The Ascent Map is a favorite map in the esports Valorant matches.
Valorant Being an FPS (First Point Shooter) game, this one has abilities that can create what you want.
Including the map itself has obstacles which of course we as players must be able to take advantage of.
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The following are tips for playing Ascent Map Valorant, a map that is often used in this game.
Prioritize Mid

The Mid Ascent Map section of Valorant is one of the biggest, and most open, parts of the map where there is always a lot of open war and it happens a lot. Getting mid is a priority in the valorant ascent map, because it's connected to both bomb locations, that's definitely very important.Â
Having safe control in the mid will make it easy to rotate and flanking certainly provides considerable benefits. Both attackers and defenders will approach this area from different angles, but in the end have the same goal to get the rights they prioritize, namely the mid of the Ascent Valorant map.
Given his openness, there's no standard route that a mid laner has. Often times, teams like to split the attack between site A and site B, sending two to three players into the middle. The two mid sides, Market and Catwalk are equally important to master. Pushing towards Catwalk A site will provide a view of the opponent who is being caged from B. Market is also likely to result in a long range duel with a defensive midfielder, so this can be a 'difficult' option.
Defenders towards the mids are much more cut-and-dry. Be aware, though, that most attackers will likely enter the entrance midway through spawn, so be prepared to push blind. If there is less push on site A or B with most of the enemies appearing in the middle, you can easily turn around and try attacking attackers. Attackers have a long range in the mid considering there are three possible fires that they have to watch out for. You should use this advantage to place the utility to further confuse the enemy.
Site A For Attacker and Defender

Site A is very similar to B, but smaller and more compact. In contrast, Defenders often place one Agent at site A who is capable of locking down and slowing down opponents. Like valorant agent Killjoy, this is where you will spend most of your rounds.Â
Your main goal here is not to get 1v5 aces, but to gather information. If you spot an opponent with utility early, it gives your team time to finish. If all you hear is the quiet on the radio, then that gives you an opportunity to snoop.
The best route for attackers to site A is definitely through the middle catwalk. Front entrances are often open wars will be much more difficult with defenders. The pincher strategy often works here too, as pushes from catwalk entrances often allow several players to enter from the front.
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Site B For Attacker and Defender

Site B is one of the interesting bomb sites in Valorant. Right after the attackers appeared in the narrow corridor that led to a much more open space, site B was located in the hole. On the attackers side, it's about getting out of this choke as fast as possible and spending as little time as possible between entrance B and Main B.Â
Agents with mobility, smoke and also barriers can definitely rotate quickly. However, once you are in the pits, you have to be brave enough to shoot close range with defenders.
Defenders have the opposite goal, trying to lock attackers into corridors with utilities and keep attackers from getting bombed. Sage and Cypher greatly benefited at Ascent Mapi's B site. Sage walls cover all attackers' exit points, while cyphers will come in handy using trip wires. Again, the rear has the advantage in terms of viewing angles. Mid-connectors, front entrances, and even catwalk pits can all catch attackers.
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Metal Doors Can Close

Metal doors have 2 on the ascent map. one on A and one on B, which many players don't notice. These metal doors can be closed by simply pressing the switch near these doors. It's a great way to turn off enemies pushing into the site.Â
It can also be used to delay site retrieval by preserving time. Even though these are made of metal, they can be destroyed by bullets and can also be penetrated.
Ultimate Orbs

Similar to the other maps, the Ascent Map features two Ultimate Orbs that each grant one Ultimate point when consumed. The former is located on B Main and is more favored towards the defenders.Â
The second one is located on A Main but is more accessible to attackers. Players should always fight for this Orb, because this Orb is very important in preparing the game and getting success in the game.