Latest Elden Ring Weapon Tier List 2025, Must Know!
Elden Rings is a game made by FromSoftware which carries the action genre RPGs. Meanwhile, this game has been played by many gamers because it has luxurious graphics and interesting gameplay.
In the gameplay, there are various types of weapons that can be used to defeat enemies and bosses that block. Therefore, you need to know the tier list of these weapons so that they are effective in defeating enemies.
For more details, you can read this article to find out the latest Elden Ring weapon tier list for 2025.
Also read:
Latest Elden Ring Weapon Tier List 2025

In this discussion, there are 7 tiers including S, A, B, C, D, E, and F. Where, tier S is the best weapon for defeating enemies easily.
Meanwhile, tier F is the lowest rank, where the weapon is considered less effective against strong enemies. Here are the details:
Tier S
- Blasphemous Blade,
- Dark Moon Greatsword,
- Death's Poker,
- Eleonora's Poleblade,
- Erdtree bow,
- Fallingstar Beast Jaw,
- Full Moon Crossbow,
- Gagoyle's Blackblade,
- Godslayer's Greatsword,
- Golden Order Greatsword,
- Lion Greatbow,
- Meteoric Ore Blade,
- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear,
- Moonveil,
- Onyx Lord's Greatsword,
- Rivers of Blood,
- Sceptre of the All-Knowing,
- Sword of Night and Flame,
- Winged Scythe,
- Regal Scepter Search,
- Dragon Communion Seal,
- Frenzied Flame Seal,
- Giant's Seal,
- Lusat's Glintstone Staff.
Tier A
- Bastard's Stars,
- Beastclaw Greathammer,
- Black Knife,
- Blade of Calling,
- Bolt of Gransax,
- Search Knight's Sword,
- Cleanrot Spear,
- Clanial Vessel Candlestand,
- Crystal Sword,
- Death Ritual Spear,
- Devourer's Scepter,
- Dragon Greatclaw,
- Dragon King's Cragblade,
- Dragonscale Blade,
- Eclipse Hotel,
- Envoy's Greathorn,
- Envoy's Hors,
- Envoy's Long Horn,
- Executioner's Greataxe,
- Family Heads,
- Giant's Red Braid,
- Godskin Peeler,
- Golden Halberd,
- Grafted Blade Greatsword,
- Grafted Dragon,
- Hello Scythe,
- Hand of Malenia,
- Helpen's Steepie,
- Horn Bow,
- Icerind Hatchet,
- Inquisitor's Griandole,
- Inseparable Sword,
- Lazuli Glintstone Sword,
- Magma Blade,
- Magma Wyrm's Scalesword,
- Maliketh's Black Blade,
- Marais Executioner's Sword,
- Morgott's Cursed Sword,
- Ornamental Straight Sword,
- Preplate's Inferno Crozier,
- Royal Greatsword,
- Ruins Greatsword,
- Sacred Relic Sword,
- Scavenger's Curved Sword,
- Siluria's Tree,
- Staff of the Avatar,
- Sword of St. Trina,
- Treespear,
- Veteran's Prosthesis,
- Wings of Astel,
- Azur's Glintstone Staff,
- Godslayer's Seal,
- Golden Order Seal,
- Gravel Stone Seal,
- Rotten Crystal Staff.
Tier B
- Antspur Rapier,
- Axe of Godrick,
- Beast-Repellent Torch,
- Pata Cipher,
- Clayman;s Harpoon,
- Coded Swordm
- Crystal Spear
- Frozen Needle,
- Gargoyle's Black Axe,
- Gargoyle's Black Halberd,
- Ghostflame Torch,
- Glintstone Kris,
- Golden Epitaph,
- Greatbow Golem,
- Great Omenkiller Cleaver,
- Greataxe,
- Hammer,
- Ivory Sickle,
- Loretta's War Sickle,
- Magma Whip Candlestick,
- Marika's Hammer,
- Monk's Flamemace,
- Nagakiba,
- Noble's Slender Sword,
- Nox Flowing Hammer,
- Reduvia,
- Ringed Finger,
- Rogier's Rapier,
- Rosus' Axe,
- Rotten Crystal Spear,
- Rusted Anchor,
- Sentry's Torch,
- Serpent Hunter,
- Trina's Torch,
- Starscourge Greatsword,
- Stone Club,
- Torchpole,
- Troll Knight's Sword,
- Vyke's War Spear,
- Winged Greathorn,
- Zamor Curved Sword,
- Academy Glintstone Staff,
- Clawmark Seal,
- Demi-Human Queen's Staff,
- Gelmir Glinstone Staff,
- Meteorite Staff,
- Staff of Loss,
- Staff of the Guilty.
Tier C
- Albinauric Bow,
- Axe of Godfrey,
- Bandit's Curved Sword,
- Bloodhound Claws,
- Cinquefoil,
- Crystal Knife,
- Curved Club,
- Duelist Greataxe,
- Gargoyle's Great Axe,
- Gargoyle's Greatsword,
- Gargoyle's Twinblade,
- Grave Scythe,
- Grossmesser,
- Hoslow's Petal Whip,
- Jar Cannon,
- Longhair Axe,
- Mace,
- Morning Star,
- Ordovic's Greatsword,
- Regalia of Eochaid,
- Rotten Crystal Sword,
- Rotten Greataxe,
- Rotten Staff,
- Spiked Club,
- Steel-Wire Torch,
- Torch,
- Troll's Hammer,
- Warpick,
- Watchdog's Staff,
- Watchdog Greatsword,
- Finger Seal.
