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Black Myth Wukong Trailer and Release Schedule!

There are many new game titles that will be launched in 2024. One of the games that you have to wait for is Black Myth: Wukong.
Black Myth Wukong - Sun Wukong's character
Sun Wukong's character in the game Black Myth: Wukong. Source: IGN/Youtube

There are many new game titles that will be launched in 2024. One of the games that you have to wait for is Black Myth: Wukong.

Action games RPGs It was created by an indie developer from China namely Game Science based on the famous Chinese novel in the 16th century, Journey to The West.

Hearing “Journey of the West” it immediately reminds me of a powerful monkey character named Sun Wukong who traveled westward in search of holy books.

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Is the main character in this game a powerful monkey? Let's see a short article about Black Myth: Wukong below!

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Black Myth Game Trailer: Wukong

Black Myth Wukong trailer
Black Myth Wukong game trailer. Source: heishenhua.com

On site official this game, it is stated that the focus is not only on telling stories about Wukong as the main character in this game.

There will be lots of interesting characters with thought-provoking dialogue from Journey to the West. Not to mention uncovering the darkness shrouded within.

Black Myth Wukong - Sun Wukong's character
Sun Wukong's character. Source: IGN/Youtube

Game Science also released a gameplay trailer for Black Myth: Wukong with a duration of 13 minutes. In the trailer, we can see bits and pieces of the game that are quite promising.

This game has stunning visuals complemented by appropriate sound effects and background music, making the fantasy atmosphere in it even more pronounced.

The point of view in this game itself seems to use a third person perspective. For gameplayhis, Black Myth: Wukong mixes environmental exploration with slick fighting skills.

Black Myth Wukong combat gameplay
Combat gameplay in the game Black Myth Wukong. Source: heishenhua.com

The footage in the trailer contains battle scenes between Sun Wukong and giant enemies such as giant white wolves, giant bears and winged creatures with long sticks in their hands.

Black Myth Wukong - Giant bear
Scene against a giant bear. Source: heishenhua.com

In the novel Journey to the West itself, the story in it focuses on Wukong from birth to traveling to study Taoism and become immortal.

During the trip, Wukong also learned to master the language and how to fight. Wukong has 72 celestial transformation methods where he can transform into various kinds of animals and objects at will.

Sun Wu Kong
Footage of Sun Wukong's transformation into a beast. Source: IGN/Youtube

In the official trailer, we will also see some of Sun Wukong's skills as in the book Journey to the West. These skills are as follows:

  • Transformation of various animals and objects
  • Multiply yourself and attack your opponent simultaneously
  • Extend stick
  • Travel using flying clouds
  • Mastering spells that can control gods and spirits
  • Various martial arts both using weapons and bare hands
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Black Wyth: Wukong Release Schedule

Shortfilm Official Release Window footage
Footage of the official release window short film Black Myth Wukong. Source: IGN/Youtube

The trailer of this game caught the attention of many people and made it very popular. However, Game Science stated that they would not allow this hype master the mind and they will focus on developing a good game.

For the release date itself, there has been no official announcement when this game will be released. What is clear, Game Science will confirm in a short film that they will release this game in 2024.

This two-minute short film tells the story of a rabbit who wants to play the game Black Wyth: Wukong.

The rabbit tries to install the game on an old PC and gets an error which ends up crashing the PC.

He then broke his savings to buy the latest PC to install the game. Unfortunately, once the game is installed, the PC screen only displays a clock counting down to 2024.

Several years later, the aging rabbit finally manages to watch Black Myth: Wukong live.

With animation and a funny storyline, this short film received many positive comments and succeeded in increasing the enthusiasm of the fans. For those of you who are curious, you can watch the short film here.

So that's an article about action game trailers RPGs Black Myth: Wukong which will be released in 2024. After seeing the trailer, are you interested in playing this one game?

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