With a growing number of players, PUBG Mobile has cemented its position as one of the most popular battle royale games in the world. However, some beginners don't know aim assist pubg.
The craze for PUBG Mobile seems to grow every day with all servers full at some point of the day.
PUBG Mobile has grown exponentially from its initial release in terms of revenue and player base. With the increasing number of hours played, there is a demand for a higher skill bar to ensure fair competition.
However, not everyone is as comfortable with a handheld system and can work at the same level as they would on a PC. That's why the Aim Assist System was introduced to compensate for the inaccuracies of inexperienced players.
PUBG Mobile players want to keep getting better at the game and reach Conqueror, so they try new techniques every day to improve. To get better at the game, good aim assist pubg is an important component.
What is Aim Assist PUBG Mobile?

As the name suggests, PUBG aim assist is a feature that helps players aim correctly. It helps the player to aim better because it corrects the player's aim i.e. helps the player to aim accurately at the enemy.
Aim assist is one of the supporting features provided by PUBG Mobile to help players perform better on cellphones.
Each coin has two sides, PUBG's aim assist helps players to aim at the enemy's body. Automatically moves the crosshair towards the opponent, when the crosshair is close enough to the enemy, according to the accuracy algorithm.
Aim assist helps new players to get the essence of the game. It can enhance players to target enemy bodies.
Aim Assist advantage

Of course there are advantages or advantages when you use it in the game. So that it will make it easier for you to win the match.
Improved Accuracy
As we mentioned above, the main advantages of the system Aim Assist obviously increases the accuracy of the player's aim. It calculates the trajectory of the bullet and compensates for control movement to land as many hits as possible. In most scenarios, playing with Aim Assist brings much better performance.
Shortened Reaction Speed
The average player takes between 300 ms to 500 ms to react to aim at their target. It could be considered as a physical barrier to the human body. However, the Aim Assist feature can greatly reduce the duration of the shot, resulting in a quicker lock on of enemies.
Disadvantages of Aim Assist PUBG

Apart from some of the advantages above, there are some disadvantages if you use this feature.
Only Works In Close Range
Aim assist pubg only works well in short range combat. This gives the player a disadvantage when shooting at moving enemies, as movement aim assist doesn't work very well.
At higher levels, players continue to shoot while aiming, and the aim-assist only functions by predicting future moves based on patterns. It also spoils the day, when there are a lot of enemies in close quarters.
Aim-assist is a matter of personal preference some players prefer to stick with it, whereas others prefer not to use it.
While relatively powerful in spraying, the Aim Assist feature doesn't seem to match that of long-range weapons. You may have experienced this when playing sniper.
However, that was actually the devs' intention. Having an Aim Assist system for SR or DMR is tantamount to using a cheat. Players would not increase their skill limit this way.
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Multi Target
In most cases when fighting large groups of enemies, you may notice the Aim Assist system failing to select targets.
This will try to lock onto all visible targets, which is something you don't want in the middle of a battle as it reduces your damage output significantly. Your bullets dispersing to multiple enemies is not a pretty sight.
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When using the Aim Assist Feature, remember to aim directly over the cursor. recoil should drag the gun down and provide better headshot opportunities.