Tips for Using Heavy Bowgun in Monhan Now
Monster Hunter Now or better known as Monhan Now has become a very popular mobile game lately.
The latest mobile game from the famous Monster Hunter franchise offers a very exciting monster hunting experience using Augmented Reality (AR) technology.
Meanwhile, the Heavy Bowgun is the newest weapon that many players are looking for in season 3 of “Izayoi ni Wateru Onibi”.
So, what are the tips for using the Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Now? Find the answer through this article.
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5 Tips for Using Heavy Bowgun in Monhan Now

Collected from various sources, here are some tips that you can do when using the Heavy Bowgun weapon in Monhan Now:
Use the Right Ammo

The first tip for using the Heavy Bowgun is that you have to use the right type of ammo to eliminate each monster there is.
You need to know, each monster has a weakness to a certain type of attack. Therefore, it is important for you to always bring the right ammo according to the monster's weakness.
Furthermore, here are some types of ammo that you can use in the Heavy Bowgun:
- Normal Ammo: Normal bullets with stable damage,
- Piercing Ammo: Bullets that can penetrate a monster's body and give additional damage at certain points,
- Elemental Ammo: Bullets that can deliver attacks with certain elements, such as fire, water, lightning, or ice,
- Sticky Ammo: Bullets that can stick and explode within a certain period of time.
Take Advantage of Ranged Attacks

Meanwhile, Heavy Bowgon has the advantage of being able to attack from a distance. That way, you can freely give damage to monsters and avoid dangerous attacks.
However, there are some monsters that have a wide range of attack patterns. So, you have to be able to dodge at the right time.
To maximize it, you can use dodge roll or roll to avoid monster attacks.
This is important for you to do, because the Heavy Bowgun has lower mobility than other weapons. So, you have to compensate with good timing.
Use Shield Attachment

Due to your slow mobility, you are vulnerable to fast attacks from monsters. To combat this, use the shield attachment on the Heavy Bowgun.
By using attachments, the Heavy Bowgun can block enemy attacks, allowing you to survive longer in battle.
You need to remember, shield attachments cannot protect you from elemental attacks such as fire or lightning.
Pay Attention to Reload Time

On the other hand, the Heavy Bowgun has a reload system that can affect every battle you have. If you don't pay attention to the situation, you can become an easy target for monsters.
To overcome this, you need to pay attention to the remaining ammo and choose the right moment to reload.
For example, you can reload if the monster is in a resting phase or after doing an attack with high damage.
In addition, you can also use various skills or armor that can provide buffs in the form of reload speed to shorten the reload time you need.
Use Special Ammo

Last tip, you can use special ammo to give big damage. More complete, here are some examples of special ammo in Monhan Now:
- Wyvernheart: Fires a rapid burst of bullets and continuous damage. Very effective for attacking large monsters,
- Wyernsippe: Fires large bullets with high penetration power. Suitable for destroying monster body parts such as horns or wings.
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