Not infrequently in games Valorant in matchmaking we are usually surprised by skills that are beyond reason. Usually the skill given is a duelist. Yup, this role is indeed very deadly, especially the skills they have are skills to kill opponents. We will discuss examples of valorant duelist agents that are often used in the article below.
Before explaining what Valorant Duelist Agents we can use in Matchmaking. We will first explain the meaning of the Valorant Role Duelist.
Duelists are "self sufficient fraggers," according to the official description Riot. They are the agents who create the most impact in the game that Valorant has to offer, very aggressive and tactical so that many of the skills that Annoying provides make a big contribution.
A Duelist must be expected to look for great opportunities to be able to get more chances of victory. It seems that not only does it have the biggest impact, but by using the duelist role you can become more of a valorant agent which is very painful.
Let's see 5 Valorant Duelist Agents that you can use right now!!!

In the first position with the valorant duelist agent that is most often used by several matchmaking and tournament players is Jett.
Jett is the fastest duelist among the other duelists. The resulting skill will definitely become an obstacle for the enemy's opponent.
You just need the right strategy so you can get more meaningful insights in the game using Jett.
Duelist Agent Valorant Jett's Assault
- Well, what can't Jett do when attacking? He is quite a master of the flow that can be used in the Air. This Korean windbender can play passively with Operators, or attack sites using his blades, Tailwinds, and Updrafts. Flexibility in equipment is one of the reasons why this Valorant Duelist Agent is so strong.
- His Cloudburst Smoke can also save his team better than any other Duelist utility. This can be used to sell counterfeits, block view when defenders try to recapture, and more.
Jet Defense
- Jett thrives on defense if you have the eye for it. His ability to play aggressive, get the frags, then get out to safety with his Tailwind is perfect for most teams. There's a reason the Jett-Operator meta is so popular, and that's because it's good.
- This Valorant Duelist Agent can also protect his teammates with his smoke, which is very useful for Reset and Retreat.
Jett's versatile playing style plus his balanced utility make him the best duelist so far. He's been a staple in the meta for months even now, and despite being nerfed multiple times from Riot, this one Valorant Duelist Agent stays in the ranks long as long as he doesn't lose that Utility.

For those of you who are often annoyed with Reyna's Embers skills. This could be Reyna as Valorant's Duelist Agent compact. Why is that? Because the skills given are often disastrous for the enemy.
It's as if you are hypnotized and deceived by the skills produced by Reyna, the bringer of death.
Reyna Assault Gameplay
- Reyna is indeed not a typical valorant duelist agent who brings many benefits to her team, but a lot for herself. The good player user Reyna can destroy an entire team 1v5, and that's part of her charm.
- His leer is great for sending players flying on hits to a site that Reyab has been targeting, while he can stay on the front lines with Devour. This certainly makes the opponent reluctant to face Reyna directly.
- If Player User Reyna has used her Empress, and she is like one person with 5 Lives. This is sure to be disastrous for the opponent.
Defense of a Reyna
- Utilities that are only for Reyna herself are really not suitable for Reyna when defending. However, he was still able to use it quite effectively. His ability to take picks and throws to safety makes him very strong on the back side.
Verdict Of Reyna
The nerf for Reyna in Patch 2.03 did slow her down for a while, but the added souls dropped on assists have pulled her back into the upper echelons of the game. Other duelists have more utility to work with but his survivability in battle separates him from his team.

Feel free to play Raze. Valorant Duelist Agent who can be relied upon when the team is cornered. You can use raze because the utility that Raze has is very good compact and useful for the team.
The thing that underlies you to use this Agent is the game that is presented a lot. You can use your brain to think creatively about how to play a more attractive raze hero.
Surely you will be surprised by the attractive game presented by your opponent. Hmm… how did you get interested in using Raze? Immediately play in Matchmaking.
The attack provided by Raze
- Raze is a Duelist whose tactics in attack can make the team disband in an unfavorable position. The Bomb Bot is great for exploring the site before doing any kind of push and often gets opportunities for teammates to push from behind.
- When the team starts launching attacks against each other, Raze is the best choice to become one of the valorant duelist agents to carry out these attacks.
The defense provided by Raze
- Utility Raze wasn't as effective in defense as he was in attack, but he wasn't a resident who only attacked either. Its constant explosions provide a great deal of zone control, forcing enemies to retreat or cornering them for an easy take.
- His big downside is that he has no flash or smoke, just a bit of zone control which is very strong, holding enemies at chokepoints and always putting them in harm's way if they want to execute onto the site.
Raze's decision as a Valorant Duelist Agent
The Raze Kit may seem like damage at face value, but it's also great for slowing things down. He's not perfect by any means, but Raze has a fighting chance against any lineup.
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Yoru is one of the valorant duelist agents who will definitely make you feel at home using him. This is definitely very good for those of you who like to play tactically and flank.
Yoru is very good at attacking and defending. Because with this you can prioritize the vision and mission of playing team. How can our team win the game?
Attack On Yoru
- Like other Duelists, Yoru has a lot of power to attack. The Cerebral Nature of Yoru's kit means he is at his best when used as a playmaker. Multiple rounds of careful flashes and the constant threat of teleporting will keep enemies on their toes every round.
- However, that doesn't mean he can't play with the rest of the team. The utility is just as effective when grouped than on the wing. You can set up a faux-flank presence with its footsteps, flash your team with its unique bounce flash, and dash into sites completely out of sight.
Defense On Yoru
- This utility is also transferred to defense. He can set up fake pushes through public places to prevent enemies from guessing where you are.
- Flashes are also great for blinding large areas, allowing your friends to swing out and take advantage.
- His Ultimate is also one of the best for Reset. You can enter the site completely unnoticed, kill enemies, and throw the whole post-plant into disarray. Yoru creates controlled chaos that the rest of the team can use to the advantage of the team.
Verdict On Yoru
Yoru is still playable well in capable player hands, but his slow flash and lack of team play make him the weakest in the role. That probably won't be for long though, as Riot has teased some upcoming changes that could make it more viable
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You can really play this newest Duelist Agent. Because Ultimate is sure to trick you into power like Jett but by using electricity.
Surely you will prefer the newest full power agent at this time. With a few seconds you can find out some tips and tricks that are definitely useful for you to fight enemies
Neon Assault
- High Gear is perfect for those of you who play shoot and run. You can use this to trick your opponent. Being fast and strong is definitely specific to this skill. But don't be careless in using it because this skill definitely requires momment.
- The ultimate used by neon is very fast and high damage. This Valorant Duelist Agent must definitely be used when you face heroes with other fast skills.
Neon Defense
- Fast lane will pave the way for you to avoid enemies. Passing the fast lane can also be a very fun effect to trick your opponent. This makes a duelist agent who has high escape defense skills.
Neon Decision
Good utility and components can make this valorant agent the best duelist agent. But of course there are still adjustments because this Valorant agent was just released yesterday.
So, those are the 5 Vicon versions of Valorant Duelist Agents that you can use as references when playing games. Then which is your favorite duelist agent?