Confused with battle items Pokemon Unite? Games This moba has divided types items which can be used by trainers in the arena in line with the level up trainers.
Battle items have less than held items.
Also, you can only bring one into the arena items just.
Therefore, it is important for you to know battle items and the effects.
So, your Pokemon can adapt in the arena and win the match.
So far, Pokemon Unite released a total of 8 battle items which have various names and uses.
Some of them can be useful for increasing status or giving status effects to opposing pokemon.
Here's an explanation 8 items along with the effects and how to use them in the arena.
Also read: These are Pokemon Unite Held Items That Must Be Upgraded First!
Details 8 Battle Items Pokemon Unite That Effectively Troublesome Opponents
Eject Button
Battle items Pokemon Unite this one is very popular used by the trainers because of the effect that can move the user's pokemon to the intended area.
Items This will be obtained when you reach level 11.
Usually, items this will be used if your Pokemon is surrounded by opponents or hit ganking. Ability items it is also not limited by this situation alone.
If you intend to do ambush or surprise attacks, you can use Eject Button to get close to the opponent and directly attack them. But if you play defensively, then you can use this to get away from your opponent.
Even so, you have to estimate the teleportation distance Eject Button so tactics attacks or defense you stay effective. As a rule, a lot trainers a rookie who misjudged the teleportation distance items this.
Eject Button will be very useful for almost all Pokemon as a way to increase the combination of attacks or increase the speed of certain Pokemon.
Pokémon with attacks the good ones like Lucario and Absol you can use for attack formation with items this, while pokemon like Snorlax and Slowbro will focus on defensive tactics using battle items Pokemon Unite this one.
As items which is very often carried by trainers beginners or experienced alike, Pokemon Unite gives items this CD for 55 seconds. That means, you have to estimate the amount of usage battle items this so as not to disturb the formation that you apply.
X Attack

As the name implies, battle items This Pokemon Unite will affect attacks user pokemon. You can get items This is when it reaches level 7.
The pokemon status that has increased is attacks and sp. attacks, and items this is highly recommended for pokemon with high attack ability.
the reason, battle items in the Pokemon Unite arena this will make the pokemon as cores or opponent pokemon attacker at certain minutes during the match.

For example, you use Talonflame, then when Fletchling turns into Talonflame and reaches the maximum level, you can increase attacksagain to produce damage sick.
If you use pokemon type support, items this will not be effective because support usually need more battle items speed booster and defense. So, items this is less suitable for Wigglytuff.
Besides Talonflame, you can use items this is for Venusaur, Cinderace, Absol and Greninja. At least, when level trainers you are still low, this recommendation can be a solution so that you quickly level up and get battle items a more balanced effect.
Items it has CD for 40 seconds.
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Battle items you can use this for farming in jungle lane and you can get it when you reach trainers level 10, 1 level below Eject Button.
If you intend to farming buff to add to the points you can bring to goals, then it's good if you bring items this is to make it easier to beat Wild Pokemon.
Types Wild Pokemon in this Pokemon Unite arena there are those who can add energy points and EXP, there are also status enhancers, then there are also those that give a lot of points for goals.

Trainers who brought items this to the fight is sure to be diligent farming and strive tobooking Zapdos at Midlane who appeared the last 2 minutes in the arena. You can also do the same if you want to get lots of points by defeating Zapdos.
Compatible Pokemon items this among others is a pokemon that has attacks and speed tall like Pikachu, Greninja, Zeraora and Absol. You can also bring items this is for Machamp, Dragonite, Tsareena and Garchomp who can bursts attacks.
The main thing is, Fluffytail is the only one battle items The best Pokemon Unite for jungling to date. Use it wisely according to due tactics items it has CD for 25 seconds.
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Potions may already be familiar, namely is items adder MOBILE PHONE which you can get when reach trainers level 3. Battle items this will be the first one for you to take to the arena.
Potions can provide restoration MOBILE PHONE which is quite high, as much as 20 to 25% from MOBILE PHONE your pokemon. This will be quite useful when you are less able support or buff in the arena.
At first glance indeed battle items it will be less useful as you can get heal from pokemon support or Wild Pokemon in the arena. However, you will need Potions while away from lane buff or your teammates.
Nonetheless, you must try MOBILE PHONE the pokemon you use doesn't die, because 20 to 25% is still not safe to escape from the opposing pokemon.
All pokemon you can give items this is because of its universal effect, what you should pay attention to is timings use because CD from Potions is 30 seconds.
X Speed

Battle Items Pokemon Unite this one will affect speed pokemon users, and you can get items this is when stepping on level 8 or after getting X Attack.
With effect battle items this, your pokemon will get extra movement speed for a few moments that you can use to run away or chase your opponent.
What's special about X Speed this is the effect that can also be neutralized debuffs speed from skills opponent pokemon. So you don't have to worry about the effects slow the.

For example, the opposing pokemon Eldegoss uses skills 2 to your pokemon. When you're in effect X Speed, you will be freed from debuff speed skills the Eldegoss.
Items this will be useful when you are level 8 before you get to level 11 and get Eject Button. Lots player which compares the efficiency of the two items this is because it almost has the same effect.
Apart from this debate, X Speed at least it will give you the opportunity to get away from the opponent's pokemon without being hit debuffs because items it has CD for 40 seconds.
Slow Smoke

Slow Smoke impact debuffs for different opponent pokemon from battle items other. you will get items this is when reaching level 13, or after getting Eject Button.
Effect from Slow Smoke is debuff speed opponent pokemon or slow them down (slow) with smoke arising from items the. This will give you the opportunity to escape from the opponent's pokemon.
Usually, Slow Smoke will also be compared with X Speed because it aims to get away without being hit by the opponent's attack. However, Slow Smoke can give more double effect if there is a pokemon support on your team who can too debuff speed opponent.

Matched Pokemon items these are low speed pokemon like Snorlax, Dragonite, Garchomp and Charizard.
With items this, the four pokemon could just go straight counterattack fight with attacks bursts they sort of HyperBeams or Flamethrowers.
Same as X Speed, items this has CD for 40 seconds.
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Full Heal

Full Heal it's also items very effective for warding off debuffs given by pokemon in the arena, especially when you are abandoned in lanes farthest from your partner.
Effect from items what you can get at level 14 is to heal all debuffs the status given by the opponent's pokemon or Wild Pokemon and will be immune to the effects debuffs for a few moments. CD items this is 40 seconds, same as X Speed and Slow Smoke.
If you plan to use items this, take it when you want to be pokemon cores or tankers because you will be doing a lot push and block the opponent's pokemon and guard lanes your team.
In late game, you may also encounter many opponents who want to defeat Zapdos, and you will have to prevent them from defeating Zapdos with support Full Heal.
Goal Getters

Battle items This Pokemon Unite is items the last one you will get from rewards levels trainers, that is at level 17.
Acquisition duration items it's also somewhat lacking compared to functionality battle items other, because of the effect of items this just adds points for goals just twice as much.
As for CD from items this is for 120 seconds, plus you can only use this if you don't get hit kill opponent.
Lots trainers who considers Goal Getters less effective because its role can be replaced by defeating Zapdos, Regigigas and Drednaw.
Also read: Strategy Pokemon Unite “Drednaw” This Can Make You Win In Every Game!
That's eight battle items Pokemon Unite that you can use according to the tactics you want to apply. With these details, hopefully you can find your own team mix, Vicigers!