Here we will see 5 pets Free Fire for the best healing and support in February 2022. You can choose a Free Fire pet for the best healing so it can Booyah.
The Free Fire pet list has grown significantly over the years. With so many of them to choose from, knowing which is the best can be confusing. Some offer offensive capabilities, while others have defensive ones.
However, there are pets in general that are helpful regardless of playstyle. They offer healing and support benefits that any player can use in any situation.
List of Free Fire Pets for the Best Healing
Spirit Fox

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Spirit Fox's ability Well Fed increases the user's healing in-game. After using the medkit, 10 extra HP is restored at no additional cost. This applies to all medkits used throughout the game.
This ability is especially useful for healing as it gives the user more HP per medkit.
This reduces the total amount of medkits needed to reach full health during a match. At Maximum level, the ability restores 10 HP when using a medkit.

Robo's ability, Wall Enforcement, gives users extra defense in Free Fire. Each placed gloo wall comes with a shield. This shield provides an additional 100 HP to the gloo wall.
You can pair Robo with Nairi to create the ultimate defensive play style. In theory, these two abilities combined would allow the walls of darkness to survive the extreme conditions of battle. Not surprisingly, Robo is the best Free Fire pet for healing at the moment.
When the ability level is maximized, this ability will give the player 80 HP as well as provide a shield to the gloo wall.

Ottero's ability, Double Blubber, allows the user to regenerate EP along with HP. When using the maintenance gun medkit, the recipient recovers EP equivalent to 65 percent of recovered HP.
This allows you to recover most of your EP without needing to consume mushrooms. Although EP is useful for all characters in the game, it is very useful for those of you who use the A124 ability during the game. He is also suitable as a Free Fire pet for healing.
While in the Advanced Server, he has quite a unique ability. You could even say, similar to Pet panda. Because when you kill, Ottero will give you Heal along with a lot of additional EP.
At base level, abilities will restore some EP when using maintenance weapons or medkits. The amount of EP recovered is 35 percent of the HP recovered.
So when you heal, your EP will be 35 percent of the HP you get. The percentage increases to 65 percent when the level is maximized.

Rockie's ability Stay Chill increases the combat efficiency of the user's character in the game. When using any active ability, the cooldown time is reduced by 15 percent for the duration of the match.
Rockie is a great pet to share with DJ Alok, Skyler, Dimitri and others. Their abilities will cool down more quickly, allowing you to use them more often during matches.
Also read: The 5 Worst Free Fire Pets That Are Most Underrated After the OB32 Update
Detective Panda

The last one as a Free Fire pet for healing and support is Detective Panda. Panda's Detective Skill, Panda's Blessing, allows the user to regenerate HP in Free Fire through battles. For every opponent eliminated in battle, the user gains 10 HP.
When the ability is combined with Jota's Continuous Attack, the user will be able to chain elimination to heal easily.
In theory, a player could heal himself during a match simply by eliminating a target. If you bring this Panda in a match then every kill you do will get an additional HP.
At the basic level, the ability will give/restore 4 HP when a successful kill is carried out. When level is maxed, ability recovers 10 HP after kill.
Also read: The 5 Best Pets in Free Fire February 2022
So, that was the list of 5 Free Fire pets for healing and support that you can use in matches.