TrueDamage Mobile Legends is one of the abilities that must be owned by a hero to produce "original" damage that is not disturbed by any obstacles.
These obstacles are in the form of a solid hero's defense, both from innate status and physical items and magic defense.
Other obstacles are also like hero skills that can produce shields or add physical and magic defense. All of these can be penetrated by True Damage.
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With this True Damage Mobile Legends effect, the user's hero will be able to produce damage according to the mechanics and the number of attack and critical points they have. This damage will not be hindered by the shield or defense item used by the target.
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Where are the sources of True Damage? In the following, the author summarizes 9 sources of True Damage Mobile Legends. There are 6 heroes with this effect as well as 3 items that can deal True Damage.
6 Heroes With True Damage Mobile Legends

True Damage Mobile Legends is generated from Karina's passive skills. His passive skill will activate if he attacks the same target three times. Karina's third attack will result in True Damage of 57 points plus Karina's 2% magic power.
This means that every third Karina attack will result in around 60 bonus magic damage points, and this will increase as Karina's level increases.
The True Damage Mobile Legends that Karina generates comes from her passive skill and will be active when she attacks an opponent with all of her skills.
Therefore, if you want Karina to continuously produce True Damage, set the timing of her strongest attack so that it is always on the third hit on the same target.
Karina will also generate around 2000 True Damage against monsters in the arena. So, he is the right hero for farming buffs in the Jungle lane.

Balmond has True Damage Mobile Legends resulting from his ulti skill. Hence, Balmond is often on the front lane and mostly roams solo, especially in the mid game.
Before solo roaming, of course, Balmond will be on the EXP or Jungle lane for farming levels and buffs. He has a blink skill that can push his target, then his 2nd skill also has 7 consecutive attacks with decent physical damage.
Balmond often doubles as a tanker too because of his ability to recover HP when defeating creeps or heroes.
He will recover 5% HP when defeating creeps, and 20% when successfully killing a hero. If you have Balmond in your team, it's better to give him a last hit so he can cover GG in the late game.
Later, Balmond will use a lot of ulti for True Damage in the mid to late game and can target many heroes and minions. Automatically he will be your team's strongest asset later.
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How to generate True Damage in Mobile Legends from this Zhask hero is quite risky. The reason is, he can only use this effect every time he is defeated by an opponent.
For example, Zhask's HP is running low, and he is being targeted by hero Yin. When he gets killed, he will explode and True Damage will be generated from the explosion. Automatically, hero Yin will be immediately hit by True Damage of 500 points plus the magic power that Zhask has.
But, don't because you want to keep creating True Damage so that Zhask gets a lot of kills. Do tactics so that every time he almost dies, make sure he is being ganked or beaten by a hero with melee combat skills.

Wanwan generates True Damage Mobile Legends from her passive skill. Every time Wanwan's attack hits a target, she will be able to lock her position so that the target will still be visible even if she is hiding in the bushes or entering invisible mode.
True Damage from Wanwan is also supported by an increase in her attack speed. So, the more often the attacks are on target, the faster, more and more damage will be generated.
Usually, Wanwan users will continue to spam their basic attacks, while occasionally using skill 1 or skill 2 for more painful True Damage.
You can also use the ulti when Wanwan has hit her target's weak point several times which will be seen every time her attack is on target. With Wanwan's ulti, of course the resulting True Damage will be even greater.

Just like Balmond, True Damage Mobile Legends from the Minotaur hero is produced through his ulti. This ulti from the Minotaur also has burst damage with airborne effects.
So that the Minotaur can quickly use his ulti, place him in Jungle Lane and farming buffs and EXP. Skill 2 Minotaur can be used to increase his basic attack while having a healing effect.
Occasionally, the Minotaur also has to cover the core heroes and roam to help the mid lane. Now is the right time to use his ulti so he can produce True Damage with slow and airborne effects.

True Damage Mobile Legends from Rafaela also has a way of working that is almost similar to Zhask. The difference is, Rafaela will mark the hero who killed her for "revenge".
In order to "revenge", Rafaela will produce True Damage plus 20% of the target's maximum HP. So, Rafaela will be successful in revenge with higher damage.
This skill can only be activated every time Rafaela is killed. But, that doesn't mean you have to keep making Rafaela die periodically. Of course, you can still activate Rafaela's support skillset with her 2nd skill, then her ulti skill which has a stun effect.
In essence, make sure that Rafaela's attack can be on target against the target that killed her. You see, it would be a waste if in the "revenge" process, the target runs away first.
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3 True Damage Generating Items
Calamity Reapers

Calamity Reaper has become a subscription for core heroes, especially mages or heroes with high magic damage.
The reason is, besides this item giving bonus magic power, mana and CDR, there is a bonus True Damage of 120% from each user's magic power.
Calamity Reaper is generally popular for mages who want to dominate the mid lane, such as Cecilion, Yve and Pharsa. This item will help increase their burst damage.
The more the user's GG magic power, the more GG the True Damage will be generated. This is the reason heroes with magic damage such as Gusion, Aamon, Karina, Natan and Esmeralda queue to buy this item during the mid to late game.
Endless Battles

In contrast to Calamity Reaper, True Damage in Mobile Legends is generated from items that enhance the user's physical attack.
Endless Battle will always be a hero subscription with high physical damage. This item is popular among offlaner and jungler heroes. Offlaners need Endless Battle because apart from dealing True Damage, this item also gives bonus movement speed.
Meanwhile for Junglers, Endless Battle can be an option to master the Jungle lane so they can farm without fear of being attacked by opponents.
This item will also be suitable when paired with Balmond, Wanwan or Minotaur which can increase the effectiveness of their default True Damage.
Twilight Armor

Twilight Armor will produce a True Damage effect after the user is damaged by up to 600 points of physical damage. The defense ability of this item is also very popular, because it can increase HP up to 1200 points, additional 400 mana points and 20% reduction in critical damage.
However, users of this item must remain vigilant because almost all heroes with critical and burst damage can kill their targets quickly.
Set the timing and reduce the damage from the hero so you can still counterattack and take advantage of the True Damage effect of this Twilight Armor.
Of course, Twilight Armor will only reduce physical and critical damage without reducing magic damage. So, you have to be careful when you want to activate the effect of this item by recognizing the hero used by your opponent.
Also read: Listen! Radiant Armor, the Defense Item for the Mages in Mobile Legends!
True Damage Mobile Legends is a fast track to produce the most damage from any hero, both through physical and magic damage. The condition is that you must first understand the capabilities of the hero and the items you use, O Vicigers!