Tier D
- Alabaster Lord's Sword,
- Beastman's Cleaver,
- Beastman's Curved Sword,
- Bloodhound's Fang,
- Butchering Knife,
- Celebrant's Skull,
- Chainlink Flail,
- Cleanrot Knight's Sword,
- Club,
- Cross Naginata,
- Curved Great Club.
- Erdtree Greatbow,
- Falchion,
- Flail,
- Flowing Curved Sword,
- Ghiza's Wheel,
- Giant Crusher,
- Golem's Halberd,
- Great Club,
- Great Stars,
- Greatbow,
- Iron Spear,
- Longbow,
- Mantis Blade,
- Miserable,
- Nightrade Flail,
- Nox Flowing Sword,
- Partisan,
- Pickaxe,
- Pike,
- Pulley Bow,
- Scimitar,
- Serpent-God's Curved Sword,
- Shamshir,
- Spear,
- Spiked Spear,
- Thorned Whip,
- Urumi,
- Venomous Fang,
- Wakizashi,
- Whip,
- Astrologer's Staff,
- Glintstone Staff Search,
- Crystal Staff.
Tier E
- Arbalest,
- Battle Axe,
- Battle Hammer,
- Bloodstained Dagger,
- Bloody Helice,
- Broadsword,
- Celebrant's Cleaver,
- Celebrant's Rib-Rake,
- Celebrant's Sickle,
- Commander Standard,
- Crepus's Black-Key Crossbow,
- Dismounter,
- Dragon Halberd,
- Estoc,
- Gargoyle's Halberd,
- Glaive,
- Godskin Stitcher,
- Great Mace,
- Greathorn Hammer,
- Greatsword,
- Guardian's Swordspear,
- Highland Axe,
- Hookclaws,
- Iron Cleaver,
- Iron Greatsword,
- Jawbone Axe,
- Large Club,
- Monk's Flameblade,
- Rotten Battle Hammer,
- Sacrificial Axe,
- Scorpion's Stinger,
- Scythe,
- Serpent Bow,
- Serpentbone Blade,
- Short Spear,
- Hotel,
- Star Fist,
- Stormhawk Axe,
- Troll's Golden Sword,
- Uchigatana,
- Warped Axe,
- Digger's Staff,
- Prince of Death's Staff.
Tier F
- Banished Knight's Greatsword,
- Banished Knight's Halberd,
- Bastard Sword,
- Black Bow,
- Brick Hammer,
- Caestus,
- Cane Sword,
- Claymore,
- Clinging Bone,
- Composite Bow,
- Dagger,
- Silver Steel Dagger,
- Flamberge,
- Forked Greatsword,
- Forked Hatchet,
- Great Epee,
- Great Knife,
- Halberd,
- Hand Axe,
- Hand Ballista,
- Harp Bow,
- Heavy Crossbow,
- Iron Ball,
- Cathar,
- Knight's Greatsword,
- Lance,
- Light Crossbow,
- Longsword,
- Lordsworn's Greatsword,
- Lordsworn's Straight Sword,
- Lucerne,
- Misbegotten Shortbow,
- Nightrider Glaive,
- Noble's Estoc,
- Parrying Dagger,
- Pest's Glaive,
- Pulley Crossbow,
- Rapier,
- Raptor Talons,
- Red Branch Shortbow,
- Ripple Blade,
- Ripple Crescent Halberd,
- Short Sword,
- Shortbow,
- Soldier's Crossbow,
- Spiked Caestus,
- Sword of Milos,
- Twinblades,
- Twin Knight Swords,
- Varre's Bouquet,
- Vulgar Militia Saw,
- Vulgar Militia Shot,
- Warhawk's Talon,
- Weathered Straight Sword,
- Winged Spear,
- The slingshot,
- Glintblade Staff Search,
- Erdtree Seal.
Elden Ring Legendary Weapons You Must Collect

Meanwhile, there are several legendary weapons in the Elden Ring game that are not only powerful but also have interesting lore. Here are some of them:
Eclipse Shotel
The first legendary weapon of Elden Ring is the Eclipse Shotel. This sword is closely related to the eclipse phenomenon in the world of Elden Ring.
Furthermore, Eclipse Shote is perfect for you to use when using Faith Build with its unique Deathblight effect.
Greatsword Ruins
In second place is the Ruins Greatsword as a legendary weapon of Elden Ring that must be collected. Because, this weapon is one of the Colossal Weapons that has high damage and extraordinary scaling Strength.
Sword of Night and Flame
Then, there is the Sword of Night and Flame which is a unique weapon that can unleash magic and fire attacks at once. Thus, it is very suitable when used for the Intelligence-Faith hybrid build.
Marais Executioner's Sword
On the other hand, there is Marais Executioner's Sword as a legendary weapon that has a special attack called “Eochaid's Dancing Blade”, which is very effective in penetrating strong opponent defenses.
Bolt of Gransax
Lastly, there is Bolt of Gransax which is one of the legendary weapons with high Lighting damage, very effective in PvP.
Also read:
That's the latest Elden Ring weapon tier list that you must know in the 2025 period. So, you can adjust the weapons used to defeat enemies easily.
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