Link to read Manga Hunter x Hunter Chapter 401

After a long hiatus, finally the fanbase of this Shōnen title can continue reading the Hunter x Hunter manga chapter 401.
Read Manga Hunter x Hunter Chapter 401
Read Manga Hunter x Hunter Chapter 401. Source: Official Site

Official Release: Link to Read Manga Hunter x Hunter Chapter 401!

After a long hiatus, finally the fanbase of this Shōnen title can continue reading the latest Hunter x Hunter manga chapter 401! Yep, this 'senior' manga is still ongoing until now.

Through the release of this latest chapter, (Yoshihiro) Togashi Sensei officially ends his hiatus which has lasted almost two years. Well if Vicigers is also his fanbase, let's check it out!

Also read:

Why is Hunter X Hunter on Hiatus so Often?

Latest tankobon Hunter x Hunter Volume 38
Latest tankobon Hunter x Hunter Volume 38. Source: Official Site

It has become a consensus among Japanese fans (aka Wibu) that each manga title has its own uniqueness. This follows the pattern of each comic artist and their style of work.

(Eiichiro) Oda Sensei, for example, has been routinely releasing weekly chapters for almost 27 years – and it is very likely that it will be dozens or even tens of years before he can finish his famous title: One Piece.

In contrast to Death Note by (Tsugumi) Ohba Sensei and (Takeshi) Obata Sensei, both were able to popularize the suspense manga genre to all corners of the world with only 108 chapters!

Well, specifically for Hunter x Hunter, the uniqueness and characteristic of this manga is that it often goes on hiatus! This is closely related to the author's health condition which often hinders him from releasing new chapters.

After further investigation, it turned out that Togashi Sensei was suffering from acute back pain which made it difficult for him to move or stay in one position for long, including sitting.

So it is not surprising that among the manga enthusiast community, many have ended up 'twisting' the name to Hiatus x Hiatus – a phenomenon that is quite ticklish!

Synopsis of the Last Chapter

The Black Whale Ark where the Succession Contest takes place
The Black Whale Ark where the Succession Contest takes place. Source: Official Site

Of course, in this latest chapter, it continues the story that stopped two years ago. As a 'warm-up', VCGamers will give a synopsis of the last chapter (400) first, guys!

That way, Vicigers who may not have read or even forgotten the final storyline will not be confused when they continue reading chapter 401.

In this chapter, Togashi Sensei shows how the seventh Arc titled “Succession Contest” is going. Here are shown various scenes that are taking place in Black Whale.

The ship made by the Kakin Kingdom which was used as an ark to the New Continent also functioned as an arena for holding a contest to find the successor to the kingdom.

This chapter also closes with the appearance of our favorite character: Kurapika. So what is the protagonist planning to avenge the tragedy of his clan's massacre? Will this be answered in the latest chapter? Instead of getting more curious, let's check out the link!

Kurapika in Chapter 400
Kurapika in Chapter 400. Source: Official Site

Link to read Manga Hunter x Hunter Chapter 401

Now let's go straight to the main discussion, namely the latest Hunter x Hunter Chapter 401 manga reading link. Along with the release date, Vicigers can read this manga online!

But what Vicigers must pay attention to is the reading link. It is mandatory via the official website portal of Weekly Shōnen Jump made by Shueisha! So, make sure to read the latest chapter of Hunter x Hunter only on Manga Plus!

And to avoid spoilers, please read the manga yourself. It's free! Also, make sure your English is good, because the chapter does not provide Indonesian translation facilities.

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So that was the discussion about the link to read the Hunter x Hunter manga chapter 401. And if... Vicigers If you need top-up cash or other micro/macrotransaction gaming needs, make sure you only do it at VCGamers Marketplace yes!

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