7 Ways to Write Unique Writing on WhatsApp and Examples of Their Use
Is all Vicigers Here you already know, there is a way to make unique writing on WhatsApp (WA)? Yep, Meta as a developer apparently provides an 'easter egg' that can add to the excitement of chatting!
It comes with unique shapes that you can apply to the text. So that you are not confused about how to use and apply it on WA, let's see the following review!
Also read:
7 Ways to Write Unique Writing on WhatsApp

Now let's go straight into the main discussion about 7 ways to create unique writing on WA. Make sure you listen carefully, so that later you can try it directly when chatting!
1. Writing tthick (Bold)
Bold text serves to emphasize certain parts of a sentence so that readers pay closer attention. To do this, you can add an asterisk (*).
Example: "The thesis guidance schedule starts at 09.00 WIB.”
Writing on WA: “Thesis guidance schedule starts at *09.00* WIB.”
2. Writing crooked (Italics)
This format is usually present to mark terms that are borrowed from foreign languages. To do this, you need to add an underscore code (_) at the beginning and end of the part you want to italicize.
Example: "Underscore is another name for the underscore punctuation mark.”
Writing on WA: “_Underscore_ is another name for the underscore punctuation mark.”
3. Writing crossed out (Strikethrough)
You can use crossed out text to indicate editing of text. You can add the tilde (~) code to use this format.
Example: “Latest announcement: the board of directors meeting will be held on Thursday Friday."
Writing on WA: “Latest announcement: the board of directors meeting will be held on ~Thursday~ Friday.”

4. Monospace writing
As you know, the WA application only has one default font type. So with this format, there is one additional font type. Generally this appears for aesthetic and variation purposes only.
Just like the three formats above, to use it, you simply add three single quotation marks (`) right at the beginning and end of the sentence you want to vary.
“The beauty of the rainbow is nothing compared to the beauty of your face.”
Writing on WA:
“The beauty of the rainbow is nothing compared to the beauty of your face.”
5. Bulleted list
Since many people also use WhatsApp to make lists of things, this feature is also present. You can add a dash (-) which will automatically change to a circle (•).
You just need to write the addition of this strip sign on the first list entry. For the rest, you just need to press the button enter on keyboards and WA will automatically format the list.
- Garlic 1 kg
- Red onion 0.25 kg
- Chili 0.5 kg
- 2 packs of salt
Writing on WA:
-(space)Garlic 1 kg
(enter)Shallots 0.25 kg
(enter)Chili 0.5 kg
(enter)2 packets of salt
6. Numbering
In fact, the numbering format system on WA is very similar to a bulleted list. The only difference is in the use of numbers. This feature is commonly used, among others, to register for membership.
To create a list that uses numbering, you simply input the number one (1.) via the keyboard and then add a space. The rest is just a matter of pressing enter just – exactly like the bulleted list above.
List of members of the Paskibra extracurricular class X:
- Joni
- Revelation
- Lena
- Bambang
Writing on WA:
7. Quote text
Finally, this format is used to emphasize that a sentence is a statement from a certain party. You simply add a closed bracket (>) and a space before the writing.
“Give me 10 young men, and I will shake the world!”
Mr. Soekarno
Writing on WA:
>(space)"Give me 10 young men, and I will shake the world!"
Mr. Soekarno

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- Download Whatsapp Video Call Filter Application and How to Use It
- How to Restore Deleted Whatsapp on Android
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These are 7 ways to create unique writing on WhatsApp. Use it wisely!
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