Hola Vicigers! There are several characters heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang which have range or reach skills which is quite far. With that said, some heroes it can reach enemies that are quite far from it, for example Alice and Odette, which we will discuss more deeply here.
Another benefit of breadth ultimate range, can make heroes who do not have mechanism escape which is good, can attack without having to approach the enemy.
A number of heroes which have ultimate range which is quite far, mostly found in role marksman and mage. Second roles It is equipped with the ability to issue damage high, but because nature is easy to die, it must pay attention positioning awareness.
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Here are a few heroes which derives from role mages, which have ultimate range which is quite broad. Among them, Alice and Odette.
Alice is Mage heroes who has the nickname "Queen Half-Blood”. With ultimateher, Alice can absorb the blood of opponents within range ultimate-his. The opponent's blood that he absorbs will be converted into additional blood of his.
Alice's Hero Skills

To make it clearer, here is a discussion skills owned by Alice.
skills Passive (Blood Ancestry)
skills Alice's passive is a stack that Alice can collect. By using skills him to kill minion or heroes opponent, a small red ball will appear which Alice can pick up and collect as a stack.
skills 1 (Flowing Blood)
On skills this Alice will issue a kind of red ball towards a certain target. skills this can also bring Alice to move places in the direction of skills this is directed. This skill can be an alternative way to chase or escape from an opponent's attack.
To get stacks, use skills this is what it redirects to minion. If the opponent is hit from skills this will then get 400 magic damage.
skills 2 (Blood Awe)
skills this is a skills in the form of a beat given by Alice. If the enemy is hit by skills this will then receive 270 magic damage and coupled with 90% magic power, and give effect stun to the opponent for 1.2 seconds and effect slow for 0.8 seconds.
skills 3 (Blood Ode)
ultimate skills here's what it has range wide enough to hit a few heroes fight at once. skills it can absorb the blood of the opponent to restore the blood of Alice.
That's the explanation of skills which is owned by Alice which can absorb the enemy's blood continuously.
Odette's Hero Skills

Next, we will discuss about 1 heroes else have ultimate skills which have range broad enough, that is Odette.
Odette is Mage heroes who came from the nation of Regina family which tells that Odette is the 13th descendant of her family. Odette has skills which is very inconvenient if it is in teamfight, especially on ultimate skills it has. Here's an explanation about skills from Odette.
skills Passive (Lakeshore Ambience)
skills passively from Odette a small reflection will appear named sound wave to adjacent targets. skills This passive will give you 50% in total magic power in every reflection.
skills 1 (Swan Cantus)
On skills Here Odette emits a kind of energy in a certain direction, which is in the form of a swan. skills it will deliver magic power amounted to 150% and will reduce movement speed opponent for 2 seconds.
skills 2 (Blue Nova)
On skills Here, Odette will issue a kind of energy in the form of a ball in the direction you want to go. skills this will give effect stun to the target hit from skills this for 1 second. skills it will deliver magic power of 80%.
skills 3 (Swan Song)
ultimate skills from Odette it has a wide range and can make it difficult for the opponent's movements because it will have an effect slow of 30% and drains the opponent's blood because Odette's ultimate is issued magic power of 120%.
Second Mage heroes which has the same range ultimate skills which is quite extensive is often a subscriber pick to date. Besides having a wide range, damage produced is also very painful for the opponent.
Based on the analysis of the experimental results of para pro player who do mechanical fights 1 by 1 on second heroes above, under circumstances levels, amount gold as well as completeness gears equivalent, it can be concluded that Alice is heroes that can beat victory war over Odette.
This is caused by skills ultimate owned by Alice does not have cooldown and will run out if the energy which Alice has runs out.
In contrast to Odette's ultimate skill, even thoughdamage high but active period skills it has a limited duration.
However, this analysis is not absolute because the victory in the mechanical battle is not only determined by levels, amount gold nor gears. Duration skill cooldowns also contributed to the victory.
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