How to Chat on Hearthstone, Only Using Emotes?!

Online games usually have a chat feature as a communication tool. However, Hearthstone does not have a way to chat with enemies during matches.
How to Chat on Hearthstone

Hearthstone is an online game from Blizzard Entertainment. Like other online games, you can interact with other players. However, in fact many players are wondering how to chat on Hearthstone.

Chatting is one way to communicate in various online games. Most online games like League of Legends, Valorant, Dota 2, until Mobile Legends has a chat feature as a means of communication.

This time, VCGamers will discuss how to chat in the Hearthstone game. Before that, let's look at the brief description of the Hearthstone game below!

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Heartstone Games

Heartstone Games
Heartstone Games. Source: Play Store

Hearthstone is a digital card collection game that you can play for free. Blizzard Entertainment is the developer who developed and published this game.

Hearthstone has battle gameplay with card models, according to the cards you have in your personal deck. The collection of cards in this game is based on various information from the series Warcraft.

There are elements, relics, and of course the same characters as Warcraft. Uniquely, players can play this game via PC and also iOS and Android smartphones.

This digital card collection game is a one-on-one online game. Players will fight other players with card strategies that will be played in battle.

With turn-based, the two opposing players will use a deck consisting of 30 cards and also a Hero with unique strengths.

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How to Chat on Hearthstone

How to Chat in the Hearthstone Emote Game
Examples of Hearthstone Emotes. Source: YouTube/Gwytherin

To take advantage of the chat feature in the Hearthstone game, you can only use an emote as a communication tool.

According to Hearthstone Wiki, Emotes are the only means of communication between players during a match.

Emotes in Hearthstone are short quotes that you can use during matches. Each emote is unique in its own way, displayed in a speech bubble that appears next to the character.

So, you can not using the chat feature in Hearthstone between players other than friends. Therefore, you have to give a friend request first and make friends to chat.

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Chat with Friends in Hearthstone Games

How to Chat Hearthstone with Friends
How to Chat Hearthstone with Friends. Source: Reddit

There are features that you can use to chat with friends. You only need to enter the game and activate the message feature with friends.

However, you have to remember that you can only use this message feature to communicate with friends.

As long as Blizzard hasn't announced chat with enemies during matches, you can only communicate with friends. Besides through Hearthstone, you can also communicate with friends via Battlenet.

According to the official Hearthstone website, you can chat with friends via the BattleNet chat window. A message will appear on the BattleNet menu when you play any game, for example Hearthstone to Overwatch 2.

Thus the discussion on how to chat in the Hearthstone game. For game top up needs, come on VC Markets by VCGamers!

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