Feature Free Fire Max is now becoming more complete. This is great for those of you who want to play a battle royale game with a different sensation than the others. Currently the developer of free fire max will develop from the game play side to its derivatives.
7 Features of Free Fire Max
Of course, there are some additional free fire max features that you can use as a reference in playing this one game. In the following, we will discuss a feature that is one of the features that cannot be found in other games.
Can Make Your Own Map with Craftland

One of the features of Free Fire Max is Craftland. When using this feature, players can play Survivors and be creative in making maps according to the wishes of the player himself and can be played by other players.
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In Craftland mode, Survivors can get creative by uploading various objects, buildings, structures, and various decorations to create a good building and experience.
This is definitely a very good feature of Free Fire Max for you and even more creative compared to other games. You can use the map for the host player and your other friends.
More Realistic Visuals

The Free Fire Max feature also gets visualization enhancements that are more responsive, clearer, stable and smoother compared to the original free fire.
The updated effects are also more classic and realistic, such as additional effects in waters, safe zones and other environments.
In this Free Fire Max feature Survivors You can also try shooting trees to see the effect of the leaves falling to the ground.
Not only the visualization effect, but the Bermuda Map will also be present as an additional Free Fire Max feature that you can get.
Sound Effects and Animation

Free Fire Max features visual and audio updates, so players can dive deeper into the playing experience.
Basic movement animations, such as running, jumping, climbing have been improved making them even smoother and more realistic.
Special animations when players eat mushrooms and build parachutes have also been added. Weapons in Free Fire Max have also received updates added with animations reload weapons equipped with more realistic sound effects. This Free Fire Max feature is definitely good for you.
Tracer effect (tracer effect) on gun shots and bullet holes also appear on walls and certain structures in folder.
Tracer effect will only be visible from the player's point of view, so there is no additional tactical advantage for Free Fire Max players when playing with Original Free Fire players.
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A Better and Simply Immersive Experience

The Free Fire Max feature doesn't just present visual effects. However, the animation of this battle royale game presents an interesting experience.
The current motion animation is more realistic than other animations. You can also feel more new things when doing different movements. You can do this Free Fire Max feature in the In-game.
Other animations such as eating a mushroom and releasing a parachute when dropping out on a plane will also be one of the most awaited features of Free Fire Max.
The tracker effect will also be updated which is quite stunning. You can use this like a strategy in a battle royale game. However, on this occasion you cannot carry out tactical strategies such as being able to track enemies because the tracking effect is only useful in Free Fire Original.
Lots of New Weapons and Characters

The Free Fire Max feature will definitely be different from the original free fire features. There are several things that we can see such as the new sniper rifle, and the characters of Kapella and Lucas.
Sniper weapons are certainly very useful at long distances, having a scope of up to 8x especially if you are happy and good at playing snipers.
Apart from the sniper, there are 2 newest Free Fire characters namely Kaplla and Lucas. Lucas is a young soccer player with a Hat-Trick skill that can restore HP drastically. Certainly, this character can be a solution for those of you who play support.
Then there is Kapella, a female character who can rely on the Healing Song skill when your Kapella plays as a support role in the squad. When Kapella dies, your team will get additional damage which can be used as one of the mainstay late game attacks.
The Free Fire Max feature is definitely better than the other features. Because this feature includes gameplay that can be the difference between free fire max and original free fire.
Increased Drawdistance

Draw distance is the term for the maximum distance a player can see objects in three dimensions. Improved graphics on the MAX version made the developers increase the reach of the draw distance in the game and better features.
This feature of Free Fire Max is very important besides the stunning graphics and appearance. Responsibility also has an emphasis on playing this battle royale game.
You can see points on the map in a more real and farther way so that you can detect your opponent's whereabouts more easily. You can do this additional Free Fire Max feature to improvise a more interesting gameplay.
New look

The appearance of the free fire max lobby is more stunning than the original free fire. Fresher and the features offered are quite diverse. The latest Free Fire Max feature discussed has several clauses that you can get to improvise when you play in-game.