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Build Xingqiu Genshin Impact, Cool Off-Field Hydro Support!

Xingqiu is Hydro support which is very profitable because it can be off field. Check out the guide on how to build the latest Xingqiu Genshin Impact
xingqiu genshin impact

Xingqiu Genshin Impact is a Hydro character support which is often used by deep players party besides Xiangling and Bennett.

Xingqiu's highly qualified skills make Xingqiu a off-field support which strengthens and magnifies damage from your DPS.

DPS like Hu Tao, Diluc, and Childe very strong indeed. However, this character will not 

produce damage optimal without any support qualified.

This time, VCGamers will discuss build one of support the favorite is Xingqiu Genshin Impact.

Xingqiu build including the easiest to do but must be careful not to be mistaken.

Xingqiu Genshin Impact Build Recommendations

This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, to team recommendations that are suitable for build Xingqiu Genshin Impact.

Recommended artifacts are aligned with already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.

Skill Priority for Build Xingqiu Genshin Impact

elemental skill xingqiu genshin impact
Elemental Skill Xingqiu (source: VCGamers)

As a character, Xingqiu Genshin Impact uses the Hydro element with a Sword weapon. 

Xingqiu's Normal Attack consists of 5 consecutive attacks that deliver physical damage to the enemy.

Elemental Skill from Xingqiu namely Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen, Xingqiu will give a quick attack (slash) which can deal Hydro DMG.

Around Xingqiu will appear Hydro swords called Rain Swords whose number is between 3 to 4 depending on the constellation they have.

This Rain Sword will reduce damage obtained from the enemy based on the percentage of bonus Hydro DMG that Xingqiu has.

For example, damage that the enemy gives one hit of 1000, every Rain Sword that is hit damage it will reduce by 300 so you only get 700.

The Rain Sword will disappear if your character keeps getting it damage and the duration is up.

After the duration runs out, the total remaining Rain Sword will be converted to recover the character's HP based on Xingqiu's maximum HP.

elemental burst xingqiu genshin impact
Elemental Burst Xingqiu Genshin Impact (source: VCGamers)

Elemental Burst from Xingqiu namely Guhua Sword: Raincutter is skills what you need to prioritize the most at the moment build.

Xingqiu will bring out Rain Swords as well as Rainbow Bladework. Rain Sword has the same function as Elemental Skill but has a longer duration.

Rainbow Bladework is a Hydro sword that can deal Hydro DMG. This skill will be active when the character uses Normal Attack.

This skill can be used when off field so you can use DPS to attack and will get additional Hydro DMG and also cause elemental reactions.

For build Xingqiu skills what you should prioritize is Elemental Burst then Elemental Skill.

Also Read: Genshin Impact Xiangling Build, Support OP Deals Huge Damage!

Artifacts Suitable for Xingqiu Genshin Impact Builds

xingqiu build genshin impact artifact
Xingqiu Genshin Impact Artifacts (source: VCGamers)

Stats what you should prioritize for Xingqiu Genshin Impact are Crit rate/ DMG, Energy Recharge, and Hydro DMG Bonus.

Energy Recharge is needed so you can easily use Burst Xingqiu which will support other characters.

The author advises at least stat Xingqiu's Energy Recharge is 100 to optimize skills Xingqiu Genshin Impact deep damage support DPS.

You can also use artifacts with stat Elemental Mastery which will be very suitable for DPS like Hu Tao which produce damage maximum of the elemental vaporization reaction.

Xingqiu is support which can apply Hydro DMG very well so it can easily produce elemental reactions with other elements.

At the time of writing this article, the best artifacts for Xingqiu were artifact sets Emblem of Severed Fate.

Emblem of Severed Fate artifact give effect mIncreases Elemental Burst DMG from a massive 25% stat Energy Recharge Xingqiu build

You will get a maximum of 75% bonus DMG from using this artifact for Xingqiu.

Personally the author feels artifact sets this is for now the most compatible with Xingqiu.

You don't have to specialize farming this artifact because it can be gentlemen farming Shimenawa's Reminiscence for your other characters.

Another option you can use is the artifact set of 2 sets Heart of Depth that you combine with 2 sets Noblesse Oblige.

Noblesse Oblige 2 sets good because it will increase Elemental Burst DMG +25% from Xingqiu build you and get additional Hydro DMG Bonus +15% from Heart of Depth.

Option using 4 sets Noblesse Oblige you can actually use it too. 

4 sets Noblesse Oblige will increases the ATK of all characters on your team by 20% for 12 seconds after character uses Elemental Bursts.

However, the writer feels that this artifact does not show Xingqiu's potential, so the writer feels that it is better for you to use the Emblem of Severed Fate.

Also Read: Guide to Genshin Impact Artifact Sets, You Must Know Their Uses!

Weapon Recommendations for Build Xingqiu Genshin Impact

build xingqiu genshin impact 5 star weapon
Xingqiu Genshin Impact Weapon (source: VCGamers)

It was undeniable that many players including the author suggested the 4 star weapon Sacrificial Sword as Xingqiu's best weapon.

Bonus from the Sacrificial Sword which can reset the duration cooldown very suitable to cover Xingqiu's shortcomings which needed time cooldown which is big enough.

Sacrificial Sword is also good at refinement 0 so you don't need copy this weapon is to maximize Xingqiu's potential, and it will be even better when you refine.

However, that doesn't mean Xingqiu can't use other weapons. Still many suitable weapon you use for Xingqiu.

Recommended 5 star weapon for Xingqiu Genshin Impact are Mistsplitter Reforge, Primordial Jade Cutter, Haran Geppaku Futsu, and Skyward Blade.

Mistsplitter Reforge, Primordial Jade Cutter, and Haran Geppaku Futsu are known to have stat Superior Crit Rate/ DMG making it suitable for build any character including Xingqiu build.

When you use these 3 weapons you must ensure and maximize enough Energy Recharge for Xingqiu Genshin Impact from the artifacts.

You can maximize Xingqiu's Energy Recharge from Skyward Blade so that Xingqiu build you can quickly use always Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill to support damage your DPS.

A 4 star weapon suitable for build Xingqiu Genshin Impact other than the Sacrificial Sword quite a lot.

You can use Festering Desire (although this weapon is obtained from events 1.4 ago), Favonius Lance, The Alley Flash, The Blacksword, and Blackcliff Longsword.

For the F2P option, you can also use Amenoma Kageuchi which is quite compatible with Xingqiu.

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