Breach is one such agent Valorant the most reluctant to be chosen by several valorant players but this breach valorant really dominates. Why? Because he had an extremely high skill limit, and it took a lot of time and practice to become truly effective with this powerhouse.
But the Valorant Breach guide will streamline the process by introducing you to various practical tips to improve your Valorant Breach game. here is the review!
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Overview Skills of Breach Valorant

Before we get started, let's quickly go through each of Breach's abilities, so we know exactly what they are.
Complete seismic explosion. Hold fire to increase distance. Release fire to trigger an earthquake effect. This will confuse all opposing players in the zone and march into the zone.
Complements the fusion charge. Fire this charge to create a slow action explosion through walls. The explosion deals heavy damage to anyone caught in its area.
Equip the dazzling point. Fire charges to create fast-action explosions through walls. The charge explodes to blind all players who see it.
Rolling Thunder
Complete seismic payload. Shoot to send a cascading quake through all terrain in a huge cone. The earthquake confused and knocked over anyone caught in it.
Now, let's talk a little about each of these abilities in turn, so we can find out why Breach is one of the strongest agents at the highest level of Valorant.
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Valorant Breach Tips
You can use these breach valorant tips to play for quite a long time. Because it takes a lot of intensity and concentration when you are about to start this thing. Here are breach valorant tips that you can use!
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Use mini maps! you can see the exact range of your Fault Lines on the minimap much more easily than you can on a wider map.
you don't need to fill in the Fault Line to the fullest. It makes no difference except the distance, and often you can save half a second (a long time in Valorant) by keeping track of how long you really need it, and detonating as soon as the ability reaches that length.
You are immune to the effects of your own Fault Line, but your friends are not. So be careful where and when you use it.
Fault Line will go down ledges but not up. Taking Haven Site A as an example, you can reach A Long from A Heaven, but you can't reach A Heaven from the ground.
The Fault Line takes the same amount of time to detonate (about 1.5 seconds), regardless of how long you charge it.
Breach's movement speed decreases quite drastically when you charge the Fault Line, so you should only start charging it when you're just about to use it – not earlier.
The Fault Line runs straight through the wall. The idea, like most of the Breach toolkits, is that you don't have to peek or expose yourself to attack enemies with your abilities.
If you hit Fault Line, great. But often your enemies can get out of the way before the 1.5 second charging is complete. That's okay, though, because Fault Line is more about getting your opponent out of corners than anything else. This should be your main goal when using this ability.

The first thing to know about Aftershock – it's really slow. It takes over 2 seconds to explode, which is more than enough time for enemies to leave the blast radius before they are splashed.
But, as with Fault Line, its effect is more to force enemies out around corners. It's just a bonus if you hit and kill someone with it.
You don't need to be near the wall you want to hit in order to fire Aftershock. The range that the initial projectiles can cover is enormous – but of course, the farther you are from the effect, the more difficult it will be to take advantage of an enemy forced from position.
Aftershock has enough power to shoot fully armored enemies at close range. For comparison, at maximum range it will deal 60 damage. Allies (and you) take less damage if they get hit by the explosion, but it's still a significant amount, so… you know… try not to do that.
The aftershocks really do hit a very wide cylinder around the central explosion, and there's no reduction in damage based on your side-to-side distance from the explosion.
So if you're next to a wall where Aftershock explodes, and you stand to the side so the attack just grazes you, you'll still take full damage.
Aftershocks can pass through very thick layers, such as the center of Site B in Haven. But if there are any gaps (i.e. if it's not one unbroken layer), then the effect won't get through to the end.
Aftershock is not only great for driving enemies out of cover, it is also a very effective deterrent.
If you need to buy some time and stop an enemy from going past a certain chokepoint, fire Aftershock above it.
Very few players had the guts to get through Aftershock before it was over.
Anyone in Breach Aftershock's line of fire will see a large red warning circle around the center of their screen. So if you see this red circle (image below), you'll know to move.
Flash Point

Flashpoint has the same projectile range as Aftershock, so you can use it far enough away from the wall you want to flash. But – like Aftershock – the farther you are, the harder it is to take advantage of the payoff.
It takes very little time (less than a second) to trigger Flashpoint's true blind effect, which makes it quite difficult for enemies to turn around in time to lessen the effect. This makes Flashpoint a very powerful quickfire initiation capability.
Catching the flash means you'll be completely blind (i.e. literally unable to see anything on screen) for a full two seconds, making Flashpoint a stronger blind than Phoenix's Curveball – and certainly stronger than Omen's Paranoia.
Rolling Thunder

Use the minimap! You can see exactly where Rolling Thunder will strike on the minimap, so use that.
Rolling Thunder consists of eight separate chunks that activate one by one, radiating outwards from your position.
Each cut is wider than the last, turning the entire area of effect into a cone shape.
Since the ulti Breach has a cone-shaped area of effect, it's better to be some distance away from the desired blast area, rather than right next to it.
If you're further away, you can make sure the entire area is covered by the last (widest) piece. This will allow you to lock the entire site with your ultimate.
Enemies hit by Rolling Thunder are destroyed for a few seconds. Not only were they thrown up and back, but they were also stunned, and their spin slowed down drastically.
In essence, the enemy hit by Rolling Thunder is a free kill. You can get pretty comfortable 1v5 if you hit the whole team out in the open.
Ultimate Breach is the ultimate initiation tool (pun intended) in Valorant. Not only for locking in an area, but also for a post-surge recapture push – or, indeed, for sustaining retrieving.
All you need to do is coordinate with your team, wait for the sound of the bomb to be defused and then ulti the site. Good luck to the enemy team that has to deal with it.