6 Tips for Win Streak ML, Fast Auto Immo!

6 tips for winning ML strikes

Vicigers do you often lose strikes and rarely win ML strikes? I was confused when my friends came in so quickly Mythic every season change? Just stuck in Rome, aka Honor, and never reached Glory, let alone Immortal.

If so, it's very likely that you don't understand by heart the 3M concept: micro, macro and meso. So, to understand, let's take a look at the following Vicigers review article complete with practical tips!

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3M Concepts in ML: Micro, Macro, and Meso

Victory Fruit Concept 3M
Victory Fruit Concept 3M. Source: VCGamers

In fact, for those who are used to going through Mythic in each season, naturally they should already understand this concept. But usually, only micro and macro are widely known.

As for meso, there are still few out there who understand this. Even though the combination of the three is important to enable you to win strikes often.

Basically, the 3M concept refers to the level of player mastery of the elements in a game. This does not apply to MOBA like ML only, but also in every competitive game.

Especially for ML, these three concepts can be detailed as follows:

  • Micro

Micro elements refer to things related to heroes, roles and lane control. It also includes various basic abilities (mechanics) such as joystick maneuvering, aiming skills, dodging, escaping, build selection, etc.

  • Macro

Meanwhile, macro covers things that are much broader and more complex. Generally this is related to team strategy, how to read the opponent's movements, mapping, understanding the applicable meta, counter heroes, etc.

  • Meso

Well, what is least understood is meso. You could say that the meso elements themselves are various things that do not directly influence the match, but still make a quite important contribution. This is often misunderstood as part of the macro.

Some examples that are included in meso include knowing how to read the win rate and mastery (both hero and lane) of teammates, understanding when to give certain roles to the public, understanding the times when the jockeys are playing (so you don't have the potential to meet them as enemy), and so on.

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6 Tips for Win Streak ML

Win Strike ML From Trial Tips
Win Strike ML From Trial Tips. Source: VCGamers

Actually, there is no official statement from Moonton regarding objectivity, various tips below. However, when VCGamers apply, at least this gives fairly positive results. Here are some of them:

  1. Avoid forcing play after losing more than 2-3x. Moonton understands that when you lose, this will make you eager to reclaim the lost star. However, you have to be able to control yourself and don't force yourself to play. Take a break if you have lost more than that amount.
  2. Try changing the mode if you have lost the strike. If you have tried pausing and relogging but still losing, try varying it by playing other modes (Brawl, Classic, Magic Chess, etc.).
  3. Vary between playing solo and playing together. The next way that is also considered effective for breaking the chain of lost strikes is to vary between playing with a party and also against the public. That way, you will avoid the dark system that ML matchmaking systems often encounter.
  4. Try an Epic Comeback. Often times, when you have access to the dark system, the enemy can easily control the game (snowballing). However, if you don't give up easily and end up winning, there's a big chance that you will get a win strike that will last for several matches in the future!
  5. Make sure MVP is the losing side. This is also very influential, you know! Moreover, if you are the only one who gets the final gold result in that team, you will automatically get bot enemies in the next match!
  6. Report to Moonton. Sometimes when we get a bronze public friend, troll, or even AFK, we just report it so that our credit score is reduced and we get punished. However, what is more important is actually providing input on match balance to Moonton. By providing a report, usually the next match will not be as unbalanced as the reported match.
Game balance report on Moonton
Game balance report on Moonton. Source: VCGamers
Also read: Tips for being good at using Claude MLBB

So, that was the discussion regarding 6 tips for an MLBB winning streak.

For those of you who want to top up Diamond, Starlight Membership, and other ML needs at a low price and fast process, just go straight to VCGamers Marketplace!

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