Experience playing Battle Royale on PUBG Mobile similar in that this game offers players the perfect features, rewards, modes, events and game mechanics. One of them is the PUBG Mobile flare drop which can bring in rare loot.
Currently, players have started to enjoy all the components in BR mode to enjoy the game to the fullest. One such component is the PUBG Mobile flare drop, which was introduced to enhance the player experience.
PUBG Mobile flare drop is one of the main reasons that create chaos in the game. Players rush towards the flaming beacon to kill the existing squad and take the loot airdrop. Therefore, you must know how to maintain PUBG Mobile flare drops in the game.
Tricks to Maintain Flare Drop PUBG Mobile
Use Smoke When Loot Flare Drop PUBG Mobile

Smoke grenades help create temporary cover by obscuring the enemy's view. When looting the PUBG Mobile flare drop, you should use smoke grenades to confuse enemies about their location.
This will ensure safe loot from PUBG Mobile flare drops and help you regain cover and then engage in fights.
Flares draw a lot of attention to enemies, for obvious reasons, and there's a brief delay after shooting PUBG Mobile's flare drop, which can draw enemies close before the airdrop arrives.
Therefore, always choose an area or mountainous area where there are not many enemies. Then, enemies can't hide near the bracelet and kill you before you get them out.
Keep At Least One Teammate At Different Angles

Coverfire plays an important role during any battle in PUBG Mobile. While the rest of the squad mates are busy looting PUBG Mobile flare drops or trying to defend them, squad mates stationed at a different angle can surprise the enemy and provide cover for their team by successfully taking out some of the rushing enemies.
Shoot the PUBG Mobile Flare Drop in a Small Complex

Complex provides the best cover in PUBG Mobile. While larger cities can accommodate and attract different squads when flares are fired from the area, smaller complexes often attract fewer enemies.
This is mostly because rushing squads also fear being hit and finished if they get involved in a fight around a smaller compound.
You can easily defend PUBG Mobile's flare drop by eliminating irritating squads while staying in cover of small complexes.
Firing Flares Inside the Zone

The most important tip on how to protect a flare gun is in the safe zone. A player should always try to fire it after entering the safe zone.
If fired outside, the airdrop will arrive with the BRDM vehicle. The BRDM isn't very useful in classic matches, but airdropped weapons like the AWM and Groza are more important in most situations.
Shoot the flare at a 60 degree angle. Don't go too down because it can make it difficult, even though the flare moves quickly, but the flare will still fall to the first location you shoot. This method can also be used to deceive your enemies.
Not only can it be used in a wide field, you can also use this method when you are at home. Ask for the flare gun as usual to go up until the cross is visible, then use the scopep. Try the take direction not to take into account the roof slightly blocking the firing path.
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Stay Alert to Hidden Enemies

Traces of the flare gun being fired can be seen by players all over the map. This means that nearby players will try to steal the airdrop by killing your squad.
Therefore, it is recommended to always be vigilant when firing a flare gun so that only you who shoot the weapon can get the weapon. You can tell teammates to keep an eye on enemy players and alert them when enemies arrive.
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Well, this is how to film flares at home. Even though it is a bit difficult, this method is quite effective in deceiving the enemy, so that the airdrop is not taken by the enemy. How did you do that?