Everything You Need to Know About Respiration Minecraft

There are all kinds of enchantment items in Minecraft. One of the enchantments in the game is Respiration Minecraft.
Respiration Minecraft
Respiration Minecraft. Source: JayDeeMC/Youtube

There are various kinds items enchantments in Minecraft, one of which is Respiration. What is Respiration Minecraft? Check it out in this article.

Enchanments itself is a mechanic that can increase abilities or give additional usage abilities to an item.

The enchanted item will show a special flash animation appearing on the item.

For those of you who still don't know what Respiration Minecraft is, let's take a peek at the short review below!

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What is Respiration Minecraft?

What is Respiration Minecraft
Respiration in Minecraft. Source: JayDeeMC/Youtube

Respiration is a helmet who have been enchanted. The use of this one helmet is to extend the player's time when breathing underwater.

Respiration can extend the time of breathing underwater for 15 seconds for each enchantment level which can be added to the default time of 15 seconds.

In addition, Respiration can reduce the damage that players get while underwater by one second per level.

The maximum level a player can get without using commands is level 3, this means the total underwater time the player gets is 60 seconds including the default time without enchantments.

Commands or what is known as Console Commands is an advanced feature that can be activated by typing certain text.

How to Get Respiration

 Enchantment Table
Enchantment Table. Source: JayDeeMC/Youtube

Players can obtain enchantments by using an enchanting table to add special bonuses to equipment, weapons, and armor.

How to make an enchanting table? To make it, you need several materials, namely 2 Diamonds, 4 Obsidian, and 1 Book. After gathering all the materials needed, follow the steps below.

  • Go to menus crafting;
  • Put books in the second column from the first row;
  • In the second row, place the materials in the order of a Diamond, Obisidian, and another Diamond;
  • In the third row fill everything with Obsidian.

If all the materials have been placed in the correct order, an enchanting table will appear in the box on the right.

Place the enchanting table where you want it then interact with it. A menu will appear with your saves and two empty slots above it.

The first slot is used to place the item you want to enchant, while the second slot is for placing lapis lazuli.

Respiration Minecraft - Lapis Lazuli items
Lapis Lazuli items. Source: JayDeeMC/Youtube

To be able to give enchanments, you must use the system level experience orbs with a minimum level of 1. After placing items and lapis lazuli in the available slots, choose an option. If no options appear, keep changing your item.

Merge items
Option to get Respiration. Source: JayDeeMC/Youtube
For the record, not all items can be given enchanments at level 1. So it will be even better if you are at level 2 and above.

Fees required to deliver enchantments on an item retrieved from experience while killing mobs, raising livestock, or mining for resources.

Level 30 is the max level one can reach Enchantments. To get the highest level of enchantments, you need a total of 15 bookshelves arranged one block apart.

For the height of the bookshelf, you only need 1 block by forming a 5 x 5 square. Don't forget to make an opening for the entrance.

Also read: How to Breathe Under Water in Minecraft, It's Easy!

Another Way to Breathe Underwater

How to breathe underwater in Minecraft
How to breathe underwater in Minecraft. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

Apart from using Respiration enchantment, there is another way to breathe underwater. Here is the list.

  • Potion of Water Breathing
  • Potion of Water Breathing (Extended)
  • Splash Potion of Water Breathing
  • Splash Potion of Water Breathing (Extended)
  • Lingering Potion of Water Breathing
  • Lingering Potion of Water Breathing (Extended)
  • Arrow of Water Breathing
  • Arrow of Water Breathing (Extended)
  • Turtle Shells
  • Conduit Power

So that's all you need to know about Respiration Minecraft. What do you use more often yourself?

Also read: TNT Recipe in Minecraft, How to Make It?

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