You might be curious about what Tzy means, so it's behind the names of a number of pro players Mobile Legends: Bang Bang world. The player who goes by that name is ECHO PH KarlTzy.
Tzy, which is used as an additional nickname, has its own history.
There is a story behind the use of the name Tzy.
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Tzy What Does It Mean?

A number of world pro players use the additional name Tzy for their nickname in the game.
KarlTzy was the first player to use that name when he joined Bren Esports.
The use of Tzy in the Mobile Legends player nickname was popular a few years ago.
To be precise, when Bren Esports won the M2 World Championship.
Where, their roster composition consists of two players who use the word Tzy behind their nickname.
They are KarlTzy and FlapTzy respectively.
The name was then popular in Indonesia. This can be seen from a number of records.
Where, the popularity even made the word Tzy used by Indonesian Mobile Legends pro players.
Player RRQ Hoshi, now RRQ, Vyn it was also said that he had used the Tzy ending in the end his nickname in the game.
After doing a search, it turns out that Tzy was inspired by the name of a Dota pro player.
Reported from oneesports, conveyed that coach Brand Esports At that time, it was time to reveal the meaning behind the word Tzy. So this can answer the question about what is Tzy and what does Tzy mean.
Where, it turns out that the name was deliberately used by Karl.
The owner's real name is Karl Gabriel Nepomuceno, who is 18 years old, deliberately uses the addition Tzy behind his name.
This is done so that the name does not seem boring. So, he also uses the addition.
Furthermore, it was also stated that Tzy was taken from a Dota pro player named Arteezy.
Also read: Complete Profile and Biography of ECHO KurtTzy
Karl Tzy profile

KarlTzy is currently a pro player playing at ECHO PH.
He is the only pro player who won the Mobile Legends World Championship: Bang Bang (MLBB) or M World Championship twice.
First, KarlTzy won the M2 World Championship with Bren Esports.
Then, recently he again became a champion with a different team, namely M4 World Championships in Jakarta.
Also read: This is the Lancelot MLBB Build Item Ala Pro Player BREN KarlTzy
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