Barats is a quite flexible hero, he can occupy the hyper, explainer or roam roles. When you use the right Barats build item according to his role, he will become a sick hero.
This monster with the power of spitting lava has a low level of difficulty, so it's no wonder it is often the choice in ranked mode matches. is Vicigers Do you know what the newest Barats build is?
Come on, read this article until the end to find out the best items for Barats in the Jungler and Explaner roles!
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Worst Barats Item Build 2024

Basically Barats Moonton was created to take on the role of a tank in the Land of Dawn. That's why it has super strong defense, fast HP regeneration and area stun effect.
Even though his strength does not include burst damage, Barats can kill opponents at once with one combo and of course build the right items.
Quoting from the Youtube Gameplay Proplayer page, Barats' worst build this season for the hyper and explainer roles is as follows:
Barats Hyper Items

Already know build items Barats Hyper sick this season? Come on, take a look at the following item recommendations:
Tough Boots
Tough Boots will increase Barats movement speed by =40 and also +22 Magic Defense. Vicigers can choose these shoes when they meet an opponent who is dominantly a mage.
This item is also able to reduce the crowd control duration of opposing heroes by up to 30%.
Haas's Claws
According to the Youtube Gameplay Proplayer Chanel, one of Barats' sickest items for the hyper role is Haas' Claws. Using this item will increase Physical Attack Barats +30, Attack Speed +20%, and Critical Chance +20%.
The uniqueness of this item is the unique attribute that gives Barats +25% Lifesteal. Not only that, this item can also provide a unique passive in the form of 20% Attack Speed for 2 seconds.
Sea Healberd
The Sea Healberd item provides a unique passive lifebane which reduces the shield effect and restores the target's HP by up to 50% for 3 seconds. Then his unique passive passive also provides increased damage of 8% against opposing heroes with higher HP.
Corrosion Scythe
If you want the sickest version of Barats, don't forget this item. Corrosion Scythe provides a unique passive in the form of 80 additional Physical Damage and provides a slow effect when Barats uses basic attacks.
War Ax
Pro players who recommend the sickest Barats build will definitely use the War Ax item. This item adds +45 Physical Attack, +550 HP and 10%Cooldown Reduction.
This unique passive item gives Barats additional damage every three seconds of +9 Physical Attack which can be spammed up to 8 stacks. Thus, the total additional damage from this item is +72 Physical Attack.
Brute Force Breastplate
The sickest Barats build definitely uses this defense item. With the Brute Force Breathplate item, Barats will get +770 HP and +45 Physical Defense.
Apart from that, this item can also provide additional movement speed of 2% for 4 seconds, when Barats uses his basic attack.
Also read: The 6 Best ML Defense Items for Tank Heroes
Item Barats Explorer

Quoting from R7 Tatsumaki's YouTube content (16/1/2024), this season Barats is one of the heroes who received a revamp from Moonton. Therefore, he recommends Barats explainer items such as the following:
Warrior Boots
Warrior Boots can be an option when your opponent uses a lot of non-mage heroes. This item provides physical defense +22 and movement speed +44.
Apart from that, Warrior Boots also give Barats a unique passive additional physical defense for 3 seconds when receiving an enemy blow.
Guardian Helmet
The unique recovery passive on the Guardian Helmet makes it easy for Barats to recover 2.5% of HP every second. Apart from that, this item is effective in increasing Barats' HP up to +1550.
Thunder Belt
The use of the Thunder Belt aims to make Barats' mana less wasteful. By using this item, Barats' mana is much more economical so he can effectively use skills and combos.
Cursed Helmet
Apart from the Guardian Helmet, if you want a Barats with thick HP, then use the Cursed Helmet. This defense item provides +1200 additional HP as well as magic defense.
The unique passive burning soul on this item also makes it easier for Barats to kill minions in Explane. Passive Burning soul will increase from 140% to 350% as the level increases.
War Ax
Even though R7 Tatsumaki said that the Barats build was the sickest version with the majority of defensive items. However, he didn't forget to insert the War Ax damage item on the Barats he was playing.
This item adds +45 Physical Attack, +550 HP and 10%Cooldown Reduction.
This unique passive item gives Barats additional damage every three seconds of +9 Physical Attack which can be spammed up to 8 stacks. Thus, the total additional damage from this item is +72 Physical Attack.
Brute Force Breastplate
Don't forget that R7 Tatsumaki also recommends another defense item, Brute Force Breastplate. This item provides +770 HP and +45 Physical Defense.
Apart from that, this item can also provide additional movement speed which benefits Barats.
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The Worst Barats Emblem and Attribute Combination 2024

As a multifunctional hero, Barats is often used by players to fill hyper or explainer roles.
When Vicigers using Barats for the role explainer, the emblem used will be different from the hyper role.
Come on, take a look at the recommendations for Barats emblems and attributes according to their role below!
Barats Hyper Emblem and Attributes

Quoting from Youtube Gameplay Proplayer content, the hyper version of Barats uses the assassin emblem with the following combination of attributes:
By using the swift attribute, Barats will get an additional Attack Speed of 10%. Of course this will really help him when killing creeps without the help of a roamer.
Seasoned Hunter
Barats is a hero who has slow mobility, therefore, using Seasoned Hunter can speed up the jungle process. Damage to Lord and Turtle is increased by 15% using this attribute.
Quantum Charge
The final attribute, namely Quantum Charge, provides HP Regen and Movement Speed when using basic attacks. When using a basic attack, Barats' movement speed will increase by 30% which lasts for 1.5 seconds.
Barats' HP recovery also increases along with the hero level scale, starting from 75-180.
Also read: Use This Hero Against Hyper Barats ML, Auto Win!
Barats Explaner Emblems and Attributes

Quoting from R7 Tatsumaki's YouTube content, according to him, after getting a revamp, Barats is more suitable to use tank emblems with the following combination of attributes:
According to Tatsumaki, Barats has slow mobility. So it is necessary to add attributes that can increase the movement speed of this hero.
One attribute that can be combined with the tank emblem is green shoes called agility. This attribute is suitable for use by Barats role explainer because it can increase Movement Speed by 4%.
Being in the Exp lane will certainly mean you will face heroes with strong damage. Therefore, use tenacity to help you keep fighting even if your HP is low.
Tenacity provides additional defense when Barats' HP is low. When Barats' HP is below 50%, this attribute can increase +15 Physical and Magic Defense.
Brave Smite
Brave smite can be useful for restoring Barats' HP. By using this attribute, Barats will easily recover HP. This attribute gives Barats the ability to recover 4% from HP.
R7 Tatsumaki recommends this combination of emblems and attributes to make it easier for players to master the battle tempo on the explane.
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That's the recommendation for the sickest Barats build this season for Vicigers. For those of you who want to top up ML diamonds cheaply and quickly, just go straight to it VCGamers Marketplace!