Choosing the right weapon is very important to be a good sniping player at Free Fire. Check this article to find out more about the best Free Fire snipers in 2022. Get One Shot One Kill!
There are many weapons in Free Fire, with different strengths and weaknesses and many of them are very effective over long distances. To become a good sniping player, you need to know the capabilities of the best Free Fire sniper weapons in the game.
In this list, we will list the 5 best Free Fire snipers and find out which one is the best in 2022.
List of the Painful Free Fire Snipers 2022

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The newest Sniper Free Fire added by Garena. The M82B definitely packs a punch and is extremely versatile due to its various special abilities. This weapon deals the same basic damage as any other Free Fire sniper rifle with extra bonus damage to Vehicles and Gloo Walls.
With the M82B, you can definitely short work the enemies behind the Gloo Wall. Another bonus statistic of the M82B is that it can penetrate armor, the weapon will deal extra damage on body shots against targets in armor.
Another important feature of the M82B is that it can deal extra damage to vehicles apart from base damage. This bonus damage can be very useful against higher ranked teams who rotate into the zone by attacking their vehicles.
The main weakness of this weapon is its very low rate of fire, but this is usually offset by its good damage power.

Although AWM's strength in Free Fire is of course nerfed compared to other games, it is still the king of all Sniper Free Fire. AWM has extreme range and accuracy stats among the strongest in the game.
If you manage to get to the silencer or muzzle, it's nearly impossible to stop. While the AWM's damage stat is the same as other weapons in its class, it has a hidden headshot damage bonus.
You will be able to kill the target with one hit no matter what helmet they are wearing, with a headshot.
AWM is the only Free Fire sniper that can kill enemies with one shot even if you give them body shots regardless of the helmet, vest or special power they have.

The Dragunov SVD is a very powerful automatic sniper rifle that can only be found in airdrops and supplies. SVD is one of the deadliest weapons in the game.
The difference between the SVD and the other weapons on this list is its armor penetration. Combined with a decent fire rate, players equipped with Dragunov will be able to take down enemies wearing level 2 vests in about 3 shots.
The main highlight of this weapon is the high penetration rate of amour. Enemies will come easily in their full armor (Level 1) with a single shot from SVD.
Dragunov's weaknesses are its slightly higher recoil and rarity, the weapon is quite hard to find unless you are lucky enough.
Treatment Sniper

All in all, this weapon will be a free instant healing method so teammates can get back into battle right away.
Target gains HP instantly, which is much faster than medkit. However, it cannot be used when it is too hot.
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Woodpecker is the best semi-automatic sniper rifle in Free Fire. Sniper Free Fire ni actually has one of the highest effective damage in the game, due to its ability to penetrate armor.
However, the Woodpecker's weakness is its relatively short range for a sniper rifle. You may need to get a little closer for Woodpecker to be effective.
Lastly, the Woodpecker has the highest accuracy among all the AR and semi-automatic sniper rifles in the game. With 69 points, you will be able to snipe from afar with relatively good results.
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Those were the 5 best Free Fire snipers in 2022 with severe damage over long distances. With the weapons we mentioned above, you can get one shot one kill.