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9 Best American Civil War Video Games Ever

Some of the best civil war video games are based on true stories that occurred during the American civil war
Best Civil War Video Games
Cry of Feedom Battle Game. Source: Youtube Reasonant

The history of the American Civil War not only had an influence on world civilization. But it has also become a source of inspiration for creation video games best themed Civil War today.

Video games Civil War has become a genre that is liked by many gamers. The players can feel the ferocity of war through the eyes of a soldier.

Apart from that, you can also feel like a warlord and then develop defensive and offensive tactics.

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Play some of these best war video games to understand what a real battlefield looks like!

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The History Channel: Civil War – A Nation Divided

The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided
The History Chanel. Source: YouTube

The first video game with a Civil War theme was The History Channel: Civil War – A Nation Divided which was released in 2006. This game is set in America between the North vs South factions. 

In this game you have to complete 12 short levels inspired by several historical battles.

You can choose to be a confederate or union soldier. You must be able to complete various battles in the game. 

Later, you will use weapons commonly used by soldiers of that era.

War of Rights

The best civil war video games
War of Rights. Source: YouTube

War of Rights is a themed FPS video game civil war which tries to recreate the atmosphere of war as historically appropriate.

Apart from that, it is also equipped with detailed war elements of that time. Thus, depicting the horrors of the war that had occurred.

In-game this You will fight on a battlefield involving 300 players. Later, you and your team must work together to win the battle. 

There are many soldier roles that you can play in this game. Starting from being a soldier, flag bearer, to drummer in a band.

Each soldier is clad in a typical soldier's uniform which is detailed according to his troop unit. 

There are at least more than 30 battlefields that you will fight on to win this game. You can play this game on PC and download it via Steam.

To play this game smoothly you must use a PC with minimum specifications Windows 10, Intel processor i7 7700K, and 8 GB RAM.

You must provide 10GB storage space to play this game smoothly.

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Grand Tactician:The Civil War (1861-1866)

The best civil war video games
Grand Tactician-The Civil War. Source: Steam

Video games The next strategy theme that you can play is Grand Tactician: The Civil War.

This game is set in the American civil war of 1861-1865 and was released in 2020.

Gameplay civil war Olive Keppelmüller's work combines elements of strategy and tactical combat real-time.

In this game, players will strategize the course of the battle, from resource management to weaponry. So, you can feel the sensation of being a war leader.

Take advantage of all your power and gradually conquer many territories. You can buy this game for IDR 242,999 via Steam and play it on PC.

Rise of the Liberty 

Rise of the Liberty 
Rise of the Liberty. Source: Youtube Splattercatgaming

Rise of Liberty is a fighting video game set against the backdrop of the massive American Revolutionary War. This game successfully depicts the horrors of war in the mid-18th century.

Even though the appearance of this game is still 8 bit, there are features that make the gameplay interesting and fun.

You will experience how to be a war commander who must be skilled in formulating strategies and making decisions.

To play video games civil war Use a computer with the Windows 7/8 operating system, Intel Core i5-4440S 2.5 GHz or AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz processor to get the best gaming performance. 

Apart from that, you also have to provide loose storage space, namely around 30 GB and RAM of 8 GB.

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Battle Cry of Freedom

Battle Cry of Freedom
Battle Cry of Freedom. Source: Steam

This game was released in 2022 after almost a decade of development. This multiplayer game will take you to the time when the civil war occurred America. 

Battle Cry of Freedom successfully depicts the era of warfare through the weaponry, clothing and strategies used during the war.

If you want to play this civil war video game with the best performance, play Battle Cry of Freedom using a PC with the Windows 10 or Windows 11 64-bit operating system. 

Provide a RAM capacity of around 10 GB and 40 GB of storage space.

Ultimate General: Civil War

Ultimate General- Civil War
Ultimate General Civil War View. Source: Youtube Historical Game

Ultimate General Civil War game is a video game which is interesting to play for gamers who love history. 

This game is a strategy war game real-time which is large scale and has a background story of the American civil war.

When playing this game, you have to strategize and coordinate troops. Because, you will act as a general.

This video game requires a PC with minimum specifications using Windows 7, Intel i3 processor, and 2 GB RAM. Ultimate General: Civil War will take up 2 GB of PC storage space.

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Civil War: Battle of Petersburg

Civil War Battle of Petersburg
Civil War- Battle of Petersburg. Source Youtube

The next game is Civil War: Battle of Petersburg. War game  turn-based strategy which is set in the final battle of the American Civil War, has a connection with chess strategy.

The main goal of this game is to eliminate the enemy with the troops you deploy to the battlefield.

Indeed, in terms of graphics, the appearance of this game is very simple. However, you have to strategize accurately so that soldiers, cavalry and artillery can launch significant attacks.

Civil War History: Secret Missions

History Civil War Secret Missions
History Civil War Secret Missions. Source: Youtube: 10min Gameplay

History Civil War: Secret Missions is a historical themed war game based on a true story of the events of the American civil war.

You can play as the Northern troops annoying the Southern troops or vice versa. This all depends on which faction you choose.

In this game you will carry out missions such as stopping enemy supply lines, stealing ships and sabotaging enemy fortifications.

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Scourge of War: Chancellorsville

Best Civil War Video Games
Scourge of Wa: Chancellorsville. Source: Steam

This game is a tactical strategy war game that tells the story of the conflict between the Confederacy and Fractions Union

Scourge of War: Chancellorsville tells the historical events that occurred during the Battle of Chancellorsville. 

In this game you must be able to research units and leaders effectively to maximize your troops in battle. 

To play this game, your PC must at least use Windows 7, with an Intel i5 processor or above and 8GB RAM.

You need an internet connection to play and it will take up relatively small storage space, namely 3GB.

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These are the recommendations for the 9 best civil war video games ever. Some of the games are created by adapting real events.

This might be a special attraction for you gamers who like reading historical stories, especially about the civil war in America.

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