This time we will review the Battle Spell function in the game Mobile Legends. Every Battle Spell is of course useful for the hero you use. However, you have to pay attention to the role of the hero you use in the game.
Battle spells are one of the reasons that make your hero stronger. But, don't just choose because the one you choose doesn't support the hero you use in the game.
Beginners may still not know the function of each battle spell in the game. So, this time we will discuss its function and for what hero the battle spell is most appropriate to use.
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You can just randomly choose a battle spell. But, don't let the battle spell you choose doesn't match the role of the hero you're using.
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Therefore, let's review it. So you can choose the right battle spell in the game.
Functions of 12 Battle Spells Mobile Legends
This time we will discuss the 12 Battle Spells in the game. For those of you who are choosing the right spell, you should read this article until it's finished.

This is the right battle spell for those of you who use heroes with Assassin and Mage roles. This spell is perfect for your heroes who rely on burst damage.
The players will know that this spell is the first one you get when you start playing Mobile Legends.
Regarding its function, this spell can give true damage to opposing heroes of 240 to 800 points. The damage dealt will also increase when your level in the game increases.
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You have to choose the right time to use it. Namely, when the opposing hero is off guard or running away from pursuit

Inspire is suitable for heroes with Marksman and Fighter roles. Because this battle spell can increase attack speed.
The attack speed of the hero using this spell will increase by 55 percent. In addition, it can also penetrate the opponent's hero's defense for 5 seconds.
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Heroes who rely on basic attacks with physical damage are very suitable for using this spell. Because, their attacks will hurt even more for the opposing hero

This spell is usually used by heroes with the role of Marksman or Assassin. They use it because this spell has a very useful function.
Heroes who use this spell will be helped when eliminating jungle monsters. So, heroes with Marksman and Assassin roles can quickly buy items and level up.
This spell makes jungle monsters receive true damage of 600 to 1440 points. The damage will also increase along with the level of your hero in the game
Healing Spells

This battle spell functions to be used in Brawl mode. Because, you can regenerate HP and Mana from the heroes you use.
The function of this Spell is to help regenerate 15 percent of the total HP and Mana. When used, this battle spell works for your hero and the teammate heroes around you.
So, the hero that is suitable for choosing this battle spell is a tanker.
Iron Wall

Iron wall can be used for tanker heroes. By using this battle spell, you can withstand attacks from opposing heroes.
The attack from the detained opponent's hero is a physical or magic attack for up to 3 seconds by 40 percent.

Aegis functions to make your hero immune from basic attacks. In fact, you are also immune from turret attacks. So, Aegis is very suitable for use by heroes who are in charge of doing push towers.
Those of you who use this battle spell can withstand 4 basic attacks within five seconds. You can push your opponent's turret longer when using this battle spell.

Petrify is also suitable for use by heroes with the Tanker role. Because it functions to make the opposing hero stun for 0.7 seconds,
Besides that, when you use it, this spell will give magic damage. The amount of magic damage dealt reaches 115 to 325 points.
How to use it, that is, you enter the crowd of opposing heroes. Then, use this battle spell. At that time, the opposing heroes around you will be stunned. Well, that's when the heroes from your team can attack the opposing heroes.

This battle spell functions to make the heroes you use in the game run faster. The movement speed of the hero you use will increase by 42 percent.
This spell is suitable for heroes who have a less than optimal escape. Like, Odette, Layla to Eudora.
With this battle spell you will be helped when attacking and chasing enemies. Apart from that, you will also be helped to escape when being chased by your opponent.

The next spell is Purify. The effect of this spell is similar to Sprint. The heroes who are suitable for using it are the same. Namely, those with relatively poor escape.
This spell will make you immune to disable within 1 second. Apart from that, your Movement Speed will also increase by 30 percent.
What needs to be noted, the Cooldown of this battle spell reaches 110 seconds. So, you have to make sure that you use this spell at the right time.

This Battle Spell functions to reduce running and attack speed. In fact, the reduction that occurs due to this spell reaches 70 percent in running speed and 50 percent in attack.
You can eliminate your opponent's heroes quickly. Because, this spell can last up to three seconds.
Some of the heroes that are suitable for using Weaken include Karina, Gusion and Harley.

Flicker functions to make the hero move quickly. You can use this battle spell to run away or chase opposing heroes in the game.

This Battle Speel is suitable for heroes who have a role as support. You can move anywhere when using this spell. Your speed also increases by 30 percent within three seconds.
You can help heroes from your team who need help by using this spell.