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5 Best Mages Who Use Glowing Wands

One of the magic items in the Mobile Legends game that is very suitable for use by heroes with the Mage role is the Glowing Wand.
Mage Glowing Wand
Mage Glowing Wand. Source: VCGamers

The Glowing Wand item is one of the magic items in the game Mobile Legends. The Glowing Wand item is very suitable for use by heroes with roles Mage.

This item can have a burn effect on affected targets for 3 seconds and provide passive magic damage per second equivalent to 1.5% Max HP of the target. And increases the magic damage received by the target by 2-4 (scaled according to level) which can be stacked up to 6 layers

Several heroes with the Mage role in Mobile Legends use the Glowing Wand as one of their core items or core items that can unleash their maximum potential in the mid lane.

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This article will discuss the five best Mages who use the Glowing Wand. For a complete explanation, here is the discussion!

Also read: 5 Best Heroes Who Use the Ice Queen Wand


Mage Glowing Wand
Dragonic Flame Valir Skin. Source: VCGamers

As you know, Valir is a hero with the Mage role who has poking damage gameplay which requires spam skills on opponents.

Along with the Ice Queen Wand which provides a slow effect, the Glowing Wand item will be able to unleash Valir's potential by giving the opponent a DOT effect, namely 2 burn effects, each of which comes from Valir's skill and a burn effect from the Glowing Wand.

Enemies who are hit by spam skills will continue to burn with 2 burn effects given by the Glowing Wand and the Valir skill.

Apart from that, when the enemy is affected by the burn effect, they will not be able to recall it while the burn effect is still on the enemy hero's body.

With the Glowing Wand item, Valir will also get an advantage in his movements in the Land of Dawn, because the Glowing Wand can increase movement speed by 5%. Valir can also use the Glowing Wand as an item to drain the blood of thick enemies such as Tanks and Fighters.

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Lylia Star Student skin.
Lylia Star Student skin. Source: VCGamers

Lylia is a hero with the Mage role, who uses the Glowing Wand in her build. Currently in ranked draft picks in esports tournaments such as MPL and M-series, Lylia is the choice of Mage hero who is often contested to be used as a midlaner.

With the Glowing Wand, Lylia can spam skill 1 and skill 2 with quite painful damage plus a burn effect that can overwhelm the enemy.

Lylia's Glowing Wand will also work well with the Ice Queen Wand item so that it can unleash Lylia's maximum potential in the Mid Lane.

Enemies who are caught in the middle of Lylia's skill spam will have difficulty getting out and will continue to be exposed to the burn effect. Lylia can use this to zone enemies, so they don't get close, especially during Turtle or Lord contests.


New Moon Skin Change
New Moon Skin Change. Source: VCGamers

The hero with the next best Mage role who uses the Glowing Wand is Change. By using the Glowing Wand in his build, Change can get additional damage from the Glowing Wand's burn effect.

The ultimate that Change Meteor Shower has is a burst type ultimate that must hit the opponent during the ultimate period. The opponent affected by the ultimate will be affected by a burn effect and the passive increase in magic damage received by the opponent can be a maximum of 6 layers directly.

Apart from the ultimate Change skill poke like Starmoon Shockwave, it can get additional magic damage to the opponent it hits, Change will also be helped when chasing enemies with its ultimate, if there is a Glowing Wand which can increase movement speed by 5%.

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Skin Gord No. 1 Controller
Skin Gord No. 1 Controller. Source: VCGamers

Gord is a hero with a Mage role who has high burst magic damage, but Gord's ability to rotate and clear minions is quite lacking compared to other Mages. The presence of the Glowing Wand item can help Gord get additional damage to clear wave minions with his second skill, namely Mystic Injunction.

Skill two, Mystic Injunction Gord, is a circle area skill that will provide magic damage during the Mystic Injunction skill period. Glowing Wand will have a burn effect and increase magic damage with a maximum stack of 6 layers.

You also don't need to worry when Gord's sprint spell is used, because there is additional movement speed when using Gord with a Glowing Wand of 5%.

You can also try another alternative spell besides sprint that you can use on Gord with the Glowing Wand, namely flicker.


Lunox Divine Goddess skin
Lunox Divine Goddess skin. Source: VCGamers

The next Mage hero role that uses the Glowing Wand in its build is Lunox. Mage who is famous for his combo skills that can melt down or provide large magic damage that can drain HP against thick heroes such as Fighters and Tanks.

By making a Glowing Wand when using Lunox you will be able to deal quite a lot of magic damage with skill two during Lunox's ultimate dark mode.

Glowing Wand's passive is what maximizes Lunox's magic damage because it adjusts the damage according to the opponent's Max HP and scales the magic damage received by 6 layers.

Opponents facing Lunox will usually try to dodge and run away when hit by a combo attack from Lunox.

Glowing Wand can be an execution item for opponents with low remaining HP when dodging or running away by dealing overtime damage from the burn effect of the Glowing Wand item.

Also read: 5 Overpowered Heroes with War Exe Mobile Legends

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