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Do You Often Solo Rank? Here are 5 choices of Valorant agents that you can use

Pilihan Agent Valorant
How to choose a Valorant agent

For those of you who often solo rank, it's often difficult to choose the right agent so you can carry a team. However, to adjust this, you can see 5 choices of Valorant agents that can be your reference later when playing Valorant.

Currently Valorant there are so many who play the fps (first person shooter) game. In Indonesia, currently various esport teams such as RRQ, BTR, BOOM Id, Alter Ego and so on have created their own Valorant division. The market for this game is quite segmentive and competitive considering that currently PC games have started to become the spotlight in various circles of society in Indonesia.

The following are 5 choices of Valorant Agents that you can follow to better understand the hero from the perspective of the role itself.


Jett Pilihan Agent Valorant

The first choice of Valorant Agent was Jett, Jett has one of the highest pickup rates among Valorant agents, both in the game's ranking lobbies and in pro tournaments.

The skills used by Jett himself really help Tailwind (E) and Updraft (Q) Jett make it convenient to escape from fatal firefights or to reach positions on inaccessible maps. This encourages you as a player to take an aggressive first glance and enter the site.

Jett has its own uniqueness. This Valorant agent has a selection rate of 65.2% in all Valorant Matchrankings, and appears as the most voted agent in Valorant Champions 2021 with an overall selection rate of 82%.


Sage Pilihan Agent Valorant

For those of you who like to be a role support and want to carry your team. Sage is an excellent choice. Because this sage has healing skills that can help your team or yourself.

Not just an ordinary healer, you can also duel using sage because of the practical and tactical skills issued such as Slow Orb (Q) and Barrier Orb (C).

The Ultimate Sage skill (Ressurection) can revive this enemy which can also be very good in tournament matches because quantity is needed in FPS games.


Reyna Pilihan Agent Valorant

Reyna, if you've dealt with Reyna, you're definitely a bit annoyed when you're in the enemy team. Yup, this agent is often undefined when activating the soul orb skill.

Agent Reyna can also do healing but the healing is for herself unlike sage healing which can be given to the team.

By using this Agent, it is alleged that you can be really barren because when you use the ultimate, namely Empres, you can increase your skills, speed, shoot faster and do damage. Therefore, this agent is often the object of contention in tournaments and matchmaking.

Also Read: 5 Best Valorant Agents You Can Use in Map Bind


Omen Pilihan Agent Valorant

Omen is the choice of a Valorant agent, according to Vicon, one that can definitely support your team. Because Omen is very mobile and the skills used are simple. Compared to other controllers this omen is much more flexible.

The omen skill that you have to use for the first time is Paronia. You can use it to blind your opponent, but hopefully don't use it wrong because this skill can blind your team too.

Then the most mobility skill you can use is the shroud step. For those of you who are good at playing obstacles in valorant maps like bind, heaven, and others. Of course you have to understand this one skill because it is very useful.

For Ultimate, namely From The Shadows, to teleport from one place to another, it would be better to use this at the right time.


Pilihan Agent Valorant

The Last Valorant Agent of Choice is Killjoy, Killjoy is a popular Sentinel agent who uses his tech item bag for a variety of purposes. Due to its simple and effective abilities, Killjoy offers teams great potential as a support agent.

You have the freedom to get creative with Killjoy's abilities. Her turret (E) is a great information tool, and can also deal a fair amount of damage.

Alarmbot (Q) and Nanoswarm (C) Killjoy can be set up and used in any situation, among other scenarios. His ultimate ability can be implemented to turn things around.


So, those are the choices of Valorant agents that you can use as references in playing Valorant. Everything is very good and depends on the role you use in playing Valorant every day. For more information about Valorant you can read here.

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