane wrong

skills 1 and 2 heroes Vexana looks scary and traps with its passive effects. While playing lanes, you have to focus on mid or bottom lane with a playing style of half area only, then a little up in late game.

But he said late game will be a difficult time for Vexana. How come?

Vexana moment mid and late game must rotate its position with heroes your other colleagues. For example, Vexana moves backwards temporarily carry and cores stab the opponent's movement.

Well, this is where your Vexana is useful to provide damage AoE.

hero vexana support mid lane

If you are in top lane, you must continue to be active, move well to spend minions or trap your opponent.

Remember, midgame and late game be sure to move lanes. If not, then you will become a target and food for the heroes opponent.

Also read: The Differences of 3 Lanes in Mobile Legends and How to Choose Them

Have Ultimate Skill Complicated but OP

Ultimate skill heroes Vexana has a mechanism that can be considered tricky. You have to estimate heroes which one will you duplicate into a doll.

Other than that, the dummy dummies only imitated a few abilities heroes and skills just passive.

hero vexana skill ulti ghost opponent

For example, you managed to hit X.Borg with this attack. Then, only stat X.Borg base alone can be emulated by ultimate Vexana. It is indeed somewhat similar to ultimate Valentina, but the difference in effect is too great.

Therefore, user heroes Vexana must master ultimateso you can mess up your opponent's strategy.

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Apparently, behind the tragic story heroes This Vexana has a very dense and confusing magic power, both the user and the opponent. Nonetheless, you can turn that confusion into a powerful weapon and OP.

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