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Complete Review of 5 Types of Incredible Minion in MLBB!

Minion in Mobile Legends

Aloha Vicigers! This time we will discuss Minions in Mobile Legends. They have a very important role in the game you know! Curious, right? Curious, dong! Come on! Let's see the info!

Are You Sure You Know the Minions in MLBB?

Minion in Mobile Legends

For lovers Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) must be familiar with Minions. However, do you really know what minion's task is? How they will help our game, come on listen! 

Play games MLBB has an important role aside from heroes that we play, but there are important things that players need to pay attention to, namely Minions. Minions have an important role in the game played by players.

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Minions in MLBB are troops aligned in a team to help attack enemies turret nor heroes opponent and appear on the same path. Minions can be a source of help for players.

In addition, the Minions of the two teams that are fighting have different color themes as the difference, namely blue and red. Minions will appear periodically from each one base and attack the enemy Minions, turret the enemy, and the enemy himself.

Minions in MLBB are used to increase EXP and gold heroes. After killing the opponent's Minions, players can buy items and raise level-his. In addition, another role of Minion is to help heroes when attacking the opponent's turret.

Each minion has 8 units of visibility, but cannot detect enemies hiding in the bushes or under Camouflage state. So that players can work out a strategy when they meet an opponent's minion.

Minions in MLBB can upgrade movement Their SPD is 10 points every 10 minutes. This allows minions to continue to increase their speed to help attack enemies, enemy minions and turret enemy.

If the tower (turret) the enemy is destroyed, then Super Minions are mobilized and come to attack lanes where the turret is located.

Respawn Minions

Minions in MLBB have 3 lanes. On midlane it takes about 15 seconds to reach it, on top and bottom lane Minions are given 28 seconds to Buffs Ghost Spells.

The Minions in MLBB will be running, constantly appearing on lanes the same and help destroy the enemy included heroes, units, and turrets (turret) that's blocking them.

Before we discuss further spawns minions, players need to know what types of minions are. For those of you who want to know more about minions and are curious, let's look at the following explanation!

Types of Minions in Mobile Legends

Minions in Mobile Legends

If you pay attention, every minion appears and starts walking in one lane, they will form formations consisting of different types of minions. Because, in one wave (waves) there are three types of minions and have their respective duties. Here are the types of minions in Mobile Legends that you need to know

  • infantry
  • Lancers
  • Cannons
  • Special Siege minions

Let's discuss one by one!


Minions Infantry is a type of minion that is located at the forefront of the game waves Mobile Legends. The feature of this minion is that there is a sword as the main weapon that he uses to attack.

Although it has damage which is small, he has HP that can be relied upon to survive attacks in a few seconds. Minions Infantry can also be said as tank-his.


Furthermore, Minions Lancers is a type of minion in MLBB that has far enough attack power and has damage which is bigger in comparison Minions Infantry. He attacks using the main weapon in the form of a magic wand.

On waves secondly, the emergence of Lancer as the main attacker that appears in each lanes. His job is to attack waves enemy or heroes enemy. Lancer minions in other words can give damage on heroes.


On the arrangement waves third, there is Minions Canon which has a difference from the two types of minions in front of it (Infantry and Lancers), he has a vehicle as a means of locomotion.

In the vehicle there is crossbow to attack. Canon is the biggest minion so it produces damage big one too. However, it has a small attack speed.

Special Siege Minions

Minions in MLBB will get bigger if the team manages to steal lord before the opponent takes it. The bigger the minion, the damage given will be even greater. As well as Minions Siege.

This type of minion is also known as the giving minion  damage biggest to destroy turrets/bases opponent.

Siege Minions specifically appears on the Gold lane and Exp lane. They appeared using vehicles as well as weapons crossbow. As well as the additional EXP when killing this type of minion in di Exp lane.

If successful kill Siege Minions special in Gold lane, then you will get gold more especially if you manage to kill this minion with last hits.

Spawn Minions

Next, we will discuss Spawn Minion. The appearance of Minions in MLBB starts at minute 1:05 and will reappear periodically every 30 seconds of the match.

Now, after discussing the role of minions and their ins and outs, the conclusion is that Minions have an important role very for players!

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