Bloodborne. (Source: Playstation Universe/Google)
Bloodborne is a survival horror game which was released on March 24 2015, on consoles PlayStation 4. To dive into the world of Bloodborne, you have to know the Bloodborne bosses you will have to fight.
Not only that, you also have to prepare mentally to see various kinds of terrible scenes, as well as the unsightly shapes of the enemies.
In general, this game tells the adventures of a traveler who is on a special mission, in search of an antidote to a rare disease.
For this reason, he traveled all the way to Yharnam. The city where the medicinal ingredients are located.
If Vicigers thought the storyline of the game series Dark Souls or Demon Soul's is very complex, wait until you play this game.
The mission requires you to collect pieces of past events and also fight various creatures that inhabit the city of Yharnam.
Also read: 7 Best Dark Souls Classes, Beginners Must Know!
This is a list of the strongest Bloodborne bosses in the VCGamers version that you will face in the game. Among others are:
As you can see in the picture, later on, you will face this creature with long arms.
Amygdala's main abilities and attacks rely on its large reach. He will jump and hit you with constant movements that can be memorized.
The problem is not there, how to beat him is the main difficulty. Because, to paralyze this monster, you have to attack a specific part of it.
Plus, this weak spot will continue to move during the fight. It doesn't stop there, if in other games, when you attack the boss's weak spot, his blood will decrease drastically.
Don't expect that you will find the same way when fighting all the bosses in Bloodborne.
Initially, you will see Vicar Amelia in human form. This game will take you to her when she is praying on the altar, when she is still in the form of an old grandmother.
After that, he will turn into a giant wolf covered in thick white fur all over his body. These feathers will also be Vicar Amelia's main defense.
Be aware of its ability to regenerate HP or Health Points. The author suggests continuing to attack him while this process is happening, because when it fills with blood, the Vicar will remain frozen.
The main tip when facing Shadow of Yharman is not to let these three creatures surround you like ants meeting sugar.
Memorize each attack pattern. Maybe at this stage, Vicigers will start to give up because he often dies in his hands.
Not only attack patterns, Vicigers You also have to avoid the three different weapons that each shadow has.
Katana, fireball, and also a magic lamp. That's what you should avoid. Try to focus your attacks on one of them first.
Even though Gherman's form, The First Hunter is not as scary as the other bosses, he is the final two bosses that must be fought to complete your adventure in Yharnam City.
His main strength lies in the large scythe he holds. The attacks are also irregular.
Bloodborne deliberately designed Gehrman to test all the skills you have throughout the game. Enjoy!
In first place, there is Orphan of Kos whose difficulty level is beyond reason. Not only the design, but the attacks are also terrible. He will bring a mace hammer from a pile of meat.
Vicigers It would be wrong to think that Orphan can only hurt you with a blunt type weapon. He is able to issue a long range attack that can kill you from a distance.
